I wanted to thank Danielle fur this one
I'm still a great-sleeper-inner...I still like to chekhk out The Doggy Nanny's handbag...I'm still fairly woo-less.
If anypup or khytty would like to do this one, please help yourself!
Tank Woo Danielle! Your items were furry interesting!
Both Merdie and me are furry thankful to have been able to help Unkhle Paul with his healing/heeling and rekhovering! We were excellent snoopervisors when my mom made some pulled pork and even some lasagna soup that Joey and Tanner's mom shared on her blog.
Unkhle Paul gets his stitches out tomorrow! He even said THAT'S something to mention HERE!
PLEASE KEEP MY HANDSOME FURIEND PRINCE (From Team Husky in New Zealand) IN YOUR THOUGHTS TODAY!!! Please check out his blog fur details!
Once again, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU AND WOO fur the great vibes fur all that need 'em!
Khyra/Eve and Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats to The New York Yankees...we had hopes fur a grrrrreat Game 7 but it wasn't meant to be this year.
Great series by your team, Khyra. I've only been a Yankee fan since 2004 so this is the first world series I've ever seen them win!
Nice shots of your walkies.. and your floofy tails!!
Oh Khyra, you look adorable sleeoing on the couch...
You and Merdie seemed to be having a floof khontest. You, of khourse, would be the winner.
There's always next year. Sigh.
I seem to have more butt shots than anything else. Unfortunately, Jack's butt isn't as fluffy as yours are!
Your puppies that is.... :)
We enjoyed seeing your floof and Merdie's ruffles on your walk! Thanks for taking us along!
We're also glad to hear that your Uncle Paul is getting his stitches out tomorrow! You both were excellent nurses to help him get well so soon!
Cute floofs! Sure looks like you and Merdie's had a rough day thinking! Rest rest!
there is a PERFECT cuddle spot for me there!!!!
Khyra, you and Merdie looked like you were thinking so hard about what to do. I love you floofies and your walkies. I am glad Uncle Paul is better, I am sure it was cause of you and Merdie.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Love the photos of you and Merdie, Khyra! Congrats on the honest award too...Honestly, I think you're the most honest doggie I know! *wink*
Excellent thinking chair, Khyra. Ruby, who thanks you for her song, wants to know how you keep the humans out of it.
There is a lot to be thankful for this Thursday - for starters: friends like you! ...and for Uncle Pauls recovery. We wish him well (and glad that he is blogging too:))
We also love all the thinking photos ...you guys are so sweet!
You were all worn out thinking in that armchair Khyra!
We like your style - Merdie too has a good method of thinking!!!!
love and kisses
martha & Bailey xxxxx
Those first pictures made us want to take a nap, we're glad we stayed awake to see your walk! We're happy Uncle Paul is getting his stitches out!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Love the tails! Awesome. Labs don't have floofy tails like that!
Glad to hear that Uncle Paul's stitches come out today - a step forward!
Great walk pictures. We loved looking at them!
Congrats on the award and thank you for reminding us to be thankful.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Khyra, that chair looks like it was made just for you, a pawfect fit. Thanks for the extra walkie shots, tail all afloof and pantoloons galore.
We are hoping for Paul's recovery to continue to go well, for Eduardo to get better, for Prince to have a good report, and for all who are in need to do well.
Woos, the OP Pack
nice fluffy tails!!
u look so comfortable on the couch!
have a great day!
love, snowie
Someone had best send the Animal Emergency Vet over to Mango's estate. Great Floof
Oooh, that chair looks comfy! I wish we had one of those at my house!
The floofie shots are super. Love Merdie's Noodle Butt. It's a Golden thing.
Wooos! I am sure Mango had a great time here today....I love the pictures of woo sleeping in your chair, most comfy! ~puppy kisses for Uncle Paul~ I hope he feels better soon.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Sorry 'bout the Phillies, but they did pawesome (even tho Mom's orig. from the NY area, she rooted for your team hehee!). Congrats to those wascally Yanks. Love Khyra's and Merdie's walkie pix! Definitely a ton of floof there! And we are very thankful that your Uncle is getting his stitches out today! Woo hoo! And we are also thankful for so many, many things we have thought about this morning. Thank you for reminding us to be grateful for even small things.
Huge Hugs xo
What great floof shots! Mango's heart is pounding away I just know!
Thanks for a most heart racing post.
Aw you both look lovely and oh my I can't decide which of you has the most impressive tail.
Our only words of consolation: read our October 11 post....
As the saying goes: there's always next year.
Wirey woofs (we tried, we really did!!!)
Jake and Just Harry
Woof!What a day of thinking and walking.Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Love all the pics!! Yay about Uncle Paul's stitches coming out!!!
