Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday Thinking

The Lady PF Edition -

After 7pm - just about SUNdown - 56 - SUNny -
Last week's biscuit with those words -
Time to get ready to wrap my week -
PB The Bouncer -
Protecting Kerri's treats -
We did go back and revisit this display on FrEYEday on our way back from the passport appointment - and I've gotten an email indicating it has been received - now to wait the 4-6 weeks - 
I had been thinking I would pick the one on the left -but when I spun the display, I found THE ONE - 

This shot was as I got ready to re-enter The KhrossTrek and head to The GKP -
Hot Coffee - and a WILLOW Ridge Hairband for Brittany at Mad Radish -
Speaking of Mad Radish - everyhing but the cheese was from them!
I realized a Lilly ROSE hairband was appropriate too -
Willow agreed -
I mean Maisie ROSE -and Brittany was happy as she loves them - and since she almost always was wearing one, it seemed like a fitting gift for The New Mom -

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!

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