Here is the link to the live feed - warning: the live feed has sound so be ready to jump - there is a volume slide AND mute spot too
Here is the link the page with the still khamera and updates
Harrisburg is GMT -5 hours - so fur this time of year, you'll probably be able to see things from 6am-8pm During the khourse of the day, if Mom snags any pikh she thinks is extra khool, she'll make it the 'button' on my sidebar that will take woo to the state's site!
Sniffing more
And when we got bakhk to the house, we got this short video enjoying Spring and wishing evFURRYone a great MAY!
BroFur does his khanine imitation
Earlier this week IT khame to visit
I looked
Then later in the week it returned
and taunted
That's it...I've had enough
I got up to go have a chat
It ran - whimp!

And when we got bakhk to the house, we got this short video enjoying Spring and wishing evFURRYone a great MAY!


Fur those of woo wondering what I was looking at, yes, it was a khat but neither of the two above in the post - it was in the other neighbourhood
Mom and I would also like to thank woo fur all those pawesome words woo left fur Charlie's Mom - all of them were so true and made fur more leakage here
What cute little hatchlings! It's probably good that they are out of the way of Siberians. Even CGC Siberians couldn't resist.
Awww, those little birds are so cute!
I hope you get to teach that squirrel a lesson one of these days!
It's fun seeing the birdies! The babies are so small!
You'd think the squirrels would know to not come near your tree. They are very slow learners!
It was good seeing Butterscotch again! Both her and Brofur did great modeling jobs today!
Enjoy your Sadieday Khyra!
The babies are here!!! How exciting!:) Brother and Butterscotch look like they are both enjoying Spring.:) That squirrel better run!
Teddy Bear
I love to see the birds in your posts!
A squirrel?? A new kitty in the noeghborhood?? Hmmm... interesting!
Have a great saturday!
Kisses and hugs
I am so sad to know about Charlie.
You DO know that Butterscotch and Broful are Khats, don't you? They are to be ignored or chased.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Yay, we aren't the 97th commenter for a change.
Khyra On Guard!
Hope you are having a splendid weekend!
Dear Khyra,
Thank you for letting your friends know about Charlie. We are trying to cope with the void left by his death. But, the support we got from friends like you and the DWB community help us deal with the grief we are feeling.
The birds are adorable, can't wait to see them all hatched!...Khyra, looking beautiful in the pretty flowers...It's so good to see BroFur and Butterskhotch; love the Butterskhotch photo of him squinting in the bushes!...Have a fun Saturday, friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Butterscotch is SUCH a cutie!!
Hi khyra, happy Saturday!!
The hatchlings look very cute!
So does brofur! Luv your smile,
You tell that squirrel, girl!!
Have a wonderful day Khyra. Yoo can come ove and play wiv us and our remote control mousie anytime!
We'll be checking out the live feed for the birdies. Thank you, Khyra!
Happy May day to you and your mom!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Keep watching my dear. Thank you for sharing this experiance.
Nice woooh
Wait...am I confused? I thought it was a cat that was taunting you? Kittek Kat, rat, squirrel, what's da difference. They is all fair game.
Going to check da live feed now...i likes to watch da birdies.
Hi Khyra,
Love all your wonderful pictures.
You are such a beautiful dog Khyra!!! Mama birds work real hard to raise a family!!! It is so cool to be watching her. Thank you Phill.
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Hi, Khyra...
The baby birds are sooo adorable...
Butterscotch & BroFur are getting pretty brave...You'll have to make sure they remember where the boundries are...
Abby xxxoooo
So April showers really did bring you pretty May flowers - AND Butterscotch- welcome back, pretty girl. Now the squirrels we could do without.
Happy hatchings to the PFs.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woo hoo, MFT! We know woo'll get that ritter one of these days! We haven't seen any of those yet, but we have wabbits in our new yard. "Welsh Wabbit, anypup?"
jack a-roo & moo too
Have a Super Saturday. I hope your mom's transport goes well tomorrow. Can't wait to see the lucky dawgs who get to ride with her.
Mom & me went to the feed just now and Mommy bird looked straight into the camera! Her little white baby sure is cute!
And boy is Brofur getting BIG!
Happy Khaturday...our bookmark for the birdies from last year didn't work, so we came back and made a new one....thank you.
Wooos Khyra, woo were about to give that khat a piece of woo mind I am sure. 2 of them living near is bad enough...
Our thoughts and prayers are with Charlie and now Digby's families.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Cool! Thanks for sharing! Happy May Day!
