Mom khame home a little early - let me out to enjoy the yard and the nice breeze...I was happy...smiling...enjoying the views!
Just looking!
Then I decided to go on alert fur Chloe The Greyhound khame out PLUS my khat 'pals' were out!
******Let me introduce woo to KADE!
He is with our furiends at The Last Resort Reskhue
He needs help khovering the khosts of a surgery he just had. I will share more about THAT tomorrow but in the meantime, here is a snippet of why help is urgently needed
Our Kade had surgery (Tuesday). We have not raised nearly enough $ and have nearly drained all of our rescue funds. If we don't replenish this, we will be forced to take a break from saving any more doggies until we can get back to where we were before this. If there is anyway you can help at all, that would be so greatly appreciated as you know!
BUT here is how all of WOO khan help him!
Fur the next THREE days, I will make a donation of one green paper fur each khomment I receive!
It is my part of Paw It Furward!
Many of us don't need more toys or treats...and in many khases, the khosts fur shipping the items are green papers gone fur good!
SO, I asked Mom if we khould make a donation to The Last Resort Reskhue as a way to tank them fur Laska!
I am also going to try and get khaught up on some of the awards and tags I haven't done fur the last two Thursdays. PLUS, I also want to share the furry khool P-I-F pakhkage I got from Bajas!
PeeEssWoo: Please chekhk out my pals Kayla K and Maebe Baebe in Nevada's blog They are spreading the woos about missing Sibe in the Reno area!
Khyra, You not only have a beautiful face, you also have a beautiful heart. God bless you and your human!
We can't let them take a break- pups need them.
I'd like to go one step further. I would like to challenge all the pups who "khoment" here to go directly to The Last Resort Rescue and pledge $10. Come on everybody - let's really try to make a difference! I'm going right now...
Khyra - that is a wonderful thought on your part - and I'm with TANK - let's all make a donation!
Khyra, you are beautiful inside and out - and your mom is too! What a nice idea for the Paw It Forward and we'll also donate to The Last Resort Rescue!
Mom can donate, but wants to know if there is a snail mail address?
you are such a nice doggie...
I am happy to comment and my Mom is going to make a donation to try and help the other dogs. I hope you are all well. Be safe for the 4th of July, I don't like this holiday, way too noisy for me.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
That is such a wonderful idea, Khyra. You are very good.
hey Khyra,
What a great idea to Paw it Forward! So here is my comment and I hope you get many many more! What a sweet pup you are, and what a cool human you have!
Beautiful inside out! May your lives be filled with more happiness you and your whole family deserve!! Have a great weekend and 4th July!!
I definitely have to add my comments for the next three days.
Huffle Mawson
Great pics of your gorgeous self and a great idea!
It is lovely that you are always thinking of other dogs that need help.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
That is a super paw it forward idea. We do spend lots of non recoverable green papers on ourselves. Nice to share a bit of our good fortune.
So can we comment more than once - we want to see the rescue budget go up some. Thanks for being a help and an inspiration. We're on our way to take up Tanks' challenge.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What a nice looking woofie, we hope the surgery goes well and gets all paid for.
Hi, Khyra...
What a great way to play Pay it Forward...
Me & my Mom are gonna go over the The Last Resort Rescue place & see how we can help, too...
Thanks for all you & your Mom do for our Furfriends...
Abby xxxooo
What a sweet and wonderful thing to do,MFT!!! There never seems to be enough money around for the folks who are trying to do good for others. We just got our PIF from the Beagles the other day and we are thinking about doing something similar for our turn.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Woos, TD and Phantom
Woooo Miss FT, we are proud of you and your Mommy for doing this. lets get this paw it forward thing going now!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra
What a great idea. We all get to help you help Kade and The Last Resort Rescue.
Love Ruby & Penny
I know very well the kindness in Khyra's heart.
My human knows that special doggies need expensive operations so I know they will want to help.
Hoover BPD
Wow that is so wonderful of you and your mom Khyra.. Hopefully with all the DWB's friends we can do better than just replenish..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a furry great idea Khyra. You are so kind!
Luv Scott x
I thinks this is a great idea!! Khyra, woo is sooooooooo smart!!! Beewootiful and smarts!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Wow Khyra you are a special dog! Mommy went and donated just now. Tank filled us in on your paw it forward so I thought I would let you know!
