They mean so furry much fur Mom and I know the emotions they khause all of woo to revisit
As of 'now' Mom hasn't seen Kyrye's sign yet
Monday afternoon, I was out in a spot about halfway between my pussy willow bush and the one maple tree. Usually when I assume my watch pawsition from there, I look towards the East so I khan watch the Lab next door. Mom noticed I kept watching something to the West.
It turned out, another Sibe from Western Pawyslvania - SPIRIT - had started his journey around 1:30pm - I'm pretty sure Kyrye had headed that-a-way to travel with him. I even pawed an email to Spirit's Mom via SiberNet - here is a portion of it
It khan take that long to get to your end of the state from here (allowing fur traffikh and pee-mail stops)!
I khan see Kyrye and Spirit sprinting along together -
No more pain -
No stinkin' leashes -
I'm sure they are snoofing up a storm as they make their passes khross khountry and 'round the world sharing their fur and peace with those of us still here -
NOW to take all of our scents with them to our furiends and furamily waiting fur them!
Safe Travels to you two!
His mom thought it was nice thinking of them making the journey together!
We also learned another SiberNet member pawmitted their dog khross Tuesday evening so perhaps Kyrye and Spirit found Troy near Wiskhonsin and khontinued along their journey!

Here is a teaser video furst! It is my furst attempt at Street Agility!
AND here is THIS WEEK'S WALKIN' WEDNESDAY VIDEO! where I do my imitation of Khrakhker Dog!
Hi there! Grete says hello...she loves that you come by and encourage my mom to get me to share my blog more with her.
We hope you see a sign.
xoxo Cory and Grete
Nice agility prowess Khyra, you look great as always and we all feel for you. You have one strong human holding the other end of that leash...
I love seeing you smiling on your walks
~ Bae
hey Khyra,
Yup, that about looks like my yard too, except mine is much more brown and lots more dried leaves all over. So, it is not really December is it? Or else we would have SNOW!!!
You do agility about as well as me. Keep practicing, though, and I am sure you will ace it soon!
Sorry to hear of the other pups who left for the Bridge. I hope you are doing ok. That is a lot of friends to lose, especially during the holidays. But, the good news is Kyrye was not alone on her journey.
Great use of cones for agility! Love your walkin' wednesday!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I think you need a little RUMBLEbuddy to walk with ya!!
We always love going on a walk with you Khyra. We're sorry it was Merdieless but you sure did get excited seeing the Merdie-type dog running by! Someday you'll look at the camera at the end - at least we hope so!
love both videos Khyra and you sure knows how to train your hooman.......love the way you handled her during your walk too
i look forward to your weekly walks
What a beautiful post, Khyra. Kyrye and Spirit can run free. I'm so glad that they found each other.
Teddy Bear
Yesh, there are signs when the souls travel to heaven. We are sure that you saw your friends in their travels. We would love to have you come over to play in our snow. We think it would be so much fun to have a Northern breed, such as yourself, frolic with us because if anyone loves snow, it's gotta be a Sibe.
hi fluffy tail
hahaha that watching, love to do that: says El'bow
i love stairing at the sky
El'bow & Hauwii
We are so very sorry to hear about Kyrye.. It was a tough decision that your mom had to take, with her best interest in mind too.
Dear Phyllis, we are sending you one human hug and 2 doggie hugs from across the miles. You are right, this is not 'goodbye'.. it is 'till we meet again'.
Wooo - what action this Wednesday. The crazed "I gotta meet another dog" pull (we struggle with that on-by command) and a sneeze plus lots of fluffy tail. And the bonus agility weave. We gotta go take a nap now.
Beautiful agility moves, Khyra! You're one smart girl and pretty too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra my friend you have a very special mummy and I know you appreciate that. We all do to. Mum says she knows first hand that there are signs when the soul goes to heaven. We are very sure that they are now running free. You are one good woofie at agility. Wow you could soon have your own video out. HUge hugs GJ and love from my mum too.. HUGS xxxx
Miss Khyra,
Good thing momma allowed me to sneak preview your movies for the week because she is not helping me with the pooter much at all. Sheesh. I keep telling her that she cannot do anything about the work place when she is home, but she just stews and stews and talks about the dumb squirt that is her new PL and getting marginalized (which is better than buttterized).
The Momster can so relate to your cracker dog moves but times two - lucky she has any limbs still attached.
And now we are hearing that we can practice that agility trick as there are some orange cones in our garage too.
Hoping we can see Merdie walking with you again soon.
Woos, Thunder and Phantom
Khyra, I love being able to think that we can join a pack when we cross over. No leashes or fences just furends and freedom.
What a lovely photos and you looks like you're having a lot of FUNNNNNNN!!!!
Lots of ♡ ♡ ♡ ,
Alex & Lolo
Wooos Miss Fluffy Tail! I am saddened to hear of Kyrye and her fellow travelers along to the bridge. It has been a difficult holiday season for many. Woo are in our thoughts and prayers.
Paws crossed for some peaceful times
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You're one amazing dog, so full of love that you send out to the world. We all have thought of you over the past days, guessing that you're sad. But, you always cheer us up, regardless...
It is very hard when you lose someone dear. I wanted to get over here yesterday to let you know I was thinkin of your mom and you and then mom got busy at work. I will look for the husky spirits crossing together, I just know they are together!
