I'll turn it ovfur to Mom now so she khan tell woo about her two transports!
Actually, Auntie Di wanted Sophie (the white with gray puppy but)!
Yes, two runs this weekend - the furst was fur three puppies
Sophie (F), Sadie (F), and McKenzie (M)
Froot Bat!
Sasha BOO!
What a fun ride! Nikki just insisted I pet her the entire trip -which was NOT a problem! Sasha never left the side of the crate you see in the pictures. The puppies were a bit noisy from time to time but quickly settled back down.
Their next driver called me enroute and we decided to meet closer to Carlisle. Actually, we met a Bob Evans that was just down the street from where the SHCA held some of its past national specialty shows. I had been to that location twice.
Just up the road from it - and on my way back to York - the Appalachian Trail crosses over The Carlisle Pike in Cumberland County .
Here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow for these five sweeties - and here is the link to the album where you'll find six videos. You'll be able to see the puppies in the one of them. Due to their age, they needed to travel in the crate and were only to be let down on the ground if they were on their travel tarp. Since my leg was the first leg, there wasn't a need for them to get out in Carlisle.
On my way back to York, the driver of my next passenger called to say they were on the way from Bedford. Copper had started his morning in Johnstown PA with his final destination in the Newark DE area. The drive from Bedford to Harrisburg is approx 90 miles so we worked out a location from which they'd call again so I could go meet them. His trip had been put together by NBRAN.
Here is Copper The Brittany Spaniel
Handsome Fella!
We had decided to meet at Long's Park in Lancaster. This is when Copper and I arrived. He started scoping out the resident menaces you'll see below
He's quite the puller! In fact, the foster that had in prior to his final trip to DE told us/warned us what a strong fella he was!
His nose was on full alert!
After he had gotten a chance to stretch those legs (and my arm) I popped the hatch on The Xterra and he settled in there!
Always keeping an eye out for them
More THEM!
THEY were everywhere!
Here is the link to his Photobucket Slideshow - and his Photobucket album for the videos. There are also some pictures/video with his foster sister Rosie. They hit it off quite well - as you'll see!
Khyra and I hope everyone had a great weekend.
She'll be back tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
It never matters what you are doing, you are always beautiful! Did you go outside tonight and see that beautiful full moon?
We got to thinking about all the incredible planning that it takes to make these transport a sucess! It is a lot of work.
Look at those adorable faces - all rescued and someday to forever homes.
Thank you to you and your mom.
Hi, Khyra -
What adorable puppies. Hopefully they will all find forever homes. We hope you had a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Khute puppies & khute khing-size khanines! Bless your mama fur all her work fur the rescues-- helping to provide happy endings fur these lucky pups!
Evil evil squirrels - fortunately they will all "go to sleep" fur the winter soon - so we can enjoy prime husky weather without interruption!
a-roos & woos,
jack n' tori
Hello Khyra! Happy Monday! Copper looks like my Brittany friend Max! You are lucky to have the kompany of all those pawsome furfriends and vice versa. Thanks for sharing their pics with us! Have a GREAT Momday, for you and your mommy truly deserve it!!!
Hey there sweety Khyra
Well, I continue to be in absolute awe of your mom. She is truly an amazing woman - to be part of such and incredible network of transporters and "happy ever after stories!" Those little faces just want to make us weep this end!
(You are our reality check!)
That is a lot of doggies to move in one weekend. They all looked very happy to be riding with super rescue lady.
Poor Khyra, though, left to fend off the squirrels on her own.
We thought you were going to pull a Huffle up that tree. You looked very determined.
What a cute set (ok - sets) of transports this weekend.
Lots of pups this time!
Nikki looked very sweet.
It beed very cool to see Cooper meet his new sister!
You know, you live in the same places as me! I lived in Lancaster before and now I live in Cumbria, very near Carlisle. hehehe! They doesn't look the same though.
~lickies, Ludo
Copper is so beautiful. And those pups were pretty darn cute too. Mom really liked Sasha and that front seat passenger had such a gentle face. A double whammy transport for your Mom - thanks for all you do.
MFT, we don't know what to do about those squirrels, we really need to figure out how to climb too. You sure did a fine job of trying. One of these days we will be successful.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Khyra, I am so glad that your mom had successful transports. That is good news for her passengers.
I can't believe that a Sq...... would Dare to enter your tree. They are such brazen creatures.
I still think we should all box them up and ship them to Lorenza. SHE is sq...... deprived.
We can't climb either but we can leap! Maybe you could catch the evil creatures on the lawn sometime!
