Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday MOMandJUSTUSday

 The PFs weren't around much on SUNday - must have been khooling off by The River!
 This is what The Khottage looked like after The Khampers were sprung -

 A little blurry but this was AFTER she vakhuumed and put 'em all away!
 SUNday morning!
 Giving Mom THE LOOK - the WALK us LOOK!
 Yes - the weather is hot but ...
 So hot my paws were floating ;-)
 And YES - we did!  We did just about 3/4 of a mile - Mom gave us some ice khubes then she walked ovFUR to Sheetz fur a paper and her FREE fountain soda - one had been loaded on to all Sheetz khards fur the weekend - she doesn't drink much soda but every now and then, she'll treat herself to one - and it is an even bigger treat when it's FREE!
 Peace! And I believe TADN stopped by - her birthday would be next SUNday - so she's started celebrating!

 Yep - that was our SUNday - if we khould have used The KhrakhkBerry, woo would see a shot of Mom on the khouch doing the same thing!

We'll get bakhk to sharing more Khamp pikhs with THOSE Goldens - but we wanted to share our JUST US day!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!



Molly the Airedale said...

What a mess those Goldens make!☺ Stay cool, girls!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Best to stay indoors away from the heat. Good job sticking your tongue out at mom
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The two Goldens wanted to be sure Mom got her exercise:) We did a lot of resting today too - all those visitors wore us out.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning