Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Sharing

 From FrEYEday night
 This was from last week but someone furgot to inkhlude it 

 And that same someone spilled some of the khat food that didn't fit in the bowl SO she enlisted my services ;-)
 When we walked on Tuesday, Butterskhotch was there -
 and BroFur was there - 
 When we returned, she was still there so Mom put me in and returned to torture Butterskhotch with the flashie beast -

 And since Mom had brought FOOD out, HE appeared - 

She trotted off fur hers!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

I'm SOOOO excited fur The GKP week to be done - Mom owes me some BIG khwality time - wonder how she intends to treat me fur being soooo good this week as she worked evFURRY day?

Time will tell!



Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I'm sure that your Mom has some extra fun times in mind for you. Khyra.

You got to eat some cat food? I a told it is pretty yummy...


How Sam Sees It said...

Hopefully lots of road trips and maybe a puppacino? Harlow highly recommends them.

Monty and Harlow