What a terrific transport! My mom got the message about a brittany but she was going to speak at a conference so she couldn't drive. She thinks it would be so cool if you both drove for the same transport!
love & wags,
What a wonderful service you allow your Mom to do for these pets who are being rehomed.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Phew! More dogs and puppies well on their way to safety and forver homes!
We watched the puppies last night and muzzer was like "Awwwww" She likes the white puppy too, but says Aunt Di has first choice. Hey, I had to tell her they already have homes! No more puppies here!
We love the Brittany, and know he would have taken care of those menaces if your mom had allowed it.
Wooo Miss Fluffy Tail! Woo Mom did another excellent job this weekend with her transports, those Husky's were so cute and so was the puppies and the Brittany... and all of those evil squirrels which needed to be chased... what a pretty time it is up there, It is finally cooling down in the 80's here, I like laying by my pool in the shade. My secretary apologizes for not posting this weekend, everytime we were on your site, we clicked on a link and forgot to come back!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, we will climb the tree for you and throw the squirrel down for you to chase. ~S,S & C
Hi Khyra ~Fenris
All the dogs are cute but the puppies are extra adorable. ~S,S,C & F
Thank you for helping five(?) different dogs this weekend. I bet that your work will make a big difference in finding them good homes. Those little pups are adorable!
And Khyra, thanks for sharing your mom! The leaves under your tree look like fun!
Yay, we love Monday MOMday and reading about all your little passengers. Thank you for all that you do! :)
I wish I could take a ride in your XTERRA sometime Khyra. How nice of Auntie Di to give it some juice!
Bakhon bits - HAH That was a good one!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay those luk like sweet pups yore mama duz sutch gud wurk transporting them!!! and wow the skwirrels seem to be massing for sum sort of big operayshun if i find owt ennything wile infiltrayting the ninja hedjhog lair i wil be shoor to let yoo no!!! ok bye
Hi Khyra, those furiends are so cute! Big hugs to you and your mom!
Nikki looks so much like our
Chamois. Chamois keeps forgetting that she khant khlimb trees.
Wow! Khyra - your mama just drives and drives and drives to see that so many doggies get cool new furever homes. I love the descriptions of the trips though and wish I'd been with mom to try to break free to chase some of "THOSE"!!! And you look so cute, but totally flummoxed by your tree! I've been frustrated by high running squirrels too and wished I could climb hehehee!
Hugs and Love xo
Oh thank you for transporting all those cute babies!!! I know they will get great furever homes soon!
We hope they all get good homes and we love that your mom does this.
Wow! Lots of puppers your mamma helped out! Way to go mom!!
Dude, watch out for the squirrels...I think they can now steal time!
Those pests were up in your tree Khyra? How dare they!
Looks like another great transport your mom did! 4 paws up for her!
Sam & June
Those are some swell smilers ready and waiting for their forever homes! You have a wonderful mom to be proud of for all her rescue work.
Kheep up the good workh guarding that tree!
Your pal,
What great pictures! It's really hard to get good pictures when a puppy is pulling your arm off, but you did really well. You're so kind to help the puppies find their new homes! Give yourself a treat! :)
Hi Khyra,
Those sneaky tree rats! Maybe you can send a kitty up the tree after them.
We have our paws crossed that all the doggies find furever homes soon. They all look very sweet.
You look so determined to get up that tree!
Your mom had a lot of pups this weekend and they were all so cute! Your mom is awesome! :)
Hi Khyra, we have tried climbing trees - it just doesn't work!
We are trying to come up with an idea and will let you know if it works.
Beautiful pups for transport this week.
We loved the Brittany spaniel - mum thought he looked a lot like a basset.
Good work.
love and kisses
martha & Bailey xxx
Your mommy had BETTER get a pic of you when you finally make it up that tree!!! Those woofies are furry kyute! Mom thinks Copper was really a cutie!
Paris took one look at Copper and declared it love!!
Mom says she would love to take a puppy or two! But...
Hi Khyra! We love all those doggies!!! What a great thing you are doing!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Hi! That was a lively transport.
The puppies sure looked cute, and the other pals, so well behaved!!! That X-Terra certainly is a good vehicle for transport!!!!
Have a nice week Khyra and mom!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a lot of super cuties today.. I bet your mum so enjoyed the trip.. Of course I loved the pictures of you. You would have so loved to climb that tree.. Thank your mum for all the lovely photo's and video's.. Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, those squirrels are so bold to challenge you from YOUR tree! If you ever want to form a posse to get 'em, count me in!
Your mom's passengers were so beautiful. We are glad they have found forever homes where they will be loved. As always thanks to you and your mom for saving lives.