Aww fuzzy baby chick!
Those flowers are gorgeous! And the birdie is awesome too.
Thanks for sharing with us :)
Emma Rose
Nice to see Butterscotch! Seems like it had been awhile! I hope brofur and Butterscotch appreciate you running of the invaders!
Awesome PF pics!You look absolutely beautiful with the flowers too. Your floof has never looked floofier!
YAY for more tulips! happy may day, miss kyra!! :)
the booker man
We think the visiting khat was scoping out Butterscotch & BroFur's awesome condo and their guardian Khyra!!! xoxo Pee Ess Our Mom knows how hard it is for Charlie's mom. We know someday she will feel better and always remember that she gave her boy a great and loving home for which she will gain another star in the heavens. xoxoxo
We love the bird nest and watching them!! Thanks for sharing it! Pretty flowers too! We are so sorry and sad to hear about Charlie. Have a wonderful weekend! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh Khyra
It looks like Butterscotch wants quiet time and mom keeps sneaking around with the camera..BOL..cool bird pictures
Benny & Lily
You have so many great adventures, Khyra. Tell Butterscotch I love his great house!
Cat Mandu
I love the live feed! It's a billion times better than anything on TV today.
I used to have zebra finches (much smaller!) but I loved watching when they'd have babies, how they'd take care of them. I love how they lower their wings down to try and hide the eggs or hatchlings from view, it's so cute and smart.
We are not going to even try getting the live feed!
We are marching on whilst connected.
Loved your smile today Khyra - very happy smile.
Butterscotch is looking cool too.
Those little birds are just the cutest - they are so vulnerable right now!
Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & bailey xxx
ps do you need us to come help with the squirrel?
We'll sniff if you run....
That squirrel had better watch out or you will get it one day. I see Butterscotch got back ok. Lovely to see the baby birds. Mum is going over there now.. Hugs GJ xx
Hi Khyra!!!!!! Is your mommy watching those baby birds like our mommy is watching the owlets???? We are so sorry we havent been by for a while! Our mommy keeps staring at the computer! In some owl box!!!! But we love you Khyra!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
What cute little birds!
You look so good in your purple leash!
khyra you look good in purple :)
its so your colour
El'bow & Hauwii
Thanks for the link to the live cam! What a tiny hatchling.
And, Khyra, I think that there might have been more picts of cats than of YOU in the post. What's the world coming to?
Oh you sure had a beautiful day for playing football even though you weren't to interested..
We had one of those squirrels here yesterday. He had the nerve to go right up the tree next to the house and then jump on the roof. Lots of barking broke out...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those baby birds are cute.
BroFur and Butterscotch are looking good! You're looking beautiful Khyra!
Have a great weekend you all!
Thor xx
Oh!Hatchlings finally!!
Now Khyra,u need so much to be the good guard for those little souls.we can see there are a number of felins around,some more than sneaky!
wags, gin n bud
So many cute critters in your neck of the woods. Happy Saturday!
Oh yes...those evil squirrels TALK a good game but when it comes time to "pay the puppy," off they go. They're just big chickens in squirrel's clothing is what they are!
Wiggles & Wags,
Those baby fev-vers are very tasty...um we mean cute looking!
We just went to Charlie's blog to pay our condolences.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Butterskotch as the most cozy hiding places! How nice that the bird babies are emerging :)
I think you should be nicer to cats. Just saying.
You sure do look cute smelling those pretty flowers.
Hi, Khyra and kitties! I like the pictures of you with the purple flowers. You and the flowers are sooooo pretty!
I really appreciate your kind words over the loss of our sweet Henry boy. He took part of my heart with him when he crossed the rainbow bridge.
Thank you for caring. We still have 5 loving dogs that need us so we cry a little and love a lot.
Thank you for keeping us up to date on those birdies.!
I think it would be sooo cool to have some kind of birds in OUR trees, but for some reason , birds do not choose our yard. Of course we have 5 cats , not just two like you Khyra. Does BROFUR and BUTTERSKOTCH need a brother or sister?
But I do know those birds are not living in your yard- they are high up in the air on a building top.
oh well
So that's what they mean by cat box. Who knew?
Watch out in those flower beds Miss Khyra. The humans get quite gruff when we leave messages there.
It is amazing to watch the birds! Thank you for posting!
Luvs all da pics Khyra! And of your brofur too. Spring is finally here wif nice weathers huh.
What a wonderful Khaturday you had!!
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