I'm thankful I have such thoughtful furiends!
Recently Turbo mentioned the Ruffians line of 'khuzzie' toys (NOT HUZZY)!


Tank woo furry much!
One khan never have too many awards from such nice furiends!
I had previously received it and passed it along by spelling out the word Proximidade. Right now, I khan't lokhate it in a timely fashion to relink to...please furgive me!
Please visit and say WOO!
which I had already done BUT here is the link to it !
I suggest woo also stop by and visit her!
Tank woo so furry much! It is just so khool to get things like this from my furiends!
I'll give woo a khall sometime!
I hope I've not overlooked any others! Please furgive my assistant. She's going to be bit out of sorts fur the next week(s). She will be what she hopes is a mini-vikhtim of the stoopid ekhonomy. Things are furry soft at work - which is never a good thing for an aluminum foundry. Almost evfurryone will be off fur next week - and hopefully not much longer. Please khross your paws that things start to pikhkup so she doesn't have to get under my paws fur too long! I mean, she's gonna khramp my style BUT I'll do what i gotta do!
Please tell your mom that we have our paws crossed that it's just a week.
Plenty of time to pack up the Xterra and head west. We'll meet you in IA.
Princess Eva
I thought you had a pile of goards and oranges on your rug so good to know they are toys!
Congratulations on your awards! I sure hope things pick up for your mom at work too!
Lovely Cuzes..pawfect colows!heheheheand that shot of you is bootiful!
I hope vewy much that youw Mom just gets a nice showt west and wecoopewation..tell hew to tweat hewself to naps and cocumbews on the eyes and stuff, and then wif ouw cwossed paws we'll get hew back to wowk all wefweshed
smoochie kisses
Congrats on all the great awards! What cute furiends you have and those orange things are cool!
Those are really pawsome award. ;)
~ Bae
You have a lot of nice friends to give you so many awards :)
Big licks to you
Hi Khyra
We have all our paws crossed for you mom. We hope she's only kramping your style for a week.
Congrats on all the awards.
Love Ruby & Penny
My paws are crossed and um says she will kep hers crossed and send good vibes that it only lasts the week.
Hugs Ginger Jasper and his mum Carol xxx
This economy is tough so best wishes on a short vacation.
Hey Khyra! We hopes it just be a week your mummy is off workies. I mean, them hoomans be a pain when they be home all day, getting in our ways! Enjoy your week off with her though, lots of cuddles and licks are in order!
Khongrats on all your awards, you be so lucky!
Scotty x
Congrats on more awards and we are glad woo like all of your cuzes.
Mom is very sorry to hear that your Mom will be home to disturb your naptimes next week but sincerely hopes that it is only for one week. Times are tough all around but she needs to keep telling herself her favorite line - things happen for a reason - all things, even if we don't understand why.
Woos, the OP Pack
Doze cuzez look like fun. Woo will have to let us know how dey pway.
Congwatuwashuns on yur awards!
Gus and Waldo
Hi, Khyra...
Wow...You have a great Cuz collection...
Yeah...The 'conomy thing is really stressing out the humans...
Abby xxxooo
Congratulations on your awards - and my mommy thanks woo fur your furry nice khomment on my blog.
We have not got one of those cuz toys yet... must get our humans to buy us one! hehe
You do look very khute on your khute shot! :-)
Congrats on the awards.
Holly & Zac...XX
Your "khute" picture is very nice, Khyra! This whole economy thingy is really irritating me. I hope that your mom doesn't bug you too much while she's home.
I'm with Asta! I hope Momma can get some much needed rest and you two can play together all week!
Paws Khrossed for Khyra and Mom.
gussie and Teka
(yeah, havin a muzzer around all the time is a drag!)
Hi Khyra,
I hope your mom enjoys her week off hanging with you and not worrying too much about work. Nice cuzes!
Orange is suddenly my favourite colour!!
You are looking as beautiful as ever, and just to prove my love and devotion for you I have added a pic to my post just for YOU!
love and snooter rubs,
Ben xxxxx
Congrats on your awards!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
We'll be crossing all our paws (including Khitty paws!) that your mom won't be cramping your style for too long. We hate all the pain the poor economy is bringing to so many people.
Congrats on all the gifts ad awards. All very well-deserved!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Toys? I am not really into toys, except when my Mom gives me treats for playing with them and acting like my duffass little brother...Tell your Mom to not worry, hopefully it is only a week, think of all the great walkies you can take during the day now!
-Kira the beaWootiful
Hey Khyra, Two wishes from me here, one that your Mom gets back to work after the week is done, and two, that you don't get in too many fites while you are at home together.
