Of our Saturday
Furst egg of the season -
Akhtually the furst pikh of it but we snagged one with better light
Another Saturday where I traded blog visits fur a walk!
Frog Island in the AM
Tall walkers
Mom and I bekhame ONE!
Just short of the house
Thanks Mom! Maybe we khan do it again when woo get done at work?
On the way to make money fur the kibble
Still high water from Thursday and Friday's rains
Headed home to ME!!!
I was THIS happy to get out fur another walk!
Mom was trying to snag some sundown so I put the tail down too - sorry it's blurry
Now a preview of some of the weekend's passengers
This is Tank - he got off the transport in NC to go stay with his pawesome foster Debbie - the nice lady who gave the world Rocky!!!
Mom will have Missy
And Benny
I think he's Sagira's long lost brofur or khousin!
He was saved from THAT last weekend - he's been a bit stressed by the entire ordeal but he's on the road to furever happiness - he's going to an inkhredible foster home until the right people find him AND he selekhts them! Mom is driving fur A Pathway to Hope
Juniper the Olde English Me Dog
Ophelia - one of last weekend's O pups that stayed behind fur some R&R

Now a preview of some of the weekend's passengers

so she'll miss the chance to drive these khuties for Sam and The Last Resort Rescue
Amy offered to let Mom drive fur Sam instead BUT Mom khommitted and honoured her ofFUR!

So, we'll be behind in visiting but we'll do our best to stop by your khorners of the world once Mom returns and she gets the Photobukhket and stuff together -
BTW, Mom will try to update the egg status on my sidebar - the third pikh down is the link fur the PF site - like last year, she'll share the inkhreasing nest khontents!
Our pal Chloe is celebrating a furry special event - please go chekhk it out!!!!!
Happy Sunday All!
PeeEssWoo: Mom was all excited when she left work Saturday - a hawk pal was hanging around on one of the light poles - she'll keep her eyes open for some photo opps!
Hi Khyra!
Woohoo! I'm first to comment today!!
Great pics as always and those are really tall shadows!
Never really looked at my own shadow..really must try that one of these days...:)
Enjoy your Sunday!
You look SO TALL!!! Looks like you've had fun even without snow!
Wow...the first egg. How exciting! Blogs can wait but walkies cannot.:) What a bunch of cute pups!:)
Teddy Bear
Great 'documentary' as always~~
The egg looks so 'pink' yet fantastic :)
Hope those little pals are happy with their new foster homes. The most important thing is they are well loved and cared.
Bless your heart, Khyra, your mom is wonderful!!!
Wonderful pictures. The puppies are so cute.
And the first egg, great.
Nice woooh
As much as we love the blogging, we firmly believe you should also trade walks for blogging.
Thank woo for sharing such lovely photos! I can see that woo are good about exercising da hooman mommy. They need it to stay strong! And goodness, so many handsome and beewootiful puppers! And Benny is furry handsome!!!
Love those long shadow picks. I am glad you got out for your walks Khyra, mum is so right to trade for that. Look at the eyes on those two sagira look a likes, so cute. But then they all are and I am happy they were spared and will now get forever homes. It seems like only a short while since we were ohhing and ahhing at the first egg and now hear we are again. Time realy does fly. Safe journey to your mum.. Hugs GJ xx
Very nice! It will be exciting to watch the egg hatch!
so considerate MFT-- allowing us to get a full view of sunset.:) mwuah!
An egg already? No way!!
Those are truly some cuties this weekend. We hope you have safe trips and great weather. And that you and Mom have a few days off soon.
gussie n teka
Hope there will be more eggs to come. Maybe Manog can hatch his before these hatch.
Sagira's long lost cousin for sure, and maybe even one of Bokeh's in there too.
Hope the transport goes well.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We loved those great shadow pics!! Those lucky pups are all so cute!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Guess what??? I see my Coopers Hawk.. it is sitting in one of my trees.. and not letting the other birds eat. I guess he is waiting fur HIS breakfast.
Great looking friends! Sorry about the mix up with the shipment of snow. We are doing everything in our power to get it to you. Back orders are never fun....
Walks will ALWAYS take priority of blogs. It's just the way it is (and should be!)
You're sure transporting some precious cargo today! You can drop any of them off in dirtville!
Be safe and watch out for rising water!
Treats and scritches!
Stumpy and me
We love the "Tall Walker" pics!
Lots of great passengers or almost passengers. We have a real soft soft for Sagira's long-lost siblings....
Oh my goodness, HOW CUTE! Mom says she wants him to come live with us. :)
Cant wait to see the egg hatch!
As usual our human went gaga over the pups. We want to do tall walker if we can ever get her up in time.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Looks like you had a great walk, Khyra.
Cute puppies!
Thor and Jack
Holey, moley - those are some good looking dogs!
Pee s - all those walkies pics are making me totally jelly. My mom has been the worst about walkies.
Oh wow! I am so jealous of ur Mom, gettin to ride with all the critters! Yay! :)
Khyra, when you get a chance can you let me know wot you use to capshure screen shots of the nestie you be watching. We has always used Fraps99 but it not be werking on this pooter when we try to snag shots of our eagle nestie.
cute kids over there.
Benny & Lily
miss khyra!
is it already time for birdie eggs?? hooray for springish weathers!
i thought the same exact thingie when i saw benny -- it's miss sagira's long lost brother! the only difference is that he doesn't have stick up ears!
two walkies in one day is totally awesome, isn't it! :)
the booker man
Yay for an egg! And yay for walks too! We're glad you and your mom were able to go on walks instead of blog visits. Those are the right priorities Khyra!
So many adorable faces on all the pups today! Hope your mom's transport goes well!
What a lot of handsome passengers your mom has this week, Khyra! Mom loves Benny's pinwheel quilt and Gigi has the most gorgeous furs!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Loved all the photos Khyra and walks beat blog visits anytime!!
Murray was so excited to see that first egg photo!
take care
Clive & Co
What cute puppies! What a fluffy tail!
All the snow's gone, what a shame for you!
An egg! It must really be almost spring!
I love your long shadows. If you need to trade visiting our blog for a walk, please do so, sweet Khyra. We understand.
I adore Missy's eyes. Your mom is going to love meeting her.
Mom hasn't checked our falcon cam lately. I hope you get some more eggs!
More lucky pups on the transport! I sure hope they all get wonderful furever homes!
Are you getting ready for Spring with all that rain~We still have alot of snow on the ground. I'm going out today to try to clean up some of the yard...
Have a nice week!
I had to come see the egg... that is a BIG egg!
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