After all the pikhs she's taken of me over the past days...

PeeEssWoo: Now T H I S is one khool thing to find on your patio/porch!!!. There was a story about him on our Six-O-Khlokhk news...I haven't seen a video link fur the story yet BUT that link was to a photo slideshow and this one is some video footage!!!
I love going on walkies with you! But I think I might try to catch your tail. It's like it's another animal... that I"d like to chase.
High fashion modeling is SO exhausting for gorgeous creatures such as yourself.
Khyra, you are so graceful when you walk, it is beautiful to watch. Don't you hate when they use the flashy beast when we are trying to sleep??
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Khyra, you is so khyute!
Harooouu Khyra!Your tail is soo fuury, bet you get loads of attention from wagging it on your walks!! Luv the pictures too, mommy's favourite is the last pose, she's trying to get me to pose like that longer but i refuse to cooperate!
Cheers & Cheeze,
I was having a hard time getting motivated, but you always put a spring in my step! Happy Wednesday!
You always look so comfy!
Hi Khyra,
Modelling work can be so exhausting, especially for a high profile pup like you. And you totally need your beauty sleep to look your best in front of the camera.
I must say, the camera is often on you Khyra. Even more so than here. How do you handle it????
hey Khyra,
You do need a long rest from all those flashy beast interruptions, so sleep well!
Thanks for the links to the red-tail hawk story! What a beautiful bird, and he/she was sure lucky to end up with such kind humans who safely freed him/her! Woof!
You are a fast walker. At first I thought it was nappy Wednesday. That hawk looked very happy flying away.
Thanks for putting that up.
It's belly rubbin' time!
Hey Khyra,
we enjoyed joining you in your walkie ^_^ you look so beautiful we think, by the way
Maltese Paws
Lovely snoozy pics of you and you had another lovely walk.. Wow fancy comming home to find the hawk in your porch. I thought the pictures were so funny with the mans expression...
Hugs GJ xx
Khyra, we are soooo excited! Our mom met your twin last Saturday! Well, sort of! He's a big Husky boy named Zeus. He even has the same stripes in his furs! He lives on a very large property about a mile from us and his dad says even though his yard isn't fenced, he never leaves the property! The only time he wears a leash is when he goes to the v-e-t! He's gorgeous...just like you!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Excellent walk and thanks for sharing the hawk video and pictures. Those talons can hurt more than Meeshka's! Our hu-dad used to work with a Red Tail Hawk when he was a hu-teen-pup and remembers the talons well.
Great photos Khyra and what an amazing story about the red hawk! Some surprise for them.
lots of woofs
Hi Khyra
Thanks for taking us on a walk. It's been raining here, so only short walkies for us.
We would pee ourselfs if we saw that hawk in our porch.
Love Ruby & Penny
Huzzy photos AND a walk? So much to take in for the Mango.
80 degrees is too hot for me. That's for sure.
We have been catching up with all your post. Looks like you are having a fun summer. Mr. Toad seems to like his pool.~S,S, C & F
I went to my first dog obedience class last night. They put a pinch collar on me and I became a very well behaved little boy. ~Fenris
That was quite the story about that hawk - the guy did great catching and then freeing it.
MFT, we love your peemail dance - you have such cool moves:)
woo, the OP Pack
Wooo HOOO..."sways with a wiggle with a wiggle when she walks, sways with a wiggle when she walks."
Wooo Pretty MFT, I am sure you are tired of having that paparazzi always following you around , especially when you are napping... we need to think of something to stop it. I will be working on it..
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We thought of you when we saw the news.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
happy wednesday k & p!
your posts always make our day!
m & e
Walkin' Wednesday rocks. Sometimes when I'm super tired, I'll lift my head up off the floor and then clunk it down real hard. Mom always runs over and asks if I'm ok. hehe
Your pal,
When Ziggy lies like that he's beggin to have his belly rubbed. I hope you got some belly rubs!
