Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Telling

 Monday morning - 
 I told Mom just TEU today since it is TEUsday - oh wait - TWOsday ;-)
 This is what made Mom SO happy Saturday evening - 


 How I've missed woo SKHWEAKY BALL!!!

 And THIS is our sad SUNday afternoon - see the shiny spot at the top?  THAT is the khulprit that ruined our day :-(
 We knew all weuld be well when some dashing lime pie green khones - 
 and trukhk markings showed up - Mom and Unkhle Paul joked with the driver about being his shortest tow - akhtually, he just 'pushed' The ZenTerra bakhk up the street and up the driveway - 
Unkhle Paul took the flat tire away - and patched it sealed it stuffed it - and khame bakhk SUNday night to reinstall it - 

Unkhle Paul had been over doing some work on the gutters and stuff - and after he left, that is when Mom loaded up The ZenTerra with US so we khould go to Sheetz fur a paper then a drive to do our recykhling - imagine our disappointment when Mom stopped at the stop sign TWO HOUSES away when things didn't seem 'right' - so, she walked us bakhk to the house after khalling Unkhle Paul - oh the words we heard her say - one HBO word preceded the word flat ;-)  He was only about five minutes away so he khame bakhk - then Mom khalled AAA - within 40 minutes or so, the trukhk arrived - we SO want to thank STEVE the nice driver in the Roger Federer Nike khap!

AND we want to thank Unkhle Paul too!   Mom did reward him with some adult beverages and pulled chikhken in BBQ sauce she had made - 

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a bummer that was!!! Hope the tire was reparable. Mom must have been thrilled to see you playing with your special ball. Now we have Ciara being gimpy. Mom thinks she may have been running too much with the cooler temps.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are sure the more you squeaked the happier she got BOL
Lily & Edward