Unkhle Paul sent these after I had parked my post SOOOO we've added them! Mom did not want to risk messing up what we had in place (which often happens when we try to move pikhs around AFTER the fakht)!

Earlier this week, this is what I spied from my porch

What a way to start my day!

I gave a warning BARK and off she trotted!

Later in the day she made one of patrol passes past Mom - this a furry khommon route fur her

And befur we went fur our walk, I saw one of THEM in THERE and I let them know it too!

She was trying to selekht her avian luncheon khourse
Woo saw the teaser pikh a few days of ago with Merdie and her new stuffie toy WELL here are some more pikhs

Mom wishes we had better video khapabilities on the flashie beastie so we khould share Merdie's unwrapping skills but woo will have to settle fur some still shots

Happy Merdie


The Doggy Nanny and Fred

The Doggy Nanny wearing her new skharf to go see Merdie's Little Beans' holiday programme
We need to WOOF OUT a big THANK WOO to
our pals in West Yorkshire! It was a purry furry nice surprise! We also got some treats that Mom furgot to inkhlude in the photoshoot - plus Mom got a khool nekhklace she'll try and take a pikh of soon!
Here is the link to the PHOTOBUKHKET slideshow with some more pikhs! Unkhle Paul and Aunt Shannon say Merdie is STILL kharrying this one 'round as her new favouritest toy as woo khould see by the pikhs he sent Mom Friday morning!

