Prior to the banding - Mom and Dad just KNEW something was up - we think they must have read the website and saw the plan!

Whilst it was going on - they do one 'here' and then leave the eyas there to keep the parents appeased


This shot was from last year's banding post on the blog - during this year's telekhast, they mentioned using these protekhtive devices to snag 'em!
It was a furry interesting broadkhast - some good khwestions - since there were only three to band this year, there was a bit more time for diskhussion - and Mom chukhkled when she heard she was not alone in her inkhorrekht sex'ing of them - even the expert was fooled too -Mom based her guess on the size difFURence between the three and figured they khouldn't all be one sex!
Banding Results:This year, for the first time, all of the nestlings are males. The banding team placed colored tape on the nestlings for the purpose of keeping track of them when they fledge. The largest of them, at 690 grams, is sporting white tape; the smallest, at 550 grams, blue and the middle sized nestling, at 590 grams, has red tape. Watch and rescue teams are now forming in anticipation of the first flight these young birds will make. They should begin fledging in about two weeks.
We'll keep our eyes on the site to see when they've arkhhived Thursday's banding and share it here!

Resting up from my furry full Thursday post - sorry it was a long one but all of those pawesome things needed to be shared - and now I want to share THIS

Stumpy and Mr B have khome up with the most awesome pawesome inkhredible khontest that we just know will khatch on khwikhkly!

