Monday Again!

I'm resting up bekhause Auntie Di is khoming to visit!!!
NOW, I'll turn it over to Mom so she khan tell woo about Sunday's transport AND share another pawtential passenger in my Xterra....
Khyra's Mom Here...

Heading over to meet ANOTHER Xterra with Fenway, I spotted Hawkie on the utility pole...

Isn't that cool? I'm still kicking myself about a photo opp I missed a month or so ago. The pair was sitting on this one so showed the difference in their size. I was on my way to Harrisburg to meet a tranpsort and I didn't want to stop...everytime I pass these utility poles, I think damn, I should have taken the pikh. These were just outside the development by the barn on the golf course where they keep lots of the equipment.


This is just before we saw the rendezvous spot. I kept telling him we were almost there!

And we had NOOOOOO doubt this was his ride!
Here is
the link to his Photobucket album. His new mom and dad were very very nice people! He's going to be one very loved Brittany boy! He's going to have twenty some acres to call his own!
They had a female that crossed last year - I believe Fenway's furever mom said she was 18 years old!
Fenway even got to have some Salmon and Cheddar Happy Hearts! They were a hit with him too!
They even gave me a gift - a very very yummy gift: a large container of freshly picked black raspberries! (I even had to interrupt this drafting of the post to go have some MORE!)
This transport was quite the coordinated affair. It consisted of Casey and Zeus The Boxer (mom and son), Chevy The Brittany, and Fenway. Chevy started in Fayetteville, AK...Casey and Zeus joined the transport in St. Louis, MO...Fenway came up from KY to meet those three in Columbus. THEN the four headed east. When they got to Harrisburg, Casey and Zeus headed to Hartford, CT; Chevy went with his new dad to Perkasie PA. Tammy and Tom happen to live 'here' too so we met closer to York...then Fenway and I headed south to just above the Maryland line so he could meet his furever family and head back to Maryland!
Now, I would like you to meet Vanessa (now known as Maya):


More Wow!

Someone loves the camera!

Mary sent us an email Sunday morning with the first picture...then sent more is Maya's story:
HEY KHYRA....look at who is coming to my house today for The Last Resort ladies....I am going to be temp fostering her for a couple or few days until they either have a home for her, or a spot comes available at one of the boarding places we use down here. I have house full, but no way was I going to turn down TLR. And, this girl was in a gassing shelter in Columbus, NC. The foothills shelter. Isn't she absolutely STUNNING? She's already fully vetted, spayed, etc. She had a pink collar on when she was picked up by Columbus AC, but no one has ever come to claim her. She's only about a year old. So, here is my inauguration into fostering one of these. Khyra, please don't faint. We won't be able to see all those lovely blogs you do if you faint. And speaking of blog, feel free to put her and her story on your blog. Perhaps it will help TLR find her a home very fast.
And when Mary sent the second set of pictures, she shared an update of how she's doing:
I met Patti and got Vanessa, who is now named Maya, and headed off with her to Karen's house, where we walked around the property and she decided she wanted to try to get the little voles in the yard. Funny. She obviously likes other dogs a lot...she had no problem with the beagles or the airedale that Karen and Steve have. I think she was sniffing around for a cat, tho. LOL....After we left Karen's house, we went shopping at PetsMart, where she chose a beautiful red Martingdale (SP?) collar and leash, plus a pretty green fluffy plaid bed...and I couldn't keep her away from the Canine Carry Out Soft Treats. :-)She made friends with lots of doggies, and one black lab 10 month old pup...bigger than she is already...they played around for a while inside the store, then we came home and she's all tucked fact, after I hit send on this, I'm going to go lie down with her and take a nap. She has her own bedroom downstairs with her kennel in it, but we're going to nap on the futon down there. It is very cool downstairs (basement made into living space by former owners) and the best place in the world for a sibe mix.Here are some pics for you to enjoy.Sam, I'm glad you like the name Maya. MBSO, if anyone would be interested in this stunning girl, please let me know...I'll pass on your information.
I guess this will do it for this Monday MOMday!
Khyra will be back on her khorner tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Once again, thank for for the kind words about the transports. It is a way we can isn't much but in these trying times, every little bit helps.
One last comment from Merlin's dad after reading Sunday's post:
Merlin has been trying to convince me how extraordinary he is and now he claims this as proof positive! How can I argue?Ken