Here was Wednesday's biskhuit spot

The Powder Room fur the furst floor

And once Mom played 'The Game' I khrunched away
I had Mom snap this one on our sekhond Thursday walk - I instrukhted her to send it to Mango RH to inspire his meditation!
Happy Windy KhatSurday!
Khyra and Merdie By Proxy
Khyra, I love the close up picture of your snooter...I just want to kiss it!! M-WAH!!!
Hugs to you and Merdie,
Good post, Khyra! Has Merdie gone home to stay now or is it just for the weekend?
Tell the Doggy Nanny she looked very snazzy in her Christmas Sweater and new scarf!
I just love that fluffy tail.. It has set up my morning.. Enjoy.. HUgs GJ xx
Merdie looks furry happy with her new stuffie! We love the photo with you and your new toy too and of course your biscuit hiding place! Sure seems like there's always khats around your place. Maybe you should invite them in sometime.
The Doggy Nanny looked very festive in her holiday sweater and new scarf!
Hi Khyra
My mom understands what you say about being a little cautious moving pictures around. We sometimes have messed stuff up that took hours to create.
I see your snow and I see those KIT KATTS! Hummm, way to start your day.
Doddy Nannies scarf is so beautifuls.
I wish i had a dog nanny too
I loved your beautiful pics you shared of you and Merdie and you biscuit hideout.
nitey nite
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Saturday!
Pawesome toys for Merdie and you too!
I guess that is the most interesting place for your bisquit!
Your Doggy Nanny looks great! I saw my grandma making one of those beautiful scarfs!
Kisses and hugs
I'm so glad Merdie is enjoying her bone.:) You find the best hiding places, Khyra! Wow, Doggy Nanny's sweater and scarf are so festive and very pretty! Silly kitties!
Teddy Bear
I pee my jodhpurs every time i see a new buiscuit hiding place!
I'm very certain Mango RH is in deep meditations with that pantyloon shot. I think i'm still mesmerized myself. Lucky for me, I'm somewhat vaccinated with daily doses of jodhpurs which helps me fight the pantyloon meditation mesmerization.
PeeEssWoo: Pantyloons and Belle Jodhpurs (PBJ!)
wild dingo
I think your pantaloons are getting fluffier!
Your Doggy Nanny is certainly looking very Christmasy!
Merdie looked very happy with her treats!
Hope the cat didn't get any birds for lunch! Tinkerbell arrived back here with the remains of one the other day!! The NSLM was not happy with her!
love and woofs
You better be nice to Buttterscotch! Santa is watching!
Oh yes, that photo was most inspiring. For the next one could you possibly put a big red bow on your bottom? Just askin.
Love that biscuit spot - it would take me three days to eat a biscuit of that size! Merdie looks so happy with her toy. She is a real sweetheart! Have a great weekend, Khyra!
That khat looks fairly scared of you - it was thinking, "don't see me, I'm moving on fast".
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
That khat has got some nerve, prowling around your property!
Lovely pantyloon shot I must say.
You got them critters in your yard too!!! Evil lil' kitties...I hate when they stare back at me like that...hackles go way up!!!
Hope you & the pack are well Khyra!
Hi Khyra, I am soooo glad that YOU hide your bisquits too. I kept telling my mom that it was a very important step in the consumption ritual... she just wouldn't believe ME. Now she FINALLY understands that this is necessary. Thanks.
Your Nana looks just grrrreat in her sweater and scarf.
Merdie and I should schedule a virtual play date with our matching stuffie.
The Doggie Nanny is gettin' in the spirit of Christmas. She has a special smile on that photo.
Have a great weekend.
Beautiful gifts for all- especially that pretty scarf on the lovely DN! One of these days, MFT, we think you and Butterscotch Morsel are going to make furiends. Then you, she, and her two other pals can team up to get the squirrels.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Merdie looks happy with her stuffy. I keep tearing mine up. Mommy has my duck in the hospital (sewing room) for surgery (repairs). ~Fenris
Khyra - Now that's your size cat! You said in a comment that you wanted to meet the kitty cat who I recently tracked. Believe me, you do not want to meet him. He weighs 150-200 lbs. About 7 years ago, one of his cousins killed a huge Akita in my neighborhood. Stick with the little kitties if you want to stay healthy!
I want you to stay healthy and happy so that tabby is perfect for you!
Great pictures. We loved Dog Nanny's festive jumper
What great photos! Love the stuffy toy.
We just love coming to see what you and Merdie are up too! Were surprised to see that cute little kittie visiting!
Love the doggy nannie's skarf!!! Too cool! And look forward to seeing your necklace!! Merdie looks so happy with her bone pressie from Paul and Khyra - you are very good at finding dose wascally kitties - good fur you!!! Most of all, I love your biscuit game - it just cracks me up!!! Amazing! I know it is furry cold there, so I think your ma is too cool (BOL) to go on two walkies with you today!!!
Hugs xo
oh merdie's smile lights up the room!
happy saturday to all of woo!
Hi Khyra, our mum gets into bother too trying to move pics about!
It is even worse now that we changed to the new settings on blogger - we will need to go back to the old ones.
Merdie is just so happy looking with her new toys.
She is the sweetest looking dog.
And Khyra we were very impressed by the good work you put into watching that cat!
We did wonder if she managed to get a bird for her lunch!
Good hiding places for the biscuit.
Tell Doggy Nana she is looking very nice in her festive jumper.
We hope she enjoyed the holiday programme.
Now you must stop indulging Mango with your floofiness.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
We're going to talk to our groomer about pantaloons.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Woo hoo, I finally got the blog to myself today! Stop by!
Tail wags, Grete
Love the biscuit hunt!
Hi there Khyra,
Merdie's new stuffies is really pawesome! We also love your new toy.
You're really good in finding safety spots for treats. Ms. Dog Nanny is so charming with her Xmas sweater.
-Fudgie, Priness & the Piappies
You got snow! All the snow we got yesterday is almost gone... You have more than we do in your pictures...
Merdie is a beauty, and those toys look pawesome!!
I hope you're having a GRRRReat day,
What a great great pressies you had you and Merdie!!!
Sure you're lucky girls!!
And very very very beautiful!!!!!
Boys are drooling watching you both!!!!
Doggy Nanny looks very very cool with her Christmas jumper!!!
And she looks soooooooooooooo sweet!!!!
What a super special nanny you have!!!
And ....awwwwwwwwwwww....we love your fluffy tail!!!
Can we move ours tails with you!????
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!!
Merdie, I swear you look like an angel doggie. What nice prizes you all have. Makes for a very nice day :)
Excellent unwrapping skills, Merdie!
Now that is one nervy kitty. How dare she/he tease you like that?
Congrad's on your lovely new gifts..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The Morsel is looking very fluffy these days!
We love the great shots of Merdie! As for you Khyra. what can we say? Perfection each and every time!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT...fluffy pantaloon scenes!!!!!
Oh, be still our hearts!!
And that pic with you lookin' up in the air at that toy...honestly, Khyra...you're gonna be seein' that one again...we need ur peemail addy....
As for you wanted to kiss Lacie...we strongly advise against it...she has developed some horrible allergy to the chap stick and her lips have swollen up bigger than her butt...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! She can't talk either!!!!!
Kisses Hot Khyra!!
Scruffman and the Stanster
Hey There Khyra,
Looks like you had a very exciting Saturday. Merdie looks happy too.
Great pictures! How old is your golden? Cindy
Merdie looks so happy wiff her new toy. And..... **looks around fur Boomer and Ali Z** great job barking at that cat, Khyra! BOL!!!
PS. Thank woo fur the nice comments about moms painting. :-)
Wow what great presents you guys got. Share and have fun playing.
Benny & Lily
Nice butt shot Khyra....are ya tryin' ta get Mango interested ??? That shot should do it... fer sure....
Yer cat friend is certainly living dangerously waltzin' close ta yer observation spot....teasin' ya ta death....maybe ya need ta bark just a bit louder next time...let 'er know who's boss....
The winds have settled down....thank goodness.....why ya could almost blow away when they were a swirlin' around....
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh a cat! We love to chase them!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Oh a Cat!! I would have barked and scared it off too. I would love to get ahold of one of them.
Your nanny looks very nice and festive!!
any word from sasha's mom?? We are concerned bout her, let us know
Cool, I got to see a photo of the doggy nanny, the one with the Pomeranian. It's a pleasure to make her acquaintance. Please let her know.
I like the doggy nanny's woolly christmas top, where can I get one, it looks warm and snuggly.
Does Merdie need any assistance dealing to those stuffies I wonder.....
Hi Khyra!
Another beautiful post. Mommy luvs the sweater of your Doggy Nanny, very beautiful!
You are very lucky to have Merdie visiting often. It's very nice to have company especially during the festive seasons!!! Hi to Merdie!
We just love your pictures and posts.
I read about Kyrye over at Cybersibes blog. I do hope that everything is ok.
Thinking of you!
Jack and the tall guy
Hi Khyra,
Luv that tail shot!
You are a great watch dog. The cats around here are bigger then we are!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
WOW, a khatsurday fur sure!!!
I love new toys! That last pic is the best! :)
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