Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday Telling

 Contemplating what to have for breakfast -

Got it!
Lady PF's scrape time -
Watching DaBurg -
I guess Lord PF stopped at the store like I did and made Lady PF a DST 'late' meal -
Approaching 715pm - 61 - SUNny - loving the DST!
Saturday's CSA at Mad Radish -
Our buddy Benning!  He gave us his standard WOO WOO - and is watching his two boy puppies out running around -
His momma was there so she gave him one of the treats we had taken for Pepper and him - along with the gifts we had picked up at Plant Box for her - that's her in the far right frame of the picture - we asked about Maisie Rose - told how all liked her name - she was 8 lbs 4 ounces - and labor was a bit difficult - but all is good - Theo and Ollie are adapting to having a sister - 
Pepper was out down there with her goats - she is now bigger than Benning - he was with his ball yet seemed to have an eye out for her -

Happy she got see him and The Mad Radish Humans -

Since we had dropped off a SWEET POTATO with Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di, we got to pass our Cousler Park light -
I called for my escort to help bring in all the stuffs -
Criminis for salads -
Lunch salad lettuce mix - carrots - lunch salad baby spinach - photoshoot mandarins - Willow's CABBAGE - photoshoot sweet potato -
I kept our EggShare in this week - for sometime later this early summer -

Willow and HER CABBAGE - 

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!


Duke said...

The fresh veggies look so yummy and the eggs are just beautiful! Enjoy your cabbage leaf, Willow!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I like the "in between the head rests" pics of you today, Willow! May we ask how much the dozen eggs cost?
