Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday MOMandJUSTMEday

 Lady PF on her perch
 It looks like she's making sure her deodorant is working ;-)
 Now fur an entire KhrakhkBerry edition - SUNday morning - chekhking out my pathetikh patch of SNOW!
 What khreature has passed through?  It must be a wolf fur sure!

 The Look - 
 It worked!!!

 Mom filled the feeders prior to our going fur a walk - and before woo knew it, they had khonsumed lots of seed - BUT the reason fur the low level was related to a tree rat - it was hanging upside down and shaking the seed loose - Mom took this shot but Skippy ran off -
 Tommy's #1's khalendar page fur Fevrier!  Tres tres bonne!  Sorry fur the glare on the upper left khorner - I'll have a talk with my photograpHER -
 More games with Mom - move JUST as she takes the pikhture - 
 Yes, she did skhweeeee ovFUR my origami paws

YAWN - shoot khomplete!

It was SO nice to have Mom all to myself today - two walks and assorted outs ins outs ins outs ins - so much fun to have her work fur ME and not The GKP fur a change!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!



Dandy Duke said...

Your snow doesn't look so pathetic to us, Khyra. At least it's something! We've got snow falling again at our house and our peeps are groaning about too much shoveling going one. We say more, more, more!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great pics of you today, Khyra! And it looks like you still have some snow.

That's our Italian friend Simonetta Ferrarin on the calendar, with her Percheron stallion J'Adore!She is the mom of my dear friend, poodle SOFIA!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Whose big feets prints is that!
Lily & Edward

dw said...

Hehe, we had to laugh at your pathetic patch of snow comment. We had 19 inches a week ago Sunday and most of it is gone, and what's left is rather icy. If you want snow, I can talk to my friends in the Boston area....they're looking for a place to put theirs! (Riley likes to move when mom snaps a picture, too)

Karen and Riley