Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday Thinking

Mom took this one and sent it to Auntie Di after she khame out from our furst stop - the grocery store -
The next two stops were Tar-Jay and BJ's - Mom stashed all the stuffs on the front passenger seat and floorboard - but there were a few things on the side where I usually sit so I decided this would work fur me!

Bakhk home we go - even some YELLOW fur MURRAY


Up khlose and pawsonal - and out of fokhus!

Mom and I looked to see if my khattledog pals were in their other grazeland - and yes, YELLOW fur MURRAY - and yes, there are deer ahead - if it had been a few hours later, we khould have seen them gathering in their pakhk!

I was watching fur my khattledog and pups but they weren't out - we did see they were gathered around their khlubhouse - I mean barn!

The last few turns

A last snoof on our ROTE - why do Mom's days off go sooooo furry khwikhkly?

We had lots of fun - and I told her we needed to finally share the tasty stuffs from The Family Dog Bakery - she's been slakhking BIG time in getting the pikhs gathered together fur a post - she's been meaning to do so but woo know how Moms khan get - I know woo feel my pain and my shame!

BUT khome bakhk on FrEYEday fur some tasty treats!

So, what are WOO thinking this Thursday?




Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Oooh! We almost got really a really pretty picture of your beautiful eyes!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Mommy time always goes too quickly. It looks like it was a fun day.

licks and sniffs Sasha

Dandy Duke said...

We think running errands is fun too, Khyra!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Looks like you had a fun trip with mum allthough cant for the life of me see why you woofies enjoy the car so much. Yuk.MOl. Mum says she knows oh so well how the time gets away and things get left undone but not to worry. yes days off fly by so quickly.. Hugs GJ xx

Gus said...

We loves ROTE...pawticulawly when it involves the BANK or the Dry Cleaners because they have yummy treats.

gus n teka

Donna said...

I like to go in the car! :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We so would love to do the ROTE too, but there isn't much room in the van with all the booster seats. Usually we only get to go in the vehicle to the V.E.T.and usually only one or two at a time.

But we will be sure to come back tomorrow for treats - we love goodies!!!

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Nice ROTE there girrrl... butt I see you still have NO SNOW... I hear that Some is comin my way today... I will go out and Wave my Tiny Floofy Tail In YOUR direction.. to see if I can get it to you THIS time.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Khyra momma is dangerous driving and taking pictures. BOL
Benny & Lily

Jan said...

We love car rides that don't go to the groomer or vet.

Misty and my minions

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

It seems like you had a good car trip. We like to help Mom run errands too, but usually wish we could get out. Don't you think every store should be pet friendly?


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We love that close up picture of you, even if it is a bit blurry! We get to see your mask nicely!

We are thinking that you are right, Moms days off always go too quickly! We know the Moms out there agree with us! Oh and when we look at our mountainns, covered in that white stuff, we think of you!

BeadedTail said...

It looks like fun to go Rote with your mom Khyra! We think mom's should just stay home all the time with us or at least only work when we're napping so we can have more time with them!

The Thuglets said...

You can't beat a good car ride!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

All4UrPet said...

These pictures are so cute! Khyra looks adorable in the car... my favorite picture is the one of her sticking her head out the window! How precious! Can't wait to see more pictures from your adventures again soon!


All4UrPet Representative

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Teddy Westlife said...

How cool that you get to go out with your mum on her jobs.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Our pups love to run errands with me too, and I wish they could come with me a lot more than they do!

I hope you're doing well and your Mom is staying warm--I'll bet she is with your help!! :-) Take care, okay?

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your route with your mom!
Sure it was great!
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

We were able to have dad home with us all day today...but he has the major sickies and slept most of the time!

Wouldn't it be nice if our humans didn't have to go off to work and could be with us all of the time... I mean and still be able to afford kibble and treats and gas for the car and that kind of stuff?

Redberry Cottage said...

Khyra you are so cute! We love spending time with our mom too.

Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

Bailey Be Good! said...

I see some great 'Dogs in Cars' photos! Teehee! :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)