Ach, its snowing here again!
Congratulations Khyra! You are such a nice dog, you deserve those awards!
You are very beautiful too. I love your eyes. You have me mesmorized! I think I am falling........never mind. I know would never consider a small dog.
pee ess....So you think Bear told JB about Midget?
The economy is really messing with everyone, uh? I sure hope your mum's work picks up too
I am thankful for you
Crossing my paws for your Mum! This economy stuff is even scarier than horses!
Them toys look very cool, I will have to get my mum to look into them.
~lickies, Ludo
Those toys look like loads of fun! And congratulations on all of your awards.
I like your yellow and orange toys. And I sure hope the conomy picks up for your mom, and for all of us!
Wow, what a big stash of toys!
That IS a great shot of you!
Play bows,
We love our Cuz toys! They are the absolute best!
Our paws are crossed for you and your mom, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, Khyra! I didn't realize you had already done the Honest Scrap! Looks like it was fairly recently too (though before I joined the internet world and found your blog)! I enjoyed reading your list...are you still a pup, too?...I notice you wrote you haven't yet found your big girl bark...
I hope your Mom isn't off work for long. My Spokesperson got canceled a whole week recently because there weren't enough Home Health patients on service...first time that has happened to her since taking the job. Guess things are getting tight everywhere.
The toys look cool. I think a body can NEVER have TOO MANY TOYS!!!
hi khyra!
we are thankful for your friendship too!
m & e
We're crossing our paws that your mom is under foot for only a week.
Congrats on your awards! You're one popular dawg!
Your pal,
I think you should take next week as an opportunity to teach Mom how to be more Siberian-like. You could teach her how to blow her coat, and lap water out of a bowl.....and play with your Khuz! Maybe if she does real well you could take her on a walk.
Woof Khyra, you are beautiful!
Congratulations on the awards!
Tails Wag,
Samantha & June
Where do you get such toys? I have never seen them before. You are one popular pup to get so many awards from so many good friends. My paws are crossed for your mom. =)
Congratulations on your awards! I have my paws crossed for your mom!
Those toys look like fun! Are they made for strong chewers like me?
Oh, no. We hope everything will be okay.
We stopped by to let you know we have something for you today. But if we understand this post, you won't be able to pick it up for a week? That's okay, It will be waiting for you.
Tell Mom that Dad is getting really good at job shopping. He can give her some pointers if she needs any..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We have one of those cuzs and don't seem to like it.
That is a beautiful shot of you in the doorway.
We will add your mom's work to our circle of healing vibes.
omdog those Cuz toys are the BEST THINGS EVER! I have a billion of them and I love them all. That TIGER out here sure seems to be doing ok, I never knew TIGERS golfed!! Congrats on your awards!
Hi Khyra!
I hope your mom only has to miss work for one week! I wish my owners didn't have to work at all but they seem to think it's pretty important to get moneys to buy me things so I guess it's alright. We have one of those toys, my owners bought it for my friend Chip but she was afraid of it!
:) Tibby
That certainly is a khute shot! I hope your mom's job picks up soon. Let's hope things get better soon, all over the country.
See ya!
Your toys looks very cool!
Congrats on your awards!
I´m keeping my paws crossed for your mom!
You look BEAUTIFUL in those pics! As always!
Oh Khyra...we hope things get busier for your mom so she's out from under your paws...we're sendin' zen so that her work gets lots busier!!!
You got some great awards there, Girl!!!!
Barkin' at ya...naaaaaa...
SHRIEKIN' at ya!
You have the best toys ever. We need some of those, they are too funny!
Hi, Khyra!
I hope everything goes well with your mom's job. This thing of the economy is crazy, right?
Congratulations on your awards!
I have cuz too, but I don't play much with it!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Khyra!
I'm sorry to hear about your assistant's forced vacation. Give her lots of extra kisses.
Maybe things will start to improve soon.
Congratulations on your awards. They are well-deserved.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Khyra- becauae I admire you- I pass an award to you that was given to me. I was very thankful for it, but to be honest- i am not sure how all this works- so I pass it to you- run with the wind even though you may already received it
w00f's Khyra, me will keep u mama in my prayers that things settle down soon...and the country gits on the rite track..me shure hopes its just a week, think of all the walkies u can go on..
b safe,
I need to try a ruffian. I prefer the little cuzes, not the big or medium size ones. We have little ones, but we only get to play with them if Mom is playing with us too. She thinks we would chew them up or something. You know how moms are. They get crazy ideas.
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