Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday MOMday

Woo khan see I am NOT happy about this
I should NOT be laying in GRASS
This is now on The Towel inside The Door!

Since Mom has SOOOO many pikhs of OTHER khanines to share today, I've khurtailed my pikhs!

I'll let Mom share her weekend's passengers!

Khyra's Mom here!Twister and AustinI got them in Hagerstown Saturday afternoonTwister napped much of the trip to Harrisburg Austin watched a bit more! Austin was a Chow mixWhat do you think of THAT coat and colouring? Twister was a heeler mix

Here is their Photobucket is the same one I included in Khyra's Sunday post...they were GREAT boys!


Meet Kota and Isis

Kota is a Siberian; Isis is a Husky/Shep Mix!Kota travelled with her pillowIsis hung out behind me whilst Kota napped enroute from Hagerstown to HarrisburgShe watched out the window from time to timeHmmmm...something about the paws!Yep: THE PAWS!Isn't she beautiful?And isn't she beautiful too? She's laughing at the life she left behind because she is soon to be a spoiled Siberian! Of course, she travelled all the way from Atlanta to meet them!She hopped back in my vehicle when I went back to get their paperwork to hand off to Lisa and Brian. I think she liked me!What a pair of stunning canines!This transport was so very was Saturday's!

Here is their Photobucket Link which includes bunches of videos...and here is the link to just the slideshow of pics. I threw in some scenery shots to provide a contrast of the weather! Although both days had temps in the mid to upper 40's, the skies look quite a bit different!

One of the videos includes a woman that passed us travelling through the industrial park and u-turned back so she could see the dogs. She had recently lost her 17 y/o Husky/Shep boy. Petting Isis was great therapy for her. She showed me her necklace which included some of his ashes...she shared some tears...and some hugs too!

Once again, I want to thank Angel Dakota of The East and her mom ALONG with Frankie Furter of the great state of O hi O and his mom for their contributions to this weekend's runs! Frankie suggested we call the transport

As for naming a transport... How about calling it... The Blog Buddies trip to the future. ????

I'm sure Austin, Isis, Kota, and Twister are wagging their tails in appreciation!

Kota and Isis are now with their furever families! One of them travelled all the way from RHODE ISLAND for their girl!

Khyra will be back tomorrow to tell 'stuff' - and I have no idea what she intends to paw about!

Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner


JacksDad said...

Who ate your snow????

I love the transport pictures and the story about the lady who turned around to see the puppies!

Stella said...

Anytime I can be the first commenter on KKhorner, I will take it.

In your first run, Austin made me think of Dennis the V's sister Trixie Doodles. Beautiful coat, odd amber eyes, I'd take him in a minute!

No time to look at the pics, but whoopee for the good you are doing with the pups. I'm proud of you!


Stella said...

Awwwwwww, I was 2nd in the queue!


Noah the Airedale said...

Wow your snow is really gone. Shame about that.
Oh those pups are all beautiful. We know they are all going to be very happy with their new families.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Sonic said...

That snow sure disappeared quickly!!!

And my Pops says Isis has funny colored eyes... they remind him of some movie called "Big Trouble in Little China" where girls with different colored eyes could summon demons or something.

Grass is fun too!


Sam said...

Some very unique looking dogs this week, Khyra! Look at that coat on Austin.

We're sorry all the snow is gone - we had the same problem here, too. Snow replaced by REALLY WET GRASS! EVERYWHERE!

Sierra Rose said...

Hi ya! Khyra, your SNOW? Where'd it go!
Loved the transport and videos. What great pals that have wonderful lives to be excited about!
See you again soon pal!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Kate said...

No snow? I spent the day escaping from the sunshine!

What an interesting assortment of doggies!!!


Yas said...

Hello Khyra!

Wow! Kota is beautiful!!
So are the rest of the passengers!!
Too bad about the snow disappearing least you got to see it that's the best!
thanks for always sharing your beautiful friends and walks with us!
Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...


