Friday, February 7, 2025

FrEYEday SkEYEday

 Last FrEYEday -
Saturday -

SUNday -
Monday -
Time to head to The GKP after the morning at The Khottage -
Monday PM!  There were shots all over the area of the awesome skEYE -
Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday with our icicles -
Now with the icicles and the rain -
First look at The PF Palace -
The ice carpet melting away so The PF's came to hang out -
Just beyond 7pm - 36 - Cloudy -
Willow checking out The Khottage Patio Ice Kharpet -
She was glad I was staying with her for the day - let's get the work laptop humming Mom -

We lucked out weather wise from what they had prepared us for - since I had brought home all I needed to finish the week, I decided to stay put - one less target on the road for The Idiots that are poor drivers in good weather - we did have 'freezing rain' thru the morning - which became regular rain as the temperature rose - 

The shift was smooth and enables us to say our weekEND is here!

The Babblers are exciting themselves and us with multiple systems in the pipeline over the next ten days - so when in doubt, the laptop with accompany me home to The Khottage -

The 'venture list is firming with various stops and all that stuff!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!

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