Happy 4th Weekend. Do you climb under the bed when the loud noises come? I do.
Happy Smileys!
hi khyra!
happy 4th to you and your mom!
we cannot wait to see what you two do!
m & e
You are so furry generous, Khyra - so sad about missing Sibe in Reno area - we're closer to Reno than NJ, but still pretty far away - we have paws crossed.
Hugs xo
Hi Khyra,
That is a great idea you had. Mom wishes she could donate too but she said something about that C-A-T and spaying... or is it staying?!?
Sorry - going to Last Resort Rescue! Also all pups; check out Kimberley's blog
at http://kj1974.blogspot.com and look at the poster there - if anyone can help with even $5. that would be pawsome - such stories owowowow.
Hugs xo
You and your Mom are doing such a great thing.:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you and your mom are so cool!!!!!
xo sugar & martine
You and your mom are so very generous, Khyra! Bless you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello, how are you? There´s an award for you on my blog!!
Woo! (I think you know what I mean!)
You and your mom are truly wonderful people to do all you do for furry friends. You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. Is your mom as beautiful as you are?
Misty the alpha Poodle
w00fs, 1st me leave a comment, then me go c what me can do to help...
b safe,
Mom hasn't let us get near the computer in months and months. All she does is bring in more of these silly dogs and then they leave again. They do tell us some funny and scary stories while they're here. What a scary story you've been telling of such a handsome boy. Thank goodness it has a happy ending.
Maybe one day we'll be allowed to post our stories again.
Until then....
Woooooo are still the queen of fluffy tails.
Spart Tart
Yep, that's right, I'm still here! Hee hee hee.
Khyra, you are beautiful, inside and out!!! We will go and visit your friends!
Love, uSSSSS
Youw outside booty matches youw genewous bootiful heawt. So many doggies to twy to help.
I will go and see how I can.
Have a safe and happy Fouwf
smoochie kisses
Oh Khyra! It so nice of you to help your buddy! And you look phabulous in your pho-tos. And you're HIRED as my Lieutenant. Especially if you're going to do the work because I mostly just want to have press conferences.
wally t.
That's a great idea! You and your mom are awesome!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet Khyra and mommy....
you're the best family we know in the world!!!!!
You're so special and beautiful inside and out!!!
We're honored to know you and be your friends!!!
And What a great idea to Paw it Forward!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here is our comment and we hope you get many many more!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your mommy are sooooooooooooo sweet!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend...you deserve only the best things and emotions in the world!!!
We love you a lot!!!
What a great cause, Khyra! I am honored to leave a comment on behalf of Kade. I hope he gets the help that he needs, and I hope those at Last Resort Rescue continue their hard work well into the future. If I weren't helping Laney and HS of Indianapolis, I would most certainly be pushing for this as well.
I will make a special post tomorrow for you to see if I can get more support for you!
Not another missing friend. We hope he is found -- SOON!
That is such a neat way to Paw It Forward! We don't have any green papers but we can sure leave a message.
Hi, Khyra!
Something happenend that I did not see your post yesterday!
Your idea is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, you and your Mom rock!
Kitty kisses from me!
What a wonderful thing you are doing. And Tank, you're right, I'm on my way over to the site to pledge $10. You are all wonderful, caring folks. Paw It Forward!!!
What a wonderful thing to do!
We neffurr visted yer blog befur, but think you are one princely doggie for having this green papers drive. You certainly have lovely furs and beautiful eyes and we can tell that you are kind and thoughtful, too
Khyra what a khool thing you are doing! I had a husky before she passed a couple of years ago and we still miss her everyday. Her name was Koda.
Hi Khyra, we think your heart is as big as the world itself...
WOO Khyra, thank woo for spreading the word on all the lost pups and those who need help.
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Hi, Khyra -
What a pawtastic way to play Paw It Forward. We hope you and your family have a great weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. Here is our comment to help.
Khyra, you and your the Mom are most special gals on a counta all you do for others...
I beed wishin the Khade the very very best and also headin over to donate!
wif love from the Luke
p.s. I think you know how much I love your pitchers but in case you forgot... I do!
Khyra and Mom,
We admire your kind works!
We love you more and more every day!
hope our comment isnt too late - we have been in the country with no internet access
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Oh no! Are we too late to be included as a comment??
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