Wow, those were some really cute puppies! The bean's head almost popped off, I guess I'll have to watch the bean more closely! :) I know the bean wants a doggie, but I am doing my best to keep that at bay. (No offense to you)
What furry cute passengers your momma had!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Khyra, oh how I wish I could climb too! THEY like to tease us with their climbing abilities, don't THEY? Your Mom had so many lovely passengers this weekend. I know they won't have trouble finding furever homes soon.:)
Teddy Bear
What sweet little pups!!
Those are all super woofies and those puppies are adorable. It's so wonderful to know that there are so many good people like your Mom out there to help. You should give her some extra snuggles!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Aw goodness -- can I have the little gray one?! So cute!
Kudos to you for opening your heart to these guys once again!
Mom you sure had a busy day...
We notices a lot of Sasha. Wonder why that is??
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, I am a cat but I have seen you visiting some of my kitty furriends, so I have come and say mieow. I have a few doggie furriends too.
Aw, look at the puppies!!! And Copper is so handsome - he reminds me of my angel brother Benny. <3
And I'd keep an eye on that flamingo if I were you Khyra...he looks up to no good! BOL!
PS. Thank you fur becoming a fan! :-)
Sasha??? You had a Sasha?? I wasn't there, wait I am confused. I wish I could come and meet the beautiful Khyra, I would let her climb on my back to climb up that tree and get those squirrels. The doggies were all so cute and you are the coolest Mommy ever.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Your mom had a full carload this weekend, Khyra! What adorable puppies!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Khyra! Da beans dat live behind us dat used to haf a woofie like yoo named "Nanook" haf a new puppy! She looks like yoo wif brown instead of grey and she's sweet and fun and likes to sniff kitty butts! Her name is Nanna and if we get to we is gonna climb a tree and knock one of dem stoopid skwerrels down so she can get it! As always GIRLS RULE AND BOYS DROOL!
Khyra do you need me to go undercover to catch that silly squirrel???
Great transports...Sasha sure looks diff...OHOHOH Mama says that is not Sassy Sasha that is ANOTHER Sasha!
Great transport pics!!
It looks like so much fun to go on trips with the dogs. I wish I could meet them too. :)
Aw puppies. How adorable. Your mum is doing good work as always.
Khyra you just keep an eye on that thing in the tree. So cute looking up there
Benny & Lily
Those evil squirrels just can't stay away from you can they? They want to see your beauty like we all do!
Your mom sure had a lot of transports this weekend! We hope all of them have furever homes soon! Copper looks like our neighbor Shasta.
I love the scarf! Hope it was a good Halloween Khyra! I loved all of the pictures of the little traveling buddies. How fun! That is so nice of you to do that!
Kasha and Africa
Hi, Khyra!
Maybe one day we will be able to climb trees! One day...
All those puppies are adorable!
Kisses and hugs to you and your mom!
Hi Khyra,
We are on dial up and when you have a blog with lots of pictures my computre will not show about 3/4
of those pictures.So all I could see was the first 5 pictures.
Khyra you were beautiful!!
Bambi loves to watch the squirrels
in the trees too....
Love you all, Bambi and Fern
So adorable! An woo are beautiful as always!
What a haul! You moved a lot of pooches this weekend - and Carlisle is so close to where I lived many years ago. :)
Miss K
Puppies.. I love puppies but Sasha seems like a bit of fun. Do you ever get to hike along the Appalachian Trail? Mom's hiked part of it in NH.
Geez those pesky squirrels.. or is it more like pesky flashie beast.
What wonderful passengers your Mom had! I hope you told those tree rats who was boss! Tell your mom thanks for all she does....and thanks to you for letting her. Me and mom love you guys!
Frooooooot baaaaaat! Mom got confused by that first picture of Nikki - she thought it was me at first glance. :) Mom says she's glad she didn't know about Nikki sooner or she might have driven out to dawgnap her. hehe
Your pal,
PS - Mom thinks that Xterra juice money for transports might be the coolest birthday present ever!
Wow! copper is handsome. and he shares the same love of squirrels that you do too!
great stories and photogs...glad shasha and nikki found homes. and it must have been a gas to travel with PUPPEHS!
PeeEssWoo: Jodhpurs! (juno's are coming in full now and so now i have to switch to jodphurs in honor of how floofy they are getting...)
Aww!! Cute puppies! Copper looks just like a fiend we had in Texas named Bailey. I hope they all find homes.
Your Nikki looks a bit like my Sheeba. She is a Pom
WOW! Think of how many dogd and pups youse guys helped towards getting furever homes this week. that's lot of transporting. As always Khyra, you know the drill, a big BUMMPASS HOUND THANK YOU to Khyta's mom and a bigger WE LOVE YOU MOM for all she does for the homeless.
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