Okay Mom - I know the drill

Before woo get dressed fur the last day at The GKP, woo take pikhs fur Sunday's post

So whilst woo were upstairs changing out of your sleepy pants,

I changed pawsitions fur woo - just so woo had more photo phodder

Of khourse, I was going to dream about this all day - note the purrrrrprints between the bushes - that was probably Butterskhotch

The Doggy Nanny and Fred did a great job letting me out in out in out in and out in - Mom khould tell by all the Khyra trakhks in the yard!

Off to my tree!
Since Mom doesn't have a transport today, I'm sure she'll make efficient use of her flashie beastie time with ME!
Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
Maybe the two of you can take it easy today.
Enjoy your Sunday! We're going to get some naps in!!
The Florida Furkids
You look so comfy in your chair. Enjoy your lazy Sunday.
Nice pitures.
So much snow, beautiful.
Nice woooh
So you finally got snow, Khyra! It's going to be a fabulous Sunday: Your Mom AND snow!!!
We are SNOW jealous!
Enjoy your day!
Looking forward to seeing some Khyra snow posts...enjoy the bounty.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you FINALLY got your SNOW.
Toesies and noses and fluffy tales. Beautiful, Khyra.
You look so comfy in your chair! I hope you had a nice long nap!
Enjoy your snow, Khyra! We're sure enjoying ours!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wish I had a chair like that!
Guess what? It's Sunday and I just saw the mail truck (that didn't come yesterday because of the snow) come bring us mail!?!
so much snow! all the snow we got last week has melted already!
Another big sigh, snow!!! Everyone got snow but us:(
And Khyra, you know you are just in heaven to have mom and her flashy beast there all day with you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Wowie...you got snow.
Enjoy your sunday naps. Stay safe and warm.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Happy Sunday to you Khyra. Enjoy that snow!
oh dear flashy right in your face!
Benny & Lily
You got snow!!! You look so snuggy on the couch but I bet you love being out in the white stuff.
licks and sniffs Sasha
Wowser, that's lots of Khyra tracks in your snows. There be 3 of us and we dussn't has that many tracks even with the skwerrel tracks counted in.
Look at all that SNOW!!! I hope your mom was as rested up as you are so you could spend all day out playing in it with her!
Khyra, you have the perfect idea for a sleepy Sunday - take a nap!! :)
Sure I hope youtwo had a nice and relaxing sunday!
And having fun in the snow!
Kisses and hugs
HAPPY SUNDAY KHYRA!! I hope you've enjoyed what little snow we had and a day at home with your Mom! I'm putting all my dog-biscuits on February for snow--What do you think?? Do you know any good snow dance steps??
Beautiful sofa pix Khyra (silly old snow) - we curl up just the same way.
Wooos are looking cosy there, I wouldnt move either :)
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