Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday KhatS-urday - SPECIAL EDITION!!!

Please head ovfur to Jake and Fergi's Blog Post to see how WOO khan be part of this!!!
Thinking and khrossing fur all of us!
Saying hi to the pal woo noticed in Friday's pikhs!
Woo would have heard a SIGH
It is one of my Doggy Nanny's yard khreatures! Mom brought her in fur a photoshoot since it was raining at the time!
Please Please Please
Get Well & Be Well Evfurrybody
Now fur the KHATS-urday Part
Butterskhotch wanted her own photoshoot!
Notice the paw & mouth akhtion!
Khoyly khokhked khytty head!
Guess why her head turned?
YEP! She noticed me looking at her from the other window! I was akhtually khrawling under the endtable to get a better look at her BUT the flashie beastie missed the moment THIS time!
Earlier in the week when we still had SUN, Brofur helped himself to one of MY spots fur a bit!
And then had the NERVE to give us THAT look!

Due to all the ups and downs and ups and downs and DOWNS and UPS of the past day, we furgot our tree pikh BUT it will be here tomorrow!

Please keep all of our furiends in YOUR Cirkhle of Paws!

We KHAN make a difFURence!

See woo at 6pm EST as we khross, pull, and HUG Miss Snikhkers and Her Furamily!




TwoSpecialWires said...

Khyra and Butterscotch! Thanks soooo much for helping to get the word out about the WorldWide Moment for Snickers. If only we could know just how many loving paws are going to participate. Fur sure it's well into the hundreds already. So pawsome. So powerful. The love around here is amazing. Just amazing. And we are so proud and happy to be a part of it.
Thanks again.
Jake and Fergi xxoo

BeadedTail said...

We're participating in the moment for Snickers!

We chuckled at your saying hi to your pal! You're funny Khyra!

Butterscotch made our mommy go awwww! She's so sweet and looks like she wants to come into visit you!

Asta said...

You and youw bwofuww can bof sit undeww the twee while we blow ouw kisses and good thoughts and enewgy towads Iowa..also to all ouw othew fuwwkids who awen't well
smoochie kisses

Snowie Baby said...

thats so sweet of u khyra to think of furryone!
lets spread the love and care ard.

hope woo have a good day!

love, snowie

Teddy Bear said...

What a fun fun creature!!! The DN has quite a sense of humor. It was very nice of you to let Butterscotch lay next to your favorite tree.

Teddy Bear

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Butterskhotch is cute... my mom at least thinks so.

And you are funny smelling/saying hi to the other friend!

Sakura said...

So sweet
Wonderful post!
Thank you

Yas said...

Hi Khyra! Brilliant post! Butterscotch is really lucky to have a friend like you sharing your blog with her! Me feel very lucky too to have the chance to know you and i think Max and Snickers feel the same!
Me soo happy and grateful to be part of this circle of furfriends!!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Khyra! We are planning to take part in the movement for Snickers too!

Thanks for all the great photos!

Cocorue said...

TQ Khyra for the reminder and we will be part or the WW Movement for Snickers.......

i just have to wake mumster up as it will be 7am on Sunday over here in Malaysia......and she has a late night tonight SO, I'll have to wake her bol.......

while thinking of Snickers, i'm sure she wouldn't mind me thinking of Max too, right?


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow what a lovely post.. I get to see the lovely hyra and Butterscotch and Bruver too.. The pictures are gorgeous. I love how Butterscotch is sat on your window looking in. I MOL when I got a mental image of you crawling under the table to look. The fact they come so close and are not afraid makes me see more that you are realy a big fluffy kitty cat at heart.. MOL.. Hugs GJ x

Duke said...

It looks like the yard creature found a morsel that you missed, Khyra!
We'll be AireZenning like crazy for Snickers at 6PM tonight!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Miss Khyra! We got the big rain from your part of the world today and my house is leaking! Does make a nice meditative dripping sound, though. Think I'll just take a snooze.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

That's fantastic idea!
Please count us in.
That's also our dindin time but we'll be quiet and sending more positive paw power to Miss Snickers and her family!
Love ya!

D.K. Wall said...

We like the one yard art, but not sure about having cats sitting in our yard. That would drive us crazy.

The Florida Furkids said...

We'll be purring and wagging for Snickers.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh great goodness. That DOG dug a hole in your floor to hide its head in???? Did it get in trouble??? Love the Butterscotch shots. Sorry it was raining on you.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Snickers and her family. Terrier triumph is coming her way.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Byron y Xinver said...

What an odd frien you've met! What is he looking for under the floor?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

WE are purring super hard for all our friends.

Butterskhotch looked lovely in her photo shoot. The cats play with me in windows. ~Fenris & The Cats

tula monstah said...

Hey Khyra,
you're not wearing your foofoo leaf cover:) i guess if you're sleeping on your side that's ok.

Sending Wroo Wroos To Miss Snickers 2day!

Power of the Paw

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Paws crossed here for Miss Snickers and all of our other ailing furiends - today should be very special day of healing for all.

How cute Miss Butterscotch looks in your window - love the "scenery" around here too.

And that cute puppy you brought inside - can we see his face one day:-)?

Woos and Happy Saturday, the OP Pack

Gus said...

Wooohoooo...did you get any action shots with the "yard critter?" Looks like cute feet.


KB said...

You're such a good dog Khyra, thinking of all of your dogs friends.

I'm sorry that Butterscotch stole your spot under the tree but it was cute!

