Mom was also furry thrilled to have seen an eagle on her way bakhk from The Xterra service place on Monday - just past the Harley plant along Route 30West there is a bridge ovFUR The Codorus Creek - the khreek winds through a pawesome stretch of the area - here are some Google Images of it - he/she flapped ovFUR Mom - she had the khamera with her but would not have gotten it powered up in time to get any decent shots - she was thrilled to see him/her again - she used to see on perched high on an utility pole along the stretch of I83 that parallels this stretch of Route 30 - something about that white khap makes it an inkhredible sight to see!
Thanks fur visiting Lady's blog and pawing such nice woofs and purrs of support - I'm sure they are appreciated furry much - from the day we furst 'met' here in The Blogosphere, she so reminded us of Khousin Merdie - one of the special Goldens that evFURRYone was just drawn to - that is probably why she's touched us so much - plus, KT is one furry nice hu-dad - Lady is his world - and will always be a part of it until they see each other again -
Whitney and Khyra
We were sad that Lady's gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but I am sure many of oour angel friends who are already there will take great care of her... feel so sad for her family though. :(
That's a beautiful blue sky... hope that the weather is getting better for you.
Love the photos of you on your back, our Sophie does the same thing.
We are so sorry about Lady but we know we will all meet again.
Sheila & Bob
Hey! Love your belly pictures! That looks very comfy!
Monty says Hi Khyra! He will join you on his back!
You really know how to charge the solar panels, don't you? Our boys don't lay like that much - it is too cute!
We have stopped by and given KT our hugs.
I think my sister Rosie wishes she could sleep like you, Khyra!!!
~ Eva
You have such a cute fluffy tummy, Khyra. I have a nekkid tummy & I don't know why.
hey Khyra,
You are so darn pretty! I rarely sleep like that, but you sure make it look comfy and cute, especially with your front paws bent! Funny photo of you asleep with our head against the dresser.
Very cool that your mom saw both a hawk and an eagle. We are furry jealous about the eagle. How pawsome!!
We pawed some words of comfort and love for KT and family over Lady's passing. Thanks for keeping us informed. Sad way to start off March.
We love the first photo.:)
Teddy Bear
You have been in my thoughts and prayers often. I hope all is well with you...and Khyra too!
Whitney is so whikhked that I just don't know what to say - LOL!
oh my, is it Whitney's Whicked Wednesday already??? the months are flying by! We're sad aboout lady, but know she's having a blast at the Bridge. Do woo think they have Whicked wednesday over the Rainbow Bridge??? Hmmmmmm....
jack & moo
Hi Khyra,
You really gave a new meaning to the word comfy snoozing. I feel like taking a nap too after watching all those cute poses!
Yes it's been a sad period, for so many friends were lost..but they are no longer in pain and so FREE! Bet they're all together and smiling as they cross the bridge together and running happily!
We'll all meet there someday.
Khyra, whoo look cuddly!
Khyra mom is on her way over to do belly scratches
Benny & Lily
Khyra we love your Whikked Whednesday photos! You are such a cutie.
We read about Lady on a few other blog and are sad she had to go. We are sending her family lots of purrs and prayers.
We have a bunny! No hawk though...
Happy WWW day. We is sorry that you has lost your furiend now, but agree about her having lots of fun with the others.
~lickies, Ludo
Great pictures of you Khyra and what a sight your mum saw. Sorry about your friend going to the bridge and I just know she will be with all our other friends there already.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh my goodness - yes... what super Wicked Whitney pix heheh!!! Love the hawk photo, but incredible to know that eagles exist there - had no idea! Have only seen them in AK!!! They are a spectacular sight - that creek area looks beautiful - what fine trout! And we are also so sad for KT - he IS a wonderful person and just loved Lady, yes. We will miss Lady very much as well...
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
Khyra. We couldn't help but notice that you were smiling in almost all of your photos. Just as you should.
Enjoy, sweet furry girl
Jake and Fergi
I'm very much sorry to hear abouts your furend Lady. It sure sounds like she had a Most Wonderful life and was luved truly and deeply.
And on a happier note, I think you are looking ESPECIALLY whikhked today!
Wiggles & Wags,
Whikhked Whitney indeed! You sure brought out the poses this time! WOO HOO!!
Looking pretty comfy there, my friend! You asked when spring came in MN. You were about right, I think it will be June this year. Suppose to get another snow storm next week....
You always have the best "whikhed" photos, Khyra!!!
Oh what a sad day it is that Lady has passed over that rainbow bridge.. RIP sweet Lady..
Khyra you sure do know how to relax..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We've never seen an eagle. We've seen a lot of hawks but they're so high up in the sky, we couldn't tell you what they look like. Guess they don't like us. That's okay.
Happy wicked Wednesday, Whitney/Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are so wicked! But nice. The wildlife is appearing and the skies are so blue, even with your love of snow you have to admit the the first peeps of Spring as pretty stirring.
Khyra. So sexy!
We saw your post last night about your furiend Lady and even though we didn't know her, our hearts hurt just the same. Our thoughts are with her family.
Whitney, you are very whikhked this Whednesday! It's good you only do that once a month because we don't think the boys could handle any more whikhkedness!
Khyra, I think that the wicked Whitney has possessed you again! You need an exorcist!
Love that the hawks and eagles are doing so well there.
We are giving you an award. Check our blog for details.
Happy super Whikhked Wednesday, Khyra!
Kisses and hugs
I love seeing that fluffy, white belly. That's one of Arwen's favorite positions, too. I didn't know there were eagles your way. I bet he/she just takes your breath away - I know seeing an eagle would do that to me!
I waited until today to look at your huzzy photos. It is so cold outside I needed something to warm up my Mango-ness.
Aw, my favorite pose! Kiva was just striking that pose herself. Nothing cuter than an upside-down dog!
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