Friday, June 5, 2020

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Saturday PM -
 SUNday -

 Monday -

 Tuesday -

 Wednesday -

 Thursday -

 Thursday morning from The PF Palace -
 Lord Waldo -
 6/4/2020  ::   Watch and Rescue Update
The third and last falcon to fledge was rescued this morning. Since yesterday, this falcon has been the focus of the Watch and Rescue volunteers. After spending the night on the Harrisburg University building, this young falcon attempted to return to the 15th floor ledge. Still developing flight abilities, it was unable to reach the height of the ledge. Having come down on top of the ledge above the first floor of the RCSOB, under observation, this falcon spent yesterday pacing back and forth on this ledge before poorly maneuvering to a ledge at the front of the building. DEP staff determined the best option was to see if the bird would come down to street level on its own. It may have been possible to attempt a rescue in this difficult-to-access location, but it was decided that the best course was not to potentially pressure the bird into attempting a risky flight. Therefore, observation continued, despite thunderstorms, for the remainder of the day.
Today, after another unsuccessful attempt at reaching the ledge, this falcon landed hard on the small roof above the main entrance of the RCSOB. After this bumpy flight, a rescue was organized. With assistance from Capital Security Officer Spencer Joppy and Department of General Services personnel in retrieving a ladder, a rescue was successfully conducted. Again, DEP took the safe route and transported this falcon to the rehabilitator. As with the other fledglings, the falcon will be treated for mites and given a physical. It is likely this bird will need to stay a couple days at the Red Creek Wildlife Center before it can be released.
Unfortunately, the second falcon that fledged is still not quite ready to be released. Though a precautionary measure, DEP strives to release birds that have been professionally rehabbed before returning them to their home environment. When these falcons return, Falcon Watch and Rescue will again be ramped up to continue observation as these two falcons hone their flight skills.
The first falcon to fledge is now flying very well, following one or both parents as they dip and dive above downtown Harrisburg.
Starting to prepare for her the upcoming weekend -

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage


Dandy Duke said...

Clouds are so beautiful. Have a fantastic Friday!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "That's some good practice for the weekend, if you do on weekends what we do on weekends! And it looks like you do!"
Chaplin: "Dennis couldn't have said it more confusingly himself, Lulu."
Lulu: "Thanks!"