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

We be keeping Snickers in our thoughts.
Nice pics of Butterscotch. Dat was furry nice of woo to share.
Maw loved the doggy statue.

Husky kisses

Sam said...

Based on that turned head picture, it looks like Butterscotch might be joining in on Martha and Bailey's campaign!

We're going to go see what the World Wide Moment is all about.

Clive said...

Hi Khyra

We'll be thinking of Snickers at 11pm here tonight. Murray and Clive may be asleep but the older gang will certainly participate!

We're just back in from a walk and started to check our blogs - we've just been over to Max to discover that Max's Mom has just passed away. Murray will be lighting a special candle for her tonight - he never forgets his own Grandma and great-Grandad at Mass every week - he's a great man for his candles and prayers.

These are difficult days ...

take care
Murray's Mom

Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

We will be pawticpating in the WorldWide Moment for Snickers and wishing for the miracle they all need! We all know that there is power in the paws!!!!

MFT, Butterskhotch is an adorable Khat we MUST say...Meoooooooow

Any you with that tail in the wind...... woo look like a moooovie star..

Wooo Woo's,

FG, Maddie and Domino

Chef said...

Hi Khyra. We will be praying for Snickers this evening and sending her our prayers.

Butterscotch looks so cute sitting at the window, but I find those birds even more interesting. I think if they were near my window like that I'd be living outside ... do they fly?


River said...

We will be silent at 6pm too! Great pictures of the other species. bol my mom the space cadete thought it was a REAL DOG. She cracks me up!

love & wags,

Anonymous said...

I will be joining in tonight too! It's super rainy and wet here in Master Chew Sits too! I got soaked just trying to go out and do my ... well... you know! Now I'm curled as small as I can be Snoozing, but I think if that, what you call KHAT, was at my window, I would have a few things to say to him!! BOL


Stella said...

We here in the Central Standard Time Zone will be joining you with good thoughts for Snickers at 5 pm.
The Power of the Paw, what a wonderful thing.

I notice the Iggle and the other bird in your yard today. The Doggy Nanny loves her statuary it seems!


Clive said...

Khyra, just came back there to check on our last comment - sorry, if we gave you a huge fright - we meant Max's Mom's mother! If you want to delete our last comment please do so, in case we give anyone else a big fight as well. We should have been more careful.

Apologies, Fiona

JacksDad said...

That puppy statue scared me. I was wondering how it got its head all the way under that rug! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Dear Murray's Mom,

I know we pawed and said we would delete the khomment but now that we've headed bakhk to read it, we don't want to take away from The Not So Little Man's special way of remembering special hoomans

SO, we'll leave it there since woo have furry khlearly updated it!

Many hugs&khysses to all,
Khyra and Her Mom

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Khyra, If I could go back and do it all over again, I would not marry the first guy that came along!!! I would work hard and wait for Tom!!!!
Have more animals and take better care of them and myself.
Boy, The first half was hard the second is wonderful!!!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Khyra...we're gonna be barkin' in the direction of Eye O Wa, but you may feel some of the backflow from my shrieking...I suggest ear muffs...



Did you see how much Pee wee is starting to look like me?

White Dog Blog said...

Not only CAN we make a difference; we DO! Your mom is a perfect example of how our community changes the world a little at a time. We, too, will join in Snicker's moment but our positive energy goes out to ALl out there who need a little extra love and support and hope. Check out the beautiful Circle of Paws artwork on Two Special Wires blog says it all! Also, Astra's Dog Star graphic is beautiful as well.

JacksDad said...

Thank you for your post. I could NOT figure out what kind of dog Angus was - Bernese Mountain Dog. But your BMD gave me the info I needed to go find it online! :)

Scooter said...

Butterscotch looks cute looking in the window. I dont see many cats around here but she is a cutie


Unknown said...

HI Miss K and B
Well.. I lol at Miss K giving that nanny pup a good sniff Hee hee. B looks a bit p oed. I'll keep my distance. I'll give my best pawsitive wishes at 6pm.

Anonymous said...

Butterscotch totally learned those tree moves and under the tree "looks" from YOU Khyra! She's trying so hard to be a sibe. sigh. it's not easy being perfect. everyone wants to be like you.

we'll be doing our snicker doodle woo-ing today!
wild dingo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Khyra-you and Butterscotch look so pretty today!

We wanted to let you know we were also joining in the World Wide moment.


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Butterscotch is really cute and so is bruver but pinching your tree spot... that is very cheeky..hehe

Holly & Zac xx

Teddy Westlife said...

I am purring very hard for everypup and everykitty who needs it.

Sierra Rose said...

Hi Khyra! Love ya pal!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Khyra watch out for the moster by your din din!
Benny & Lily

Ruby's Raiser said...

Usually not home on Khaturday, but glad we were here for this special edition. Sending our thoughts to Snickers and enjoying the awesome pix of Khyra and Butterscotch.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Thank you for your kind words about Bathsheba.

Mr. RW Emerson

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful post!! Full of good friend get well wishes and happy felines!


Kari in Alaska said...

that is quite the new buddy you got there!

Mochi and Bali said...

I like that yard creature! :)

I think Butterscotch wants in the house!


Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
We are all praying for Ms. Snickers and our thoughts are with her family.

KHATS ON KHYRA'S BLOG. Call us a doctor (OK, you're a doctor.). Just how many cats are there and what are their identities. There's Brofur and Butterscotch; any more? They really don't seem to be holding her highness in too high of a regard and have not apparent fear.

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics!!!