What GRRR-8 'Tock shots!!! The floof is extraordinary!!!
nice 'tocks!
I like the way you come up with bloggy ideas!!
Hi Khyra
you look so sweet sleeping on that chair. sleepy dog is a happy dog.
Love those pics of you and Merdie! :) Great news about your Uncle Paul!
I'm crossing my paws and sending out Sibe Vibes to all that need it.
Nice floof! (Is that a word?:)
Hi Khyra,
I just saw the other animal lover surfing around. I see you know about her. I wish you would have told me about her, I would have loved to be introduced.
I introduced myself today to her.
How long have you known her?
Hugs, Fern
I love the armchair sleeping pictures.. You are truly a honoury kitty cat.. I taught you good.. Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, sorry the Phillies lost. Mom is not a Yankee fan, nor a Phillies fan but she supported the Phillies.
You have a very comfy chair. We should get mom to buy us those chairs. :)
Sam & June
What wonderful floofy walk pictures!! I can't wait to have floof again!!!
Hooray for stitches being removed! Glad your weather is nice enough for walks. Hope you are celebrating Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace)Day. Your mom already helps make the world a better place!
merdie has some nice ruffles. you two may think of going into bidness of cleanin'. spray some pledge on those floofs and think of some meaty bones, chasin' squirrels or your favorite hunk of burnin' love and get dustin'!
Hi Khyra
Thank you so much for mentioning Princey on your blog. He's in surgery now and I am nervously awaiting a phone call to let me know when he's awake.
Congrats on your award Khyra. Glad to hear that Uncle Paul is doing so well.
Love Ruby & Penny
Thanks, Khyra (and mom) for the heads up about mom's calendar dysplacia...she has been so amazed at how quickly the holiday pre-season came upon us and how much there is to do that I think October was wishful thinking on her part!
You know I'm jealous of your nice, fluffy tails, right? :-)
Your Momma takes on some very nice walks. I wish we had the pretty leaves.
Sorry about your Phillies - but YEAH Yankees.
What great pictures.. We love the fluffy tails.. hehe
Sure glad Uncle Paul is doing so well with all your help..
Ok, Mom wants to know what Lasagna soup is? She made lasagna yesterday..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I saw Merdie's pantaloons! Good news about Uncle Paul.
Pulled pork? Pulled pork! Oh, when's the BBQ? I'm there! :)
Love those fluffy tails!!
Great to read that Uncle Paul is recovering so well.
take care
Clive and gang
ummmm...Kyhra? I think you are napping in those first two pictures. and you maybe dreaming, but you sure aren't thinking!
Those are some furry great pix!
Ooooh - you look so comfy on the sofa, Khyra!! :-) Am jealous as I am not allowed up on furniture!
You sure look nice and comfy in your chair!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Khyra, honey.....you sure look snuggly in that chair! :)
We can never get enough of the cutest floof and ruffles on the web!!! Kiva's a Yankee fan, but Ruby's all about the Rockies!
Uncle Paul must be getting excited to have those stitches out! Did you and Merdie get a tasta of that lasagne soup?
Teddy Bear
Great floof you have! Thanks for visiting my garden. Do you have jacaranda in your part of the world?
Good heavens Khyra..that tail shot of ya had Mango bayin' loud enuff that we could hear him here in Da Burgh...quite a bit of fluff you're carryin' around on that tailie-po, Girl!!!
Sorry bout the Phillies...we're still routin' for the Pirates...sheesch...
Did we see you napping with your tongue peeking out of your lips! Too cute☺
Khyra, you and Merdie look so cute in your pictures. I am sorry your team didn't win - I know how that is (I am from Chicago - everyone knows the problem with baseball here:)
Great - you were able to GET R DONE!!! Super goin, fuzz butts! HUGS to YOU!
You guys look way to comfy!
Benny & Lily
You look so comfy and fluffy on the couch. I wonder what dreams you are dreaming.
Hi, Khyra!
I liked your floofy tails pictures!
I hope everything goes well with your Uncle Paul!
Kisses and hugs
I love the way you have to get comfy to think :)
Such floofy tails you have!!! Kind of like your own personal flags or something :)
Behr Behr :)
Is Merdie feeling okay? I just don't understand why her leash is loose. Maybe you should take her temperature. A healthy dog would have the leash very tight.
We are unable to congratulate the pinstripe guys. We only root for 2 teams in MLB, the Boston Red Sox and whoever is playing th NYYs. We would be ostracized from the Re Sox Nation if it were ever known that we would even consider congratulating dem NYYs, but we are allowed to admit they do have the best team that money can buy.
Boy that Merdie is something else. What remarkable breed of dog is she?
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