I'm bakhk! My mom says thanks to all that khommented about our Musikh Monday!
Well, I began to love my Wubba too much. As woo khan see, it was khoming apart at the seams - just like some humans do! My Auntie Di, her friend Jim, and my khousin Abby wanted to buy me a new toy, so Mom said another Wubba might be a good idea!
SO, a new Wubba it was! Here is video of me waiting whilst they prepped it fur me. Please khlikh where it says please khlikhk here
I so love my Wubba! PLUS, I saw my furiend Khanyon of The Kapp Pakhk and his little biped liked the Wubba too!
Summi's mummi and PHBbbbbb's mom have heard me in all my WubbaWubbaSkhweaky glory!!!
Thanks to Sitka for turning me on to the wonders of The Wubba and to my khousin Abby for my NEW ONE!
PeeEssWoo: To all who have inkhwired as to what WAS in the pakhkage I inspekhted, we aren't khompletely sure BUT I think it is some kind of rice/seaweed khake.
Hey thanks for the moving pictures ... I like it when they move :-)
I just ask mom if I could send you my Wubba, cause I don't play with mine either. She said No cause it is covered in dog spit and fur. Dang It!
Morning, Khyra!
Great video of you and the wubba (and the refrigerator). I don't think we every realized how fluffy your tail is until we saw it in motion. Beautiful!
Hi Hi Khyra! You are a pretty pup! Ive never had a wubba before but it looks like fun! Maybe Ill talk my momma into getting me one next time we go out hehe. Take care!
puppy breath,
Hi Khyra,
Wubba's look like lots of fun! We like to play tug in our pack, too, so my mom needs to get us a wubba. You do have a pretty, fluffy tail!
love & wags,
Wowzers! That was really nice of your Aunti Di and her friend Jim! I think Dave might really like one of those, for backyard play time!
Play bows,
I have got to get my mom to stop being lazy and get me a Wubba.
We can see that you really like your new Wubba.. We sure hope it lasts longer than the last one..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Wubba or wefwidgewatow. Tough choice! One's easier to pronounce, the other has food!
Was that Jim? I see he has lots of tattoos. Does he get lost a lot? A microchip might be better!
I have a Wubba too, I love mine but its only a third of the size of yours and its blue. So far it is still in one piece but doesnt squeak.
A Wubba wouldn't last long in our house - we need tuff toys or Juneau, the destroyer, would finish it off in no time, yes he would!! The fridge would win out in our house, Khyra, too. And, I must say that you look very bewootiful in yur video wif yur family.
Til next time,
(Sorry, Jack was in such a hurry to post it got all messed up. Let me try this again...)
Wubba wubba! That looks like a very cool toy - I think we ned a couple of those around here too.
Wooos & a-roos,
Star & Jack "wantsawubba"a-roo
Momma stopped and bought Brice a blue Wubba today. I asked where my new toy was and Momma said that I'll get it in 2 days. I guess she means HIM.
Princess eva
Oh wubba sure looks fun. I wish they come in my size
~ Girl girl
Hi, Khyra!
That wubba toy sure is fun to play with!
Sometimes I prefer to take a look at the fridge than playing with a toy!
Kisses and hugs
If you khlick on the second picture and look at the page that I'm looking at........
Hi Khyra,
You are a beauty! I think you are the most beautiful dog I've ever seen:)
About the Wubba...
I don't think I can resist something as chewable as that!
Thanks for visiting...do khontinue to visit! BTW, Eva-lution was an excellent suggestion:)
Licks and Wags,
Do you think they make Wubbas that look like mouses?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Wubba Wubba Wubba Wubba
I like the sound of it! Looks like such fun too.
Gosh! I have one of those wabbas too. Hope it doesn't get sploded like yours.
That's a mighty fine looking Wubba! And we love that squeak. Mom said if we didn't kill all-that-squeaks we could have one too. Khyra, next time somebuddy's in the fridge try throwing the Wubba. Maybe they'll run for it and leave the fridge open.
Wubbas are the best! We wish we had known about them sooner. Amici loves his!
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