Sunday, December 6, 2015

SUNday Sharing

 Mom saw these Saturday morning and thought the PF's had changed a good bit!
 Something about sitting dukhks - or was that pigeons?
 Then later she saw he was being lord of his point!

 We told Mom she should share some FOOD fro m Thanksgiving so here we go - these were the turkey khutlets in the khrokhkpot - she had marinated them in wine - then used some turkey broth and salad greens when 'potting them -
 She had a head of khollie flower - more about that later!
 The furst plating - sweet potatoes and the turkey!
 Meanwhile - bakhk at the oven - she was roasting the khollie flower - she had partially khooked it in the leftover wine - and some leftover iced tea -

 She had drizzled some olive oil over it too -
 She said it was furry yummy and would DEFINITELY do a roasted one again!
 As soon as she tasted the broth and such from the khutlets, she khould just taste SOUP - so she got two kinds of mushrooms - and some brown basmati rice - with another box of the turkey broth -
 khut up the khutlets -
 Khooked them -
 Added some frozen veggies which inkhluded khorn and peas and beans and kharrots!
 Along with some of the roasted khollie flower -
 She ate TWO bowls of it - and also made sure to give some to Fred when she saw him on Monday night -
This is a rekhreation of the scene that ensued on Thanksgiving night when we got some of the tasty morsels - this image was shot with SWEET POTATO as the inspiration after our Saturday dinner - we told Mom we were celebrating her return from The GKP and how she would be with us until Wednesday PM - but of khourse woo KNOW it was all about the FOODABLES!

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!



Cyndi and Stumpy said...


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

All that yummy food is making me HUNGRY!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That soup must have been so tasty - very creative too!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning