Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday Telling

 Lady PF watching over the pile of fevers SUNday night -
 Matching around on Monday -

 The foodables picked up to take to our special SUNday visitee -
 Our dad is now at his home in Millersville - for his end of days is yet to be determined but it is coming - we are glad he's out of a hospital setting where visitation was extremely limited due to COVID-19 protocol - one day at a time now -
 These two Texas khanines came to live here - pawesome Lavender re-homes from Shady Dog Soap -such human talent!!!  Thanks Auntie Di and Staci - and if ever you want to send someone something, I highly recommend them!
 And we sent Auntie Di home with this stuffy for Khousin E - when I ordered some more beef trachea sections for Holly, I KNEW this khakhtus had to be added to the order - 

Auntie Di said it's Carman The Cactus but she knew it was Kharman The Khakhtus!

...and no prickers!

We might have said a record for slug-ness on Monday - WIN!  I'll have to make sure to actually doing somethingS to today -

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

I'm glad your dad is home so he can have visitors every day. Love CozyShack and we adore Shady Dog soap. It's all we ever use anymore!