Flowers fur OP KS

Something about the kholour red

Mom loves the ones behind the pee-on-me bush

Merdie and I chekhked out the plantings on the other side of the khlub entrance

Merdie and The Big Tongue after Wednesday's walk

Golden Froggy fur Norwood

Merdie and The Fox
Froggy doggy! Norwood will swoon!
WOWZA! We ain't never seen no golden lay down yike that. Does it hurt?
Jeez, Merdie.. I think I've said it in the past before, but you must have some SUPER hips! I don't think I've ever seen a dog frog it up like that before!
We thinks that Froggy Doggy is cute! Monty can't even do it that good!
Ahhhh, Merdie's frog pawsition is the best!!!
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
I like Merdis afterwalk picture best. Mom is still laughing.
nice woooh
Happy Hug-A-Ginga Day Merdie! A Hug for a sweet redhead (near enough to red!)
Golden Frogs!!!!! Much more exciting then black frogs...
Merdie, You're just as photogenic as Khyra!
You look so funny doing the Golden froggie, Merdie! We've never been in that position before!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Three boys eh? I guess that's good?
Happy Friday Khyra and Merdie!
Were you wanting Mr. Foxy to give you a back rub?
I think Merdie should win the GOLDEN FROGGIE AWARD!!!
Don't furget to go to Mayzie's blog to check on her big contest!! It is soooooo very much fun!!
Whew! That Merdie should be a canine gymnast!
Haha! The Golden Froggy is SOOOOO adorable!! I just luvs her! How much longer does she get to stay?
And I also luvs looking at your flowers. Ours are just now starting to show their little heads finally!
Hope you have a very much wonderful weekend!
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow-wee! Merdie must practice yoga everyday to achieve such a perfect Golden Froggie pose!
Wow Merdie! that is some kind of froggie pose!
Something about the red, eh? Very pretty, and thanks.
Look at those froggie legs!!! Merdie, bet you had fun with that fox, you sure looked like you were getting quite cozy there.
Happy Friday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
wow...Froggy Merdie..that is a great one. Also, tell your mom to be careful if she transports this weekend. Holiday drivers are crazy.
Hi, You Guys...
Love the flower pics...Very pretty...
OMdoG, Merdie...That looks like it hurts...BOL
Great action video with the fox stuffie...
Abby xxxooo
LOL! Were you trying to roll on Mr. Fox? :)
Super cute.
Great post! Love the pics! I hope you have a fun filled weekend, my friend!
We love your first photo Khyra and Merdie's Golden Froggy=that is awesome!...We had a kitty named Jax who always laid down with his legs stretched out straight behind him=a very cute and funny pose like yours!...Hope you all have a fun, happy weekend...kisses sweeties...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Wow Merdie,that is some doga asana!
How flexible!
Mommy luvs the flower pics!
Happy weekend!
Those are some big nestlings! Thanks for the update!
Crazy way that Merdie lay down...
And, very funny - I had K and R in the city the other day, and they were such country bumpkins. They tried to go up every walkway to every house, convinced that they'd be welcomed. Then, they tried to go into a bunch of stores including "Cuts and curls by Carla". Fortunately, they were on leash :)
Merdie looks so comfy.
Love Ruby & Penny
Interesting banding update! We had bird rescue on Thursday afternoon in our driveway! When I arrived home from work there was a little tree sparrow sitting in my driveway. The little birdie just stayed put but its head was moving around! I offered it some water to see if it would get up or drink but it did not. So I carefully put little tree sparrow in a soft crate and took it to Bird Treatment Center.... will follow up later today to see if it made it. I suspect it flew into one of my windows....
That looks more like a broom than a PROTECTIVE thing-a-ma-jig.
I thinks Merdie was a gymnist at one time...I really bets her was...hehehe!
Woo, I thought they were trying to shush the birdies too. Good luck little puffs f fluff! Be careful not to land in a yard with the jaws of death nearby!
Ha-roo roo, "pee-on-me" bush, that's furry funny, MFT!
jack a-roo & miss moo
OMD! OWIE! That froggie posishun Merdie is in...
That's quite a position to get in Merdie!! Love all of the pictures!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh dogness, mom thought she was watching me(Samantha) playing in that Merdie's video! I play just the same way with my toys!
Happy weekends Khyra and mom and Merdie!
Sam & June
Frog~Dog!!! Love it!!!
Interesting info on the lil birdies. We are learning a lot from you. Merdie, that is quite a pose. Thanks all of you for visiting & voting. Fun contest coming up. Counting treats caught... Looking forward to the videos.
Great Merdie shots today, but not enough of you, Khyra!
We're going to check out the contest.
Merdie, your froggy doggy pawsition is so funny. After seeing that video, we think Khyra has a Khrazy Khousin too!
We are practicing the froggy doggy position, but can't do it.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Great pics Khyra and Merdie. We cheated with the video and saw it yesterday!
We were on you tube and noticed it.
Merdie sure knows how to have fun and was rolling about like a pup!
Lovely to see her having such a great time at Camp Khyra.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Wow, Merdie!! That is some froggy sit my friend :)
Great set of photos, have a really nice weekend.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Geez Louise Merdie, that looks painfull, ribbit. Khyra, you deserve to rest. Great pics.
Remy and Flash
Merdie, that looks to be the most un-comfortable position I've ever seen in my short life!!!
reading about the birds is neat-o
Looks like you and Merdie are having a lot of fun. :)
hey, that's a win-win for you. No matter who wins, you and your mom get the prize. We think that's a really neat thing for Stumpy to do.
hey Khyra and Merdie,
Merdie, you look great in your froggy pose! Do you do yoga? You are so limber!
Khyra, you have great taste in flowers! You seem to find the prettiest, most colorful flowers!
Cool info on the pawsome birdies! Thanks for the update!
p.s. Merdie, your fox action was hilarious! Was there dognip inside that fox, instead of stuffing? ;->
Khyra, what a cool contest Stumpy is doing! Can't wait to see the entries!
That's quite the pic of Merdie doing froggy doggy!
Lovely pictures as always :)
Happy Friday!
Mum and I laughed at Merdies froggy legs. Love the red flowers. Hey those birdies are so big and not long now until they fly away. Merdie looks to have a huge tongue. I bet she was tired after that walk.. Love GJ xx
woahhh those are some crazy doggie yoga moves!! I need to start practicing. I'm Pedro's adopted brother Sonny by the way. Hope you have time to stop by my blog and see what my new life is like!!
lots of tail wags,
Woof! Woof! WOWY doggy froggy position. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi, Khyra!
The birdies, the flowers, a nice walkie with Merdie and Merdie's special froggy pose!
Kisses and hugs
Love the frog pose! The birdies are so cool. Pretty flowers too!
Merdie's frog position is almost total yoga mastery! Is there a transport this weekend...or at least a lamb bbq?
I have seen you do that froggy lay down before.
I thought whoaaaaaaaa how do yo do that.
Well ,
I guess you are part froggy.
I cannot believe those birdies are gonnna fly!!'
Thank you for the beautious sky and stuff.
I always feel bad that I get here so late, but I'm always so glad that I stop by! I really enjoy my visits and seeing your pictures and of course hearing about what's going on, on your side of the Mason Dixon Line! :-)))
Merdie's "froggy" is the way that OC tends to sit now. Khyra... You SCARED us. We thought we was going crazy with that one picture. Grammy had to scroll down to see some of your other pictures cause we thought that maybe we'd missed that you were a tri-pod! We could have sworn that you had four legs, but that one shot looks like you are missing a leg. We were glad to find out that we were right, and still wonder what happened to your leg in that one shot?!? The CCC
holy khow that is the best froggy doggy I have ever seen. Tanner and I khannot even khompare!!
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