BTW, how do you like the humidity out there?
I would expekht that sometime in the next week to ten days, flight skhhool will khommence. When this happens, volunteers from around the Harrisburg area - many from the building housing the special residents - will take turns with fledgling rekhovery. Should they need assistance to get bakhk 'home', they will be helped so as to not exhaust/stress themselves.
Maybe they are SCUBA falcons. It looks miserable on that ledge.
D'Azul, where Siberians rule
awwww. They are very khute - But not as khute as you!!!
Oh, cool! Flight school! That's going to be great to see. Maybe we can all learn how to fly, too!
Play bows,
Sign me up for flight school as long as it's not a human launching me! We think Witty Kitty already flies. Maybe there's a weight limit?
Khyra, we can't believe the progress these guys have made. Good job documenting their start on life!
They're still growin'... I'm really enjoying looking at your blog and watching these falcons grow!
Awe they look so ready.. They are probably counting the days too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Thank You ! Khyra & Family
- Baby Love
That is so cool the humans help the babies get home if they can't make it!!
Monkey bird-pup see, monkey bird-pup do!
With all the heat up there this weekend we hope they don't turn into Fried Falcon!
Wow! They've grown so much!
And how exciting!! Flight school!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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