Khyra, you are so nimble on your feet!
Good weaving.
That looked a loved walk for you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Muzzer loves the thought of all the Sibe pals making the journey together, thanks to you and your mom for sharing.
What a wonderful post!
We hope you see that sign soon.
Great post,
What awesome pictures of you:)
Toby's Trainer
SEGDI Raiser
Love your fluffy tail Khyra! Good job on the street agility. Any pee mail on those cones?
Sam & June
We're glad Kyrye had so many companions for her run to the Rainbow Bridge.
Beautiful post today! It's great to know there are so many great doggies over the bridge running around and having fun, waiting for us all to be together one day!
If only humans would get the way you dogs do when you see someone you know or of the same species. Ozzbourne gets the same way-excited, can't stay still, wants to play, say hello. Then looks back, questioning where they are going-come back. I also like to think that all spirits get to re-unite with other passed spirits.
We luv you Khyra!
Cloud and his mom
We are glad to hear that Kyrye had company as she traveled towards the Bridge. I think you do a totally respectable street agilities, Khyra - nice form, good moves girl! And loved you antics with you mom in the WWed. movie! Not sure I could have handled you as well as your ma - you look furry, furry strong when you see somebuddy you'd like to pal around with!
Hugs xo
Khyra we are happy to know that Kyrye had some friends to travel to the bridge with, but sad that so many had to leave.
We loved your walk today - and we loved your videos too! We hope you have a great day!
that street agility stuff sure looks like fun!
Wow I'm impressed with your agility! I loved how you pulled your mom when you saw the other dog. :) I do that to mom all the time!
We are sorry to hear of the other two woofies that are on their way to The Bridge. At least Kyrye now won't be taking that leg of the journey alone. LOVED your video!!!
Nuffin better than sharin quality time and a nice walk wif your the Mom...
May we all truly treasure ever single moment.
wif much love from the Luke
Khyra, we are so sorry about Kyrye. It looks like you had a very nice walk! -Hec and Lola
I would love for you to come to my house and we could play on the agility equipment together. I bet you would be an awesome jumper! Kyrye and her band passed over NM toward dawn; I was watching on the deck and howled a Sibe "Godspeed" as they passed.
We like your sniffing picture!
Our purrs go out to the families of the other woofies who have crossed.
What a furry beautiful post. It made us sad but mostly happy,
Misty the alpha Poodle
I bet you'd be good at an Agility contest, Khyra!
Thank you for sharing your Mama's letter with us Khyra!
You are a very talented agility gal!!
We are sure that we saw Kyrye's zoom by here yesterday. It was so windy she had to be here..
WE love your agility course. You are one talented pup..
You didn't bark at the Golden? I the Blueman always have to let them know I am there... Callie girl is catching on. Tail up and raised hair on her back..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Khyra, we are behind on checking out bloggies too and have only just heard the sad news about yur sister.
We are so fury fury sorry but so glad she got to have 15 siberrific years here on earth.
Sad Woo Woos
Team Husky
Your pantaloons have become a viral interwebs sensation!
Great videos, MFT! As always, they put smiles on our faces (me & mom!) I've been watching the sky here too... there sure are a lot of sibes racing by these days! Maybe they're in a rush so they can be counted in the Sibernet Solstice Candle Service?
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
Well done with the agility Khyra. Thinking of you and your Mom.
love and woofs
How did you resist the urge to leave a Golden Offering on those funny cone things? They're perfect for pee-mail!
Khyra you entered the weave poles (cones?) on the wrong side!!! But we're still excited to see some agile Siberian action. You know we live for agility.. :)
We wish to join you walking... we have never walked outside the house because Selby said it's not safe for us, too much traffic...
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Khyra, I thought your part of the country got snow in the winters, but I see you still have green grass!
That's just not fair!!
We really enjoyed your video Khyra, so cute! I don't think I would have gotten past sniffing the first cone...
Khyra are lookin for the snow flakes?
Benny & Lily
We think the two journeys to the Bridge were purrfectly timed. We're sorry that Khyre and Spirit went to the Bridge, but we're glad they had each other to travel with.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
oh the thought of mates together on a journey is such a nice one... you are furry special khyra lick your momma for us ok! you both deserve a very special xmas full of fun and indulging!
Hi Khyra! Mommy asked her old woofies at the Bridge to welcome Kyrye & her friend. They were sweet goldens and a maltese so they'll have good company.
Can you email me your email address? I want to send you my Christmas card
1hendrix AT fuse DOT net all squished together
Hello fluffy tails!
Your mum's talent is very obvious to us! She has a knack of saving loads of puppies!! Very special she is...
Hi Khyra and Mom, you pose like a fashion model.
Bow-wow Sheeba also agrees.
Hi, Khyra!
Good agility job!
I saw you really wanted to say hello to that doggie!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Miss Khyra
You know all.... giving a nod to the West.
You are an agility queen. Those pantyloons were all a flutter.
You could not get any more beautiful that you are!
We love looking at you on all your walks- as you tails sways back and forth!
You and your mom have such a beautiful way of saying things- and all the words you said about all your pals crossing the bridge together and runing free, was very thoughtful and beautiful-
hey i do that on my walkies too when i see a doggie. except mine has sound effects grr grrr & lunge... must try your floofy tail thingie... where can i get the floofy?
jingle, jingle,
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