Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday Thinking

Some pikhs from late Tuesday
Late Tuesday

Wednesday morning just prior to sending Mom off to The GKP

Wednesday night


Proud Parent

Mom's been saving the YELLOWS fur MURRAY

All the YELLOWS were sent by The Nice Mary Lady from Charlotte



One last YELLOW fur MURRAY from Mary

I know some of woo wondered if I did get that walk after ALL those pikhs earlier this week - well, here's proof I SO did!

Nikki's mom sent this Wednesday morning - she said it was from earlier in the week and that Nikki LOVES to go along!!!
As promised in Wednesday's post, here is The Nice Peggy Lady's PhotoShow from Sunday's sweeties!!!

I think you'll enjoy!!!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!




Teddy Bear said...

We love the baby birdies and the daffodils.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great to see the baby PFs! Can't wait for the other eggs to hatch.

Excellent yellow selection today!


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

On a gray dreary start of the day, your yellow really brightens things up. We're waiting for baby birds here too...

I hope you all are well and you're having a good week!!

tula monstah said...

Congrats to mama birdie! how exciting! makes me want to celebrate.. with a cookie!

MFT hope you're leggie is feeling bettah so woo can get out on your walkies today.


Unknown said...

Those yellow flowers really brighten up the gloomy weather here!

Can't wait to see more little birds!

Unknown said...

I saw the littles birdies in DWB omg they are so stinking cute - how awesome.

I love yellow

bbes tribe said...

Those little baby PF's are sooo cute. The yellow flowers are beeyootiful! Really brightened up our morning too. Know Murray will love all the yellow flower pics and the bunny! Mom had a Sibe named Niki who looked a lot like the Nikki in the back seat.
Ernie and the pack

Anna the GSD said...

What pretty flowers!! I think all our flowers have done bloomed and mom isn't attempting to kill...err..plant new plants this year. Boo. :(

Corbin said...

Glad you got that walkie after all that hard work!

Donna said...

Oh mah goodness, ur friends are cyoot! :)

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Pretty flowers! It's that time of year when Mom has to keep Steve moving to save the flowers we find along our runs.


BeadedTail said...

Such pretty yellows and of course we love your floofy tail Khyra! Those little birdies are getting bigger already!

Duke said...

Yellow is such a cheerful color!

Love ya lots,

The Websters said...

That clover is beautiful.



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Pretty flowers, MFT. We hope you get a walk today too. We are hoping for one but Mom is worried the wind will carry us all far away.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

The yellows are so sunny and happy! My human loves the clover flowers but I am partial to the bunny...

So furry happy you got a walkie! And very happy to see the proud new birdie parents! :->


Redberry Cottage said...

Hi Khyra! We would love to play tug of war with that yellow bunny. The yellow clover is pretty. Thanks for sharing.

Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

KB said...

I love the yellows and the proud parent. I'm glad that Khyra got her walk!

Lorenza said...

Murray sure will love all the yellows you have for him!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

welcome to the world little peep head
Benny & Lily

Bailey Be Good! said...

Love seeing photos of the birdies! :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

White Dog Blog said...

Baby birdies, spring flowers and lots of yellow...Spring has arrived in Paw-sylvania! Thinking good thoughts and sending them your way.