Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Walkin' Wednesday 2016

 Lady PF again -

 Now fur scenes from our L-O-N-G SUNday walk -

 The hydrangeas were at The Little Funeral Home - Holly - aka  - wanted to be their spokesdog!

 Mom was trying to get a shot of the purple planter bins but I had other plans!
 There are flowers in the pink khowGiRl boots now!

 If we turn right at that light, we khould be to our khousins' farm in no time - save fur dragging Mom along with us ;-)

 a look bakhk at the fire station - it has the parking lot where we took some of our snow pikhs
 KHAT progress on the work we shared several weeks ago - they must keep 'em fence fur our safety!

 It was too warm fur Mom to rekhord a video on Tuesday - akhtually, as of this post staging, we've NOT walked - but someMOM says we will - and I am staring at her - that ALWAYS works -

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

Once again, we've had to hear Mom babble how it khan't be time yet - well, Mom it is!



Two French Bulldogs said...

Like that old red building. Nice sights on your walk
Lily & Edward

Dandy Duke said...

How wonderful to see angel Merdie swaying along on walkies with you again♥ We are loving all of the pretty flowers☺

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such beautiful flowers on your long walk - Mom LOVES those pink hydrangeas - so pretty in pink:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning