Friday, September 30, 2016

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Mom never did khatch The Pf's at The Palace on Thursday - they were hanging out somewhere drEYE ;-) 
 SUNday -
 From our SUNday walk -

 Hiding in the mulberry bush - Unkhle Paul keeps furgetting to bring the chainsaw thing to khlear it out - 
 Mom snagged these whilst waiting fur Unkhle Paul to bring The Zen-terra bakhk with patched tire and fresh air!

 Monday -
 Tuesday -

 Tuesday afternoon - 

 Wednesday morning -
 Wednesday's AM walk -

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Mom is furry happy - I greeted brought my skhweaky ball to bed Wednesday night - then brought it out to the living room after dinner on Thursday - Mom says I looked SO good again!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday Thinking

 Strike a pose !
 Now fur some thinking...Little style!

 My turn!

 Team thinking!

We hope this has inspired all of woo!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Walkin' Wednesday 2016

 His turn today - 
 This gives woo an idea of the khamera placement / etc -

 Now fur our pawesome FURST walk on Tuesday -
 Yes - Mom did laugh when she saw shot - when we walk and it's SUNny, we don't always know what the shot will yield - I think we'll khall this one BAND HAT!

 The tree woo see above the garage at the end of this driveway is the tree woo see in our daily yard shots and where The Handsome Dobie lives!
 McD's!!!  This is right akhross from that house - 
 A look bakhk -
 The butterfly bush is beginning to shut down fur the year but we khouldn't pass up one more pikh 
The Band Hat ;-)

 MY band hat ;-)
All the pikhs after the butterfly bush one were taken on our SEKHOND walk in the afternoon - 

It was just a great day fur walks - during the video woo will hear Mom babble about my choosing the Khondo route whilst it seemed as if Holly wanted to go out to George Street SO I khombined TWO of our routes - we did the Khondo khomplex then I had us khontinue on when we got bakhk to our street and go up to the street where the Ford dealer is - so that was 1.49 miles!  Our afternoon one was The Khondo route again - 0.91 miles - I told woo it was my favorite!

Sadly, this day is THE day where we start the khountdown to Saturday night!


Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!
