Once again no PFs around at The PF Palace - but Lord PF has been around - his Point shows food prep and presentation evidence -
After 7pm - 39 - Cloudy - with rain expected by 10pm - but not expected to hang around for all day Saturday -
As I tend to make my FrEYEday morning routine - if sleep stays, I don't fight it - and it did until shortly before 10am - so during my coffee time, some DOG was making sure I wouldn't 'venture without her -
Off we go!
At one of the traffic lights -
And green paper machine - note the $mile -
To Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's The KhrossTrek did go -
Willow was commending Emmy on her FLOOFY tail -
Needy Nelly wanted her mama to attend to her paw -
Time for the synchronized snacking -
Now off for our lunch -
We'll share the tasty time we had - albeit with reduced pictures from our selection - and I'll explain that as well -
We did have a nice time - and Willow was thrilled to see her auntie and her khousin -
Today will be the 'usual' - breakfast at Dawn's - followed by a quick stop at Leg Up Farmers Market to procure some salad greens - and a package mailing at some point as well -
Happy LAST Saturday Of 2024 EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!
We did notice your wonderful smile, Willow! Happy Saturday!
Have a great last Saturday of '24. Hope it isn't too peoplely on your ventures.
that is an impressive tail
Lulu: "Food prep and presentation evidence? So Lord PF made dinner and left a bunch of dirty dishes for someone else to clean up? Sounds more like Bachelor PF to me ..."
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