Where's that beautiful snow:(

Your buddies are beautiful:) but I like you the best!

It's nice to know that those pups are going to families that will take care of them.

I should tell you about the family that lost their daughter-in-law (she deserted them,) because they loved dogs!

Licks n wags,

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I think your mummy needs to buy you a snow machine my friend!! You looking very lovely in the grass however.

Duke said...

What gorgeous passengers your mom had this weekend.
Our snow is all gone too, Khyra! The rain and the fog ate it! grrrrrrrrrrrr

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Awe...but Khyra it's so sunny on woo! woo khan't be too upset about that now?

wowzers...what transports. handsome boys. and the they look like good fun. a sibe and a sibe/shep mix? oh my oh my... that is just good fun waiting to happen! ;)

wild dingo

Moco said...

Your mom is so lucky to be able to drive around with all those wonderful pups.

D.K. Wall said...

We always look forward to Monday Momday so that we get to see the cute puppies headed to their new lives.

Britny said...

These pics always make mum weepy at how many dogs need help to find homes. Lovely pics

Thor and Jack said...

Love your pictures, Khyra! Great pictures of the transport too. Those puppies are beautiful!

Dexter said...

Austin is one handsome dude for sure with his stripey fur and fluffy tail.

We have mud flats with a thin layer of ice in our yard now. Ick. But if the sun comes out I plan to bake on the observation deck.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Khyra,

That lady that turned around to see the dog is Mommy's kind of lady. She does that all the time
and even stops at peoples yards when she see one she likes.

Your Mom is an angel!!


Sally said...

Yeeeah, what did happen to your snow? It looks like you are here in the south of France.

I wished I could also have as many friends as you have. Seems that you have a lot of fun.

Nice woooh

Anonymous said...

Congrats on another successful mission, but I'm confused. Exactly WHAT did the hot dog and his mom do to aid in this transport???

Whatever it was, I'm glad they're trying to be nice to everyone... now.

Parker said...

Khyra, we think your Mommy rocks. What she does to help all of those woofies is very wonderful!
Diamond says 'hi!'

Martha said...

We are sorry your snow has gone but we have plenty!
Cool transport pics - what lovely doggies all looking for new homes.
That Siberian mix doggie sure looked a lot like you - do all Siberians have a thing about paw placement?
Well done to your mom keeping up her transports over the holiday season too.
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx

tula monstah said...

Gorgeous puppies! luv the googly eyes on the Zota & Isis. The crossed huskie paws-priceless:)

great start to the new year for them~

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh my gosh. A lady who came back just so pet the dogs. What a wonderful thing that must have been for the dogs and two leggers both. I am sure the transportees FELT the love and devotion that was about to be THEIRS. WHEW!! POWERFUL POST.

Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD! Isis is part me and part you! How eggsiting! At least you has grasses in your yard. Mine woz completely unner waters! I think we be hasing snow again this week.

KB said...

If there's a heaven, you're going there for all the lost dogs that you've helped! Thanks from every dog lover!

Gus said...

Wonderful trips, glad all went safely. Muzzer loved the story about the lady who turned around to see the pups.

kisses to Khyra for sharing you with them


The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry about your snow, Khyra, but another great rescue run by your mom!

Rosie said...

I know no more snow - sorry about that - and melting snow makes mud. Yuck!
Hope you enjoyed your Holidays and Happy New year!

Byron y Xinver said...

What a wonderful beauties! We love the canines you take care of...

Jans Funny Farm said...

A very rewarding weekend!

And handsome animals.

Kari in Alaska said...

that Austin sure does have quite the coat!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We love all those passengers. That was very nice of you to share your 4 wheels with them. Did the sun take your snow? Have a fun day
Benny & Lily

Mochi and Bali said...

They are all gorgeous! Thank you to your mom for all that she does and for sharing them with us! :)

What happened to your snow?


