Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday Sharing

Lady PF - next week - late next week - the fun should start!
Going on 6pm 52 and cloudy - 
Yes Mom - I know I usually lay right with you in the bathroom but I decided here works too - won't get by me!
Ready for 'venture Mom!

Let's go!

Ah yes - utility work - one lane - my passenger was ever watchful -

And FINALLY, our turn to move -
Our first stop was the ATM at Traditions - in going around to the back to hit the lane for the machine, I spied about six of these deer doggies working their lunch buffet - 
Next stop - Auntie Di and Khousin Emmy!
I had brought along the last two Sweet Potatoes and some Kerri's treats for her - her nose knew it!
Wiggles was checking out Auntie Di back there and Khousin Emmy had her eyes on the prize -
One of the animals in Khousin Emmy's stuffy zoo -

Some yard time before The Moms went to lunch -

Willow says Khousin E ain't right - of course, Willow's Heeler Frame doesn't lend itself to rolls like that -
One last shot before The KhrossTrek headed out - first a stop at Weis for Auntie Di to post a package - then off we went to -
Pictures to come in the days ahead since this post is already L-O-N-G!

Today will be a mixed 'venture day - Dawn's from breakfast - then a potentially sad stop at a past co-worker's visitation - I had worked with Judy for all of my years at my first long term job - and when I saw her obit a few days ago, I decided to stop to pass along my condolences to her daughters who I had kind of seen grown up since their births - and Judy and her husband at the time actually had the first VIZSLAS I had even met - and it is being held at the funeral home where TADN's service was - so extra emotions may happen - but the afternoon will be a bit 'hoppier' for I will be heading to Wolf Brewing for my April Howl -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

How my Molly loved to roll in the lush green grass as you do, Emmy. Huge hugs to you, Phyll for the loss of your friend, Judy♥
Have fun Saturday adventures, Willow!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Timber likes to roll in the grass too, maybe some retriever genes in there:). Hope the sadness of the day passed quickly enough for you to enjoy the rest of the day.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "It's important to keep your mom on her toes by taking up different positions around the house. Well done, Willow!"
Java Bean: "Ayyy, Cousin Emmy's Stuffy Zoo ― that is a roadside attraction I would like to visit!"
Charlee: "Sorry to hear about your co-worker. We send lots of purrs to her family."
Chaplin: "Did someone say vizslas?!"