I settled here fur a bit whilst Mom brought stuff in from The Xterra and got ready to get all the pikhs and videos out of the khamera

Yes Mom - what do woo want!?!

Momma PF wants to know what we are looking at!

Why, your two eggs of khourse!
Time to turn the post ovFUR to Mom - grab a beverage fur there are LOTS of pikhs to follow AND lots in the Photobukhket! She was all excited to enkhounter Sam's khanines in Hagerstown and then again in Harrisburg! PLUS, she khrossed trakhks with an
English Setter transport too! At furst she thought they were Brittanies but they were ES's!

Off we go! The sky looks ominous - actually almost Fall like

Off to drop MFT for a visit with the siblings


Quite a bit different look on the horizon this week as I approached Chambersburg!

Benny was quite taken by the camera - he knew how to work it!

He spent the first third of the trip to Harrisburg watching his new world This was just past the Hagerstown Airport

With Pawsylvania ready to greet him and Missy!

He was happy to ride shotgun - he enjoyed playing with the football I offered so he wouldn't try to take my Sibe stuffy residing in the center console

He was so soft - and so sweet - loved to be stroked - some have asked how old he was - he's thought to be a year or so old -

I had been taking pics of his tail tip when he wanted to show me the tip of his nose too!

His right eye was parti or pie-eyed with blue and brown

Missy liked to stretch out just behind me - she's on the seat I leave in when I don't need more room for crates and such - she's thought to be a year or so old as well

We snagged this shot for our Husker pals

He finally began to give in and decided a nap might be a good idea - he was starting to fall asleep in the position until he finally decided to embrace the husky curl on the front seat -

See? At one point, he shifted to another position that resulted in his bum hanging off the front of the seat!

How Missy spent much of her trip - sorry it is blurry but I shot blindly


I shot this over my head - I was quite happy to see it was actually a pic of something!

Last week's billboard and theme - FEEL THE LOVE!

Missy was quite the driver!

She often let me know she was just as happy to head back to The Xterra and hangout -so I was glad to honour her wishes

I was SO pleased with this pic - it so captured her beauty - and her hopes for furever happiness!

She's going to make someone a great furiend!

As will this handsome fella!

Just taking it all in and wondering what was ahead on her trail!

He can't escape THIS Escape!

We loved how these two decided to share the back seat of the Volvo


The look - it so cracks me up and makes me smile!

On the way back, I made a detour to check out the PF's

I didn't see them but based upon where I saw Mom much of the day, she was probably on her growing clutch!


This week's Harrisburg shot

Mission Accomplished - with THE LOOK from Khyra!