Da doggies in our house all do those walkies wif dere eyez closed. Not normal frum a kitty purr-spective☺ Do you ebber meet anyone on yourz walks?
Khyra, you had my mom guffawing over your comments on my puppy jail pic; she says thanks for the morning laugh!
Your pal,
You look tuckered out Khyra! You deserve a nice rest! :)
P.S. I know you are innocent. ;)
I like to kick after I leave peemail too, Khyra! What a nice day you had for a walkie!
Love ya lots,
You are right Khyra, to find a red-tail hawk on your porch is very cool but it was probably very frighten.
Please tell your mom to leave you alone when you are taking your naps.
Sam & June
p/s: Khyra's mom, since it is now cherry season, you should try to make the cherry liqueur now because it needs to "age" for at least 6 months. So it will be ready in time for Christmas or New Year. YD
Snoozin'!!!! It's what us furry babies do best!!!!
Khyra, you look so Khute!!! Love the pictures!!!
we love going on walkies with you - it is so much fun - we gotta start videoing our walkies too
Woodrow Sweetie & MJ
Yup, you definitely deserve some downtime after all the flashy-box action!
*kissey face*
Khyra! Looks like you've passed out under your bar stool:) But, looks quite comfy!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
You work sooooooo hard! Pace yourself, Khyra!
Play bows,
Khyra, you must be careful not to overdo the photoshoots - you must be exhausted.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Nice walk Khyra! Love following your tail! And yes - quite the thing to find in an enclosed patio - wow.
Hugs xo
We're glad your mom took some time out to enjoy the festivities last night!!
Did you catch the interview in the booth?
Jake and Just Harry
Does woor mom give woo lots of treats for being such a great model?
I enjoyed this week's edition of Walkin' Wednesday! I liked how woo added a twist before woor kicks!
That video made me want to go for walk too! So I barked & barked until the humans took me out.
Like your style of sleeping.
Dr Dre
Geez Khyra....that is one fierce lookin' bird....don' think I woulda been that brave ta try ta catch it.....yer little nap there made me so very
T i r e d.......zzzzzzz.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
What a wonderful walk. We would take lower to upper 80's anytime.. The concrete is so hot mom is afraid we will burn our pads.. The backyard is pretty shady so at least we have a bit of a cooler place to do our business..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You look so beautiful Khyra! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Khyra, you make a great model for all your Mom's photo shoots.
Teddy Bear
I didn't think it was huzzy Wednesday this week?
Huffle Mawson
Awwwwwwwwwww sweet Khyra!!!
You look sooooooo beautiful and cute as always!!!
You're a wonderful model for your mommy and we love watching your photos!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!
Have a great and relaxing day!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuu!!!
Lots of love and kisses
You leave fancy pee-mail Khyra! Pee, twist and kick! I just leave plain ol' pee.
Hi, Khyra!
A well deserved relaxing time after all that modeling work!
Happy Walkin' Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
the lazy days of summer - ahhhh
Your mom does like that flashie beast.
Miss Khyra, your sleeping rug is so tiny! Maybe you should pull the second one over and stretch out.
I love all the pictures of you but,
I think you need a "Khrya Cam" so that we can see what you see!
Hawks take our chickens sometimes but I never get to taste the chickens! Not Fair!
Hoover BPD
I see you are still worn out from me chasing you.
The flashy beast is chasing you again, Khyra?? How bad!
Beautiful pics and video, though.
You're a good walker, Khyra! And I can see all those neat stripes on your back. Thanks for the reminder that cherry pits should not be chewed - I updated my blog accordingly!
Can I join you next week? :)
What a neat story! Wow!!! your walkies are so exciting sometimes Khyra!
Benson and gibson
You do groin sleepies too! Hooray! Isn't it the BEST???
You look so relaxed Khyra!
Hehe, we loved that Pee, Twist and kick technique.. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Khyra, you're as usual, truly BOOTIFUL!
100 degrees isnt even for the birds, they aren't even coming around as much!? I wonder where in the heck they went??
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