Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday MOMandNotMEday

Little tried to work her magic for The Weekend to arrive at the USUAL time - but I placated her with a treat and a promise of more to come!

It was actually a good shift at The GKP - I was skeptical as it is the holiday week but all was good!  

I did start my day at MySheetz - bummed as they had NO newspapers - I even stopped when I was done work - NOPE - dog I hope they'll be available next SUNday - I did go up the street past BobKHat Creamery to the Manchester Rutters and obtained a local SUNday copy - 

After feeding Little, I did do the vacuum things - and completed loading up the dishwasher for a wash and dry so now I'm really good to just...JUST!

As pawed yesterday, I do plan on visiting Dad - making the moments khount!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
PeeEssWoo: NOW to the kitchen for a special treat for Little - trachea time!

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Enjoy your visit with your dad!