Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday MOMday

Lord PF on point to start his/our SUNday - he would also wrap his afternoon there as well -

Just beyond 7pm - 38 - Clear -
We headed out a bit after 9am Saturday morning - 
First stop - Human Groomer -
Nice 'do Mom - where next?
CSA Pick Up Day -
The FARM DOGS at work - Benning did see us pass but must have been on the clock as he didn't come over to us - they were both 'here' when we left, although Pepper was running around - but she appears to be as tall as Benning now -
The Goats were back there watching -

When Benning didn't come for their treats
I did my best UPS delivery and sent their mom Brittany a picture showing they were there - even if The Human Puppy wasn't yet - Saturday WAS her due date but -
Seeming to watch for her pals -

I told her maybe next time - 
But then cheered her by telling Willow our next stop would be Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's - we share pics here tomorrow -
After finishing the other 'venture stops, we were back to The Khottage - with our CSA - I added some Crimini mushrooms for my lunch salads - and maybe even a Willow snack or two -
The box for the week included some potatoes -
We had included a cabbage in our order but there was none to be had - Brittany couldn't even snag any thru her network - I did tell her I'd break the news to Willow The Cabbage Heeler with the pictures of her munching her treat - we did get my Lettuce Lunch Salad Mix - Baby Spinach - and the Photoshoot 'tater!

The GKP shift was smooth - another issue free SUNday!

We do thank all for the supportive words related to Saturday's events at The UPMC campus - more than a few business are doing donation/fund nights/week including where Auntie Di and I went for lunch on Valentine's Day -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!

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