Sunday, April 21, 2024

SUNday Sharing

Lady PF and The KidSSSSS -
Getting closer!
Going on 6pm - 66 and SUNny - and a very nice day -
Now off for our morning 'venture - a two stop -

Watching the coming and goings out there -

Plant Box over there - 

The Tax Collector and her KhrossTrek -
Healthy fruit - and Bacon Cheese Egg English Muffin -
Tasty as always - the grapes were so nice again - and I brought half of them home -
Along with spice khake!!!
Considering -
The second stop of the morning portion - Judy's visitation -
Her obit had mentioned how she loved reading and painting rocks - so there were books and rocks we were encouraged to take and share -
Her daughters were thrilled to see me - and even though it had been MANY years - they remembered me - and much of our shared memories -
I had teared up a bit when I looked at Judy's flowers and remains - as it was SO reminiscent of TADN's - I even passed that along to one of the Keffer's Staff - and told them of my WAY WAY back times with The Keffers in Clifton Heights PA when John The Father was doing his funeral home apprenticeship in Delaware County - 
Back thru West York to reunite with Route 30 -
I thanked Willow for going along with me - NAK would have been proud
NAK with TADN -

After getting back to The Khottage - and taking care of a few things, it was time for MY afternoon 'ventures - a THREE stop!  

I will share here tomorrow!

Of course, that wrapped the weekEND - until next time!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

I was at the veggie market on Friday and I bought grapes. I haven't had grapes in the house for 7 years! If Molly couldn't have it and then I didn't buy it.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You sure know how to pack the adventures in for one day!!!

Just need a cup of hot tea to go along with that spice cake.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Bacon!!! Is there any left by any chance ... ?"
Java Bean: "Ayyy, Willow, good job going to the visitation with your mom. Humans need support from us four-leggers at times like that!"