The special honouree for this week's dedication - MAYA

With her pack


We lost our beautiful 3 year old Maya to a coyote attack. She lived for 4 days after she was in the fight, and we (and our vet) thought she was on the road to recovery. We found her dead just a few hours after I had given her medication. Our hearts are broken into a million pieces and tears are falling as I type. She was such a beautiful, wonderful girl. She is forever in our hearts.
In her precious memory and in honor of her, we would like to adopt a husky from a shelter that is out of time, or nearly so. It won't bring our girl back, but it will be a tribute to her - we love her so much! I know Maya will have a paw in helping us find a husky in need. So if you know of a husky that really needs us, please let us know. It will never replace our blue eyed snow princess, but will make its own place in our hearts.
Brenda and the Pack
WELL, Brenda and her husband have done just that - actually, done it multiple times - here is a website with blog they've set up for Maya's Legacy - please check it out to see the awesome pups they've saved and will be giving a better life to - I had written Brenda to tell her I'd like to dedicate the run to Maya and Her Legacy - she was touched and included the four pics above!
In the video where I do the dedication, I mention how they've changed Hennessy's name - and that I couldn't recall it BUT it is Aiyana which is Inuit for BLOSSOMING FLOWER which is what she'll do in her new life in Tennessee!
I can't begin to retell the incredible stories so please be sure to check our Maya's Website!
Here is the link to Maya's Website - and here are the links to this transport's Photobucket Slideshow and the link to the album with TEN videos - as I mentioned, I did encounter Sam's pups so they are included in the videos -although I'm sorry I didn't snag any pics or videos of Ophelia - she was SO as cute as her siblings I had last weekend!
So once again, we get to say RESCUES ROCK!!!
It was also cool to meet two new drivers - Benny and Missy's driver to Hagerstown was doing her first transport for this group - and their chauffeur to Allentown had done her first transport LAST weekend!
Don't forget, you can bid on many cool things over HERE - including a chance to virtually ride along on a Khyra sponsoured transport!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
We'll have a special tribute to a special FURiend on his birthday here tomorrow!
Aww puppy, you always look so sad when there is no snow!
Hi, Khyra and Mom!
Benny has impressive eyes! And sure he liked the camera!
He and Missy are adorable!
Have a great monday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra!
Thanks for sharing your handsome and cute pup pals on this Monday! They're beawootiful!!!
Have a great day!
I love PFs! A is thinking of getting one inked on her back :O
Hehe, anyway, I love the rescue pups :)
& Maya's pawrents are very sweet people. RIP, Maya, and Godspeed.
Another two beautiful pups delivered. Hurrah!
what a wonderful and touching story we are heading over right now . your transports this week were absolutely adorable . but are'nt they always??
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Such cute pups. We love how the Brittanies were sharing the backseat. We are so sorry to hear about Maya. She sure was a beauty.
Teddy Bear
What a beautiful thing Maya's beans did in her memory ~ we can think of no better way than honouring a much loved fambly member.
Rescue Rocks! Fanks.
Khyra & Phyll...Looking and reading your post this morning has made me feel better...Thanks for your kind words on my blog--I'm so very sorry that with vacation and the stress of life, I've been so absent from yours.....
So wonderful to see so many pups with wagging tails on their way to much better lives. Thanks to you for your part in that journey.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Benny is totally Sagira's long lost relative!!
What a great tribute!
We're so happy that so many of our furfriends have found their homes. It's spring time soon and we wish all the furfriends are happy and healthy.
Super Post... even if you Don't have any snow.
So terribly sad about Maya I shall be checking in on the blog. Hope those lovely passengers get some furever homes real quick, they were lovely.
Gosh, all them doggies are so beautifuls...but, Oh my dat Benny sure is a looker.
Our heart are withs Maya's family.
The XTerra sure carried some beautiful dogs this weekend. And somehow, while driving, you managed some great pics!
Maya's pawrents are pawesome. What a perfect way to remember their sweet girl!
Happy Tails,FUREVER!
Stumpy and her hoo-bean
Mom's all home-sick-like with those pictures past the Hagerstown airport; she has such 'fond' memories of flying a little puddle-jumper in from Baltimore. And when she was in school? Chambersburg was the 'Big Town'. Heehee.
Those setters look like they know how to travel, btw! And your Mom had beautiful transports, as always!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Poor Maya! We'll be thinking of her family. :(
What adorable transports! Love the blue eye...very hunkalicious.
Oh Khyra what a fun road trip mom had to PA. We can't believe she let Missy drive. Nutty!
Benny & Lily
Very exciting about the eggs! We hope they turn into babies.
Nice pups this week. We are sorry to hear about Maya.
Such a great post. So many wonderful woofies (#1 has quite lost her heart to Benny....). And those English setters were gorgeous too!
He sure did know how to work the camera!
Makes us feel so good to read your blog and see all the wonderful Dogs that have been given a second chance in life and that you are helping so much by transporting.
So sorry to hear about Maya, but we are so glad that her Mom & Dad save so many.
Sheila & Bob
Those bird eggs are really cute!
A most excellent transport, MFT & Mom. Our mom got all LES when she read Maya's story, hope she's having a blast with the whole pack of RB Siberians across the bridge. We'll go check out her site.
MFT, are woo looking fur snow clouds? The Ao4 got 8" of it last night, maybe its drifting your way?
jack & moo
I haz a vury sad for Maya. But then, I is glad u can helps the nice critters and peoples. :) Kthx.
Monday is a happy day fur us to come see you but today was a little sads, too, when we read about Maya. Sending many hugs to mom - the ones who saves lives and creates smiles.
More puppies saved! Good work, Khyra's mum.
I think that pup must be related to me if they are shining at the camera. :)
Our hearts go out to Maya's family.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Why grandma... what blue/brown eyes you have!
Your mom does good work Khyra! Without folks like her, a special-needs dog like me probably wouldn't be around anymore.
Khyra, we hope you had fun at your sibelings! Benny and Missy are so adorable and would be very likely to be adopted by our mommy if we were on the right coast!
We think it's wonderful that Maya's pawrents are helping out others with Maya's Legacy!
Thanks for sharing your trip!
Our hearts are breaking for Maya's family. What a devastating loss.
We are always so impressed with the woofies you transport. They look so happy and hopeful!
We're sorry for the loss of your friend Maya. Other huskies will benefit from Maya's family as they honor her memory by helping others.
What a sad story about Maya. May she rest in peace at the rainbow bridge. I loved your dedication.
I also loved the meltingly blue eyes of your shotgun passenger.
Another amazing post and happy homes on the way thanks to you and all the wonderful folks involved in rescue and transport. BTW, you could have driven those first two pups straight to my house!
I know Maya's family is so very sad. We send them healing to their hearts.
Your dedication in beautiful
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