
T-alk t-o t-he t-ail!

T-ail Wind T-uesday T-aken On Monday




More T-ulips

More T-ailometer

T-wo T-ails



T-all T-ree


T-ransport T-ime fur T-hree T-ummy Rubs

Ken - aka Dookie - with his human pups

Jack and his t-wo t-oo
Happy T-uesday EvFURRYone!
Well...you know how much we love your tail! But, we are also enjoying all of those beautiful flowers...spring has arrived!! YAY for the transport!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Look how beautiful you have it there!!!!! So pretty and colourful! Here the only colours are the Robin and Purple Finch bosoms!!
I'm am just loving your beautiful tulips, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Your fluffy tail is a regular wind-o-meter.
I love tulips and I love your tail!
A floofy t-ail AND beautiful t-ulips! Oh, my! What a t-reat!
Looks like a beautiful day Khyra. Those little transport helpers are adorable
Benny & Lily
Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a Poodle foufou tail?
Misty the alpha Poodle
Beautiful pics! Can't wait to see some flowers here!
Ha! We have tummies today too. Love those tulips but the wind blown fluffy tail is our favorite.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Tulips and my VERY favorite photo of Jack. Melt.
Love the pics! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog! I appreciate it! I know I won’t be doing this daily but will be fun to share some of the things going on in my life!
Khyra your tulips and all the bushes a e beautiful.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
A good T-day!
T-oo cute! Our tulips were buried under SNOW this morning!
I wanna go on a stroll but Mommy thinks she's too busy and also that she'll melt in the rain. *sigh* Your mom is way more fun Khyra - wanna trade?
Oh Khyra! You mooned the whole internet!
Haaaaappy Tuesday!
Happy Tail!
Happy Flowers!
Happy Puppies and
Happy Humans!
Kisses and hugs
I had to come back to see all the pretties- cause I missed them
Nice blog, have a happy day!!!
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