Jack & Moo said...

No snow no more? Me either.
wonderful transport! Mom is in love with Kota too. She's a beawootiful girl! We wish all the pups best luck in their new furever homes!

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh they were all such cuties! Thanks for sharing them with us!

And Khyra, I would LOVE to send you some of our snow, but it would melt by the time it got there. We went from snow, to no snow to snow in only a few days!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Khyra's Mom, You are so GOOD, so very GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The work is so very rewarding!!!!!!!
I loved the girls!!! So very pretty!!
When I had Joker, people would ask us, what kind of dog is that ???
Where did you get him?? All this at a red light!!! Some would follow me to talk to me when I stopped.
Big hugs to Khyra, Bambi and Fern

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I waited! Photobucket is okay, but I love the way you walk us through the photos. Good luck passengers...things have certainly changed for you all. May the people responsible for this all be rewarded. I love our humans.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yet another set of gorgeous pups transported to better lives. Yay!

Sorry about the snow, Khyra...


Anonymous said...

Your mom sure has the best looking set of passengers in her car all the time! Our mom loved Austin!

White Dog Blog said...

Where's the snow? Mom did great this weekend--four new happy dogs on their way to forever homes...could there be a better Christmas gift?

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh they are all so beautiful.. We were thinking there was a bit of heeler in Twister.. Was there any herding? Kota and Isis are such lovely Sibes...
Once again we are so proud of you Mom...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

ButterBean said...

Totally Pawsome! Momy transports some pups through VA sometimes its good to help them

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What a lovely bunch of woofies!!!

You want some of our snow Khyra?

BeadedTail said...

Who stole your snow? Hope you get some replacement snow soon!

The transport pups were all so cute! Our mommy fell in love with all of them. Thanks to your mommy for all she does for these woofies!

Teddy Westlife said...

That last photo of Isis reminded me a bit of Ari! I think it was the eyes.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Did khyra have time to give modeling and posing lessons? that paw placement is VERY familiar!

Farley said...

Man did your snow melt fast! I dread the towel at the door too Khyra. You are so sweet to share your Momma with all those furry friends. You sure ride nicely in the car too :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra and Mom,
Our snow has all just about gone away now too. Mom and dad aren't as disappointed about that as we all are. Those are swell transport pics. Guess Sibes like to cross their paws. We want to say Thank You Mom for all the good work that you do. Traveling the highways and the byways getting formerly lost soul pups on their way to loving furever homes is a chore, but not a thankless one (especially this time of the year). You already know what we say about such effort, but it should be repeated occassionally: BRAVO-ZULU.


HI Khyra,

What beautiful dogs, almost as beautiful as you! Great post!

Hope you have a Happy New Year!

Luv ya,
Riley and Star.

Lorenza said...

Where is your snow Khyra??
I am sure all those puppies are going to be very happy now!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy Bear said...

No more snow? Oh no! I hope it comes back soon. What a group of cuties your Mom had the pleasure of transporting.

Teddy Bear

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Four beautiful and handsome pups on transport this weekend. Your Mom ended the year on a great note with her good deeds. We will have to catch up on the videos and pics in a day or so once life here starts to get back to its usual state of affairs instead of the mega-chaos we have had for several days.

Khyra, c'mon west, we still have snow and you can play with us.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Right now we are thinking of all the happiness all the doggies are feeling that were transported.
That is what it is about - seeing tails wagging from gratitude.
All the pics were awsome!
thanks for sharing.

River said...

What a terrific transport day! Things have been slow for my mom down here. Usually she takes doggies along to Va when she visits family but not this time. Those were beautiful doggies you got to transport.

love & wags,

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

What beautiful babies!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Khyra -

All of the pup pictures are so adorable. Mama liked the story about the lady who looked at the dogs.

We lost all of our snow when we came back last Sunday. But we have some more snow - about four inches.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci