Welkhome To The Friday Free Fur All
Fashion AND Flower Edition

Please stop and see what else they have in store fur Fashion Friday!
SEE? I'm a SUPERHERO! like Nigel!


Mom got home from work...fired up the laptop whilst I was in the yard...I shot her THE LOOK so out she khame with the flashie beast
Of khourse, the really khute one she had READY to khapture bekhame this one since I moved JUST then...
So I shot her THIS look...
Place Happy Hearts on the tongue PLEASE!
Okay then, don't!

Mom didn't have any khanine transports planned fur the usual groups so when she got an email about doing one fur a Brittany she said sure! It is a short leg as her legs usually go! It is just from Harrisburg to just above the PA/MD border.
Next weekend she has ofFURed to do one fur Laska's Mom...a handsome Sibe named Luke is the furst passenger on the list fur now!
Fur some reason these past few days have found us furry behind on blogs...one minute they are at a manageable number, then the next minute they are like OSWALDS! We are reading but we might not get to khomment...SORRY!
Have a great Friday! Have a safe weekend!
PeeEssWoo: Just WAIT until woo see how some of 'them' are buttering me up and TRYING to win me over! Khome on bakhk tomorrow to see what 'they' are resorting to doing!
What a great idea... fashionable friday!!! Sugar doesn't really have any outfits but maybe this is a reason to figure one out for her!!!
Love ya Khyra!!!
xo sugar & martine
Mom always smiles so big when she sees your pictures. I love the hat and the one with your tongue sticking out waiting for a treat. You are so beautiful.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay sooperheroing is hard wurk isnt it??? wel i meen teknikly im not a sooperhero but i am a globetrotting adventcherer so its almost the saym thing!!! ok bye
hey Khyra,
Love the hat! But where are your shades?
And how can your mom not give you a happy heart on your tongue when you so graciously stuck out your tongue for her? I think she owes you four happy hearts now!
p.s. My human K says: lovely flowers! I bet they smell so pretty!
Happy Friday, Khyra!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
You look so pretty in your hat. We will be keeping our paws crossed for safety as your Mom drives this weekend.
Teddy Bear
We think your hat is cool! We are there too ... with the "summer chapeau!" I am learning my hats!
That photo is cute of you with your eyes closed and tongue out! Did you get a Happy Heart?
You look great with the cap and thw flowers are really beautiful (:
best regards
I like the feed me happy hearts face. I think that should work. We still have some of the ones left that you sent me. How could that be possible?
Because momma is a big meany! She says they are extra special for extra good dogs. Humph.
Happy Friday Khyra! We know how you feel; mum was away for three days this week and we are struggling to catch up.
Huffle Mawson
Yea - Friday - finally - great pics - and prett flowers - love the super sibe hat.
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Khyra...as usual...you look beautiful!!!
Hi Khyra
You look great in your Super Sibe Kap. Have a great weekend and mom, have safe transports.
Love Ruby & Penny
We like Fashion Friday - maybe next week we'll have to join you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Khyra you are KUTE as can be. ~S,S,C & F
Have a good weekend MFT & Mom!
We love your hat - it is quite bekhoming to you!!! Happy weekend and watch out for that flashy box.
Woos, the OP Pack
Whoa..cool cap! Can i borrow it sometimes? The flowers are pretty just like you! You look so comfy under the blanket and that pic with the tongue out, definitely deserve cookies!!
Happy Friday Khyra!!
Khyra, honey.....nice hat!
Have a great weekend, my furry gal!
Khyra - you look adorable in your hat!!!!
Great photo session, MFT. Kept your eyes closed & avoided looking right at her the whole time! Way to go!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack aroo
What a beautiful hat you have.
We love it when mom gets out the flashie beast. You take such beautiful pictures...
Have fun on your transport mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mommy and I think fashion friday sounds like fun too...Bilbo is shivering in the corner, so I don't think he will ever let it be Friday again...
We like your hat. Who is "them"?
You look just lovely in your Kh'ap, Khyra!
Hope you got lots of Happy Hearts on your tongue for your hard work posing! Hope you get caught up on your blogs multiplying like Oswalds! Ha roo roo! You're funny Khyra!
You are quite fashionable in your hat, Khyra...and you are such a good photo model.
Khyra, you sure have a beautiful garden!
You look very cute in the hat Khyra!!!
Those flowers are very purrty.
now our humans are going to want to put hats on us to keep up with the fashion plate Khyra.
Misty the disgruntled Poodle
Cool hat! I like the "place Happy Hearts cookie here" post. Very clever. I can't believe it didn't work!
Play bows,
Khool Khap Khyra!
Wrooo wroooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
You have so many "looks" -- we hear there's an opening on DOGUE since Just Martha went back to being an Auntie.
As for my tale of tails -- your fluffy beauteous tail was one of the catalysts for my discontent.
Your mom does a wonderful thing, doing the transporting. Beautiful blooms and photos of you.
Khyra, you have the very best smile! Happy weekend!
Lots of good things to look at on this post, Khyra, but my furry favorite is the Super K Sibe cap you are wearing in the first pic!
Good wishes to your Mom for a good transport weekend!
You look so cute in those pictures, Khyra! And you look very cool in your cap! That store have nice things! Thanks for sharing.
Have a great Friday and weekend!
Comfy bed = comfy dog!
Those flowers are very beautiful.
It's hard to be trendy.
You defininitely have "the lookh" my friend, Khyra! You really makhe fashion statement wif that first one!!!
I don't know how you all ways lookh so khleen and pretty and soft but you do! I wish I was there to nuzzle the you!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. Luke is furry nice name for your upkhomin transport! I bet he handsome boy!
Didn't we look so good in our hats.. Yay to Zoolatry,,
I love your chic hat..
Lovely pictures of you again sweet one and flowers too.
Hope your mum has a good transport trip, and mum knows just what you mean abot the blogs. It is sometimes hard with work etc to keep on top..
Hugs GJ xx
WOOOs Khyra the Super Sibe, I think you can be pretty super too! Tell your Mom to Have fun with the Brittany, Mom has a soft spot for them, I don't know why. Have a great weekend!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I love the sleepy pics, that how I like to get comfy too.
I noticed that with the blogs too, and I visit lots less than you do!
~lickies, Ludo
Hi, Khyra...
More great pictures...
I gave you an Award...Stop by my Blog & pick it up when you get a minute...
Abby xxxooo
uh oh I khan't wait to see these tactics!! When does your aunt arrive???
Khyra, those are beautiful flowers! I'm so excited that someone else did Flower Friday (sorta). I was hoping it would catch on like WW and TCT but no such luck. You are such a beauty. It is pawesome that you are so patient with your Mom.
Love and hugs,
Khyra, Khyra... so, so, so pretty! We wuv looking at pictures of woo!!!
Hi, Khyra!
You look great with that cap!
I hope you had a happy friday too!
Kisses and hugs
You are so cute in that hat. I think it was made just special for you!
You look like your ready to go to a ball game!
We do that moving thing as soon as the humans get the camera out sometimes as well, so then they miss the shot they wanted. We dawgs do like to keep them on their toes..hehe
Gorgeous shots of you Miss Khyra!
Holly & Zac...XX
I didn't know you were a hat girl. The hat suits you!
Cool hat! You look great in it!
Hope you eventually got HH cookies! :)
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