Monday, February 16, 2009

Monumental Monday Winners!

Hello Evfurryone!
BOY, did it feel grrrreat to be bakhk in Pawsylvania AND my own bed. No more noisy khreatures save fur my mom's snoring!
ANYWAY, I spent some time in my yard
And then I inspekhted the drawing fur the #400 post/Paw It Furward Down Under!
I pronounced the khontest ready to go!
Rather than write all of your names onto pieces of paper, Mom wrote numbers on slips of paper and put them in my food bowl. When we pulled them, that number khorresponded to THAT post fur the day!

SOOOOO, Monday's winner was Titus and some khats;
Tuesday's winner was Kira, Scampi, and some khat;
Wednesday's winner was The Dughallmor Beagles;
and Thursday's winner was Bae Bae

KHONGRATS! We will be making a donation in your names AND we will be adding to it with one from ALL OF US in DWB World fur Opy, Charlie, and Their Peeps!

Mom and I would like to give a big thank you to all that pawticipated!
Once again, I want to repeat how honoured I was to serve as BIS Judge for MANGO Minster 2009!
Khongrats to all the pawticipants!

Have a great week!



Allison Walton said...

Welcome home, Khyra! Wee wantid to say dat woo did a grrreat job as da BIS judge. Wee don't know how you did da choosin. But woo wuz verree fair (and not jus sayin dat becuz Waldo wuz da winnir) by stayin away frum da doggeh's bloggiez.

Have a gud week!
Gus and Waldo

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Was there any danger of you eating the slips of paper since they were in your dish?

You know the boy would have.

Princess Eva

Bae Bae said...

I think that is a very pawsome ide Khyra.
It's better to help those animals who are more needy now.

And what a pawsome idea to do a draw. ;)

~ Bae

Koobuss said...

Hi Khyra!

Great job! That was quite a competiton.

I have been busy lately trying to find hiding places for all the chicken wings and other new food that I am getting. So I haven't been able to get to all my friends' bloggies, and unfortunately for me, I missed out on some real great stuff. Shucks! That's what happens when you are preoccupied and not paying attention. I'll try to do better.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Stella said...

Dear Judge Khyra,

As with all your endeavors, the drawing was done with grace and elan!


Lacy said...

w00f's Khyra, me glad u and ur mom iz home safe...congrats to ur winners...and u did a pawsome job piking the best in show..

b safe,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Welcome Home Khyra!

And you did a wonderful job picking out the winners.......

Youse have a good week too!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Khyra,
That is one great idea Khyra... and you did a fab job picking out the winners!!

Suzuki said...

Hi Khyra
You did a pawsome job as BIS Judge!
Big licks to you

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Khyra. We just wanted to say that we think you did a fabulous job with the Best in Show judging at Mango Minster!

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

You were a pawesome judge for Mango-Minster 2009...

It must have been such a tough decision...

Abby xxxooo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We sure hope there were some tasty treats at the bottom of that bowl after the pawsome job woo did in your judging of the BIS!!! Congrats to your winners and all the best to the recipients of your kindness down under.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Mack said...

There's no place like home is there pretty Khyra?

the magic sleigh said...

Welcome home Khyra, Mom says thank you for calling her a cat, she is honored....I think she always wanted to be a cat, not sure why though, dogs are much better, we get to go places.
Thank you for sniffing out our names, and THANKS for donated to the charity!

Parker said...

Khyra, that was an A #1 contest!
What a great thing to do!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

You should get a job as the Lotto girl. You know, the one who draws the numbers. I think you would be perfect!


Anonymous said...

Khongratulations to all the winners. You and your mommy be so kind Khyra! xxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

hey Khyra! Sorry to disappoint your Mum with the lack of men raining down on my blog!

My J realised after she put the post on she had not put the ten honest things about me on there, so it has changed a bit, with some True Confessions about me and Her.

Tell your Mum, we can always hope for Men Showers, she should always bring her bucket when visiting my blog, just in case. Especially if the men are wearing kilts!!

Hubba Hubba cries my Jeannie xxxxxx

lots of love Marvin xxxxxx

ps you were first to comment so you get the awards first!!

Jack & Moo said...

Congrats to the winners of your contest & the Mango-minster! woo have been one busy hussy, er, I meant husky! ( A legitament typo by humom, sorry)
Welcome home. I'll bet the evil sqwirrels missed woo.

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

Rambo said...

what a great idea! I knew you were one of those nice dogs. Not me. I'm a meanie. (remember.....I'm a chi?)

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Yay, you made it home from the judging safe. I is glad that you is helping those needy animals with the draw.
~lickies, Ludo

the many Bs said...

hi Khyra, we're happy that you are happy in your familiar and comfy bed. there's no place like home. (doesn't that sound kind of familiar?) he hee


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

We are just catching up with your blog Khyra. We loved that photo of you done in Sepia for valentines day. :-)

Holly & Zac...XX

Mic said...

Welcome back home!!! Now THAT is something to howl about!

The Furry Kids said...

Um, we didn't even know we were entered in anything. :blushes: Mom has really been off her game the last couple of weeks. But thank you! Rumor has it we're getting more snow on Wednesday. Maybe some will head your way.

Your pal,

The Army of Four said...

How many of the little papers did you eat? Just askin'.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We bet you are happy to be back home. Traveling really sucks sometimes..
Beautiful pictures of you..

Big sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Teddy Westlife said...

What do you mean, some khats?

Huffle Mawson

Duke said...

You are one heck of a BIS judge, Khyra! You deserve your much-needed rest!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back home! A trip is nice bu6t is is always good to get back home!

You did a great job judging!

It is so nice of you to make donations Down Under! They need lots of help.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Great job in Best in show, Judge Khyra!
Congrats to all winners, we have so much fun in DWB, haven't we?

Joe Stains said...

omdog blogger ate my khomment GRRR

Joe Stains said...

Great job on judging Mango-Minster!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
Congrats to all the winners.
Thanks Khyra for helping those down under.
Love Ruby & Penny

Lorenza said...

Sure is nice to be back at home, right?
Congratulations to the winners!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

Welcome home Khyra! You did a pawsome job picking the winners!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Khyra
What a fair and honust juge you be!
And welcomes home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra! Great job judging Mango Minster! We loved it! A great ending!

See ya!

Mochi and Bali said...

Home sweet home! You did a great job picking the contest winners. I would have ate the numbers. :)


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Weeeeee, we're so happy we're one of your Monumental Monday're doing a great job with the down-under donations and we're very glad to be able to help in this way too!
Mum says sorry for the very late comment, we're only just getting our visiting done, tsk, can't get the staff!
Slobbers xx