Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday MOMday

Lady PF in her spot - with The KidSSSSS -
Lord PF took to his point in the afternoon -
Going on 7pm 77 SUNny - 
Now for the next stop on Saturday's 'venture - collecting our CSA!
As we headed down to pickup spot, we passed Brittany - Benning's mom - who had a birthday on FrEYEday - #32!  
Willow was on high alert - big breezes and all - and visiting Mad Radish seems to bring out her former life role of a farm dog!
Yet another WOObaru pulled up this time - last time it was a BLUE Outback - this time an Ascent -
Our buddy Benning was inside - guess they didn't want him to blow away - and just after securing his FARM DOG TAX, his grandmom - Brittany's Mom came to get the treats - whilst holding a fussy human puppy - who sounded in need of a nap - the cry of I'm tired but I can still cry - but barely -
Bummed she would get to see her buddy - maybe next time -
A  burry exiting the farm shot - I rushed it as to not hold up the White WOObaru -
Another pick up and another chance to say I'm so happy to have found Mad Radish and their CSA!

Now off to our final quick stop - we'll tell tomorrow -
Willow's look at one of our last lights before making it back to The Khottage summed up the morning of TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THE ROAD - way too PEOPLY!
Spot on Wiggles - spot on 👍
Our stuff - lunch lettuce salad mix, baby spinach with kale ripini, carrots for us, carrots for Crystal (surprising her), and the Crimini photoshoot models -
I had taken the kale ripini out of my box, but after reading about it, I decided to give it a try, and I am so glad I did - it's tasty just to crunch raw - I'll but it on my salads!
My English Lavender add on - and my Egg share -
The rest of the Criminis - another item that is just tasty to munch on raw!
Until I plant it, I have it on the warmer light table in the living room - but I will do some SUN chasing with it!

The SUNday WFH went well - again - scary eh?  

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

So many beautiful veggies! We hope your lavender does well for you and you are rewarded with beautiful fragrant blooms!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks like a great haul, Willow! It's still nice her bur it has gotten cooler.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Happy belated birthday to Benning's mom! Our Dada says he remembers when he couldn't imagine being over 30! And then he just kinda sighed ..."

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice batch of goods, but Mom says no kale for her unless it is softened and hidden in soup.

Woos - Misty and Timber