I khould hardly bear to look!

So, good thing we rekhorded this week's episode on Sunday when the weather was SOOOO furry beaWOOtiful!
Mom thanks evfurryone fur the kind words woo left about her pikhs...she thinks woo all need to help khlean your peeps monitors!
Before I get to the magikh khlikhk here spot, I want to say something about the prize pakhkages I mentioned here on Monumental Monday. You will also hear Mom talk about during our walk. After starting to try and read Suzuki's blog before she left fur the office Tuesday morning (she khouldn't get through it especially after reading about Aki and Poopi's brother), she was too sad. After all, one of the furst blogs we had read was Opy's
SO, we got thinking...to khompletely khapture the spirit of Paw It Furward, we are going to make donations in the winners' names instead of sending another toy and/or snakhkie. Plus, it would khost more $$$ to send the four winners their pakhkage - why not just direkht it to where it khan do the most help!
So many of our posts mention the FAMILY DWB and (evil)K(hritters)WB we are...so why not help our own? Especially the nice hoomans that give us this wonderful place have been direkhtly touched by this disaster???!!!???
I hope none of woo are too disappointed? If woo don't want to be inkhluded in the drawing since I've changed things, please let me know by pawmailing me at khyrash at the gmail dot com thingie!
I've babbled long enough...here is your please khlikhk H E R E
Have a great Wednesday!
What a very excellent idea, Khyra! Our Aussie friends are going to need lots of help too. We was reading the story of the beautiful young sisters who died trying to save their horses! Too heartbreaking for words.
Our momma thinks you have very good manners Khyra. Can you give lessons to the boy? He embarrasses me when we go on walks.
Princess Eva
What an interesting twist to the classic blog about a dog. Kudos and I'll definitely be coming back for more!
Hey Khyra !
Cool ! I always thought that all huskies will run off if unleashed since they are bred to run .
But seeing your photos changed my opinion !!
Hi Khyra
Im sure the hoomans and furry critters of Australia will really appreciate what you are doing with pay it foward.
Big grateful licks to you
Such sad pictures of you after the Snow Thief. We fill the same way.
But Great WW video and fluffy tail action. We love the way you ignored you mom when other dogs were around. That is us too.
Hi Khyra,
You are so funny - my mommy laughed hard when she read your comment on my blog. Great idea for the donations!!
Hi Khyra
What a good idea to make donations for the paw it forward.
I enjoyed going for a walk with you and am glad your mom is talking again.
Love Ruby
It is one thing to read and hear about the fires on the news but to see how it really does impact so many different lives makes it so much more real. Those poor creatures - thank dogness for those loving helpers.
Great walkie video, MFT and Mom. Khyra is just like us, wanting to check out those storm drains in the road - we know there are evil kitties living down inside one we pass all the time.
Congrats again on 400!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
You do look so sad in your yard with no snow! I hope that you get more soon. I think that helping people is a great idea. Wooo are soooo smart Khyra.
Khyra, you have so many good ideas! We feel for the people down in Oz.
Although walking Wednesday is our favorite feature, we sometimes get concerned because we can hear traffic and worry about your Mom. We never see the cars in the video and just hope they are going slow.
we also plan to donate for the animals in Oz
Excellent idea Khyra...we caught muzzer snuffling over pictures of a Koala that had been "singed" and was so dehydrated it actually drank water.
Khyra Mom is way cool tooo! A great gesture, us pups don't need more toys, but they need all of the help we can give the,just don't forget to give us cookies!
-Kira, The Beautiful
You look lost without the snow. But do you really want it to come back?
Nice to meet your mom in your previous post!
The snow their came to my house too and took all our snow. I don't khare so much but Ziggy is depressed. My mom says it's still February and we could definitely see some more snow. Congrats on your 400th post! Holy dawg poop, that's alot of posts! By the way, my mom says she can barely remember 21...
Miss K, we're so sorry to hear about your missing snow. There's still plenty up here in Maine. Hop on I-95 and come see us!
What a great idea Khyra! You are so kind! :)
The snow thief has really cleared you of all yours snows hasn't he? Poor you. xx
Lovely Khyra, what a lovely idea to help those in Australia, my mum says we will be donating too, they need all the help they can get. The tears flow freely when you see the news items.
Your walks sure look good. I would have given you the white stuff from here.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
Yes, an excellent idea.
Thank you for putting on Suzuki's link, we have been over and read the very sad stories.
A terrible tragedy, our thoughts are with all those affected.
lots of sad licks, Marvin xxxxx
We got some of your snow delivered here this morning. Not much and it's mostly gone now, but it was coming down pretty good for a while there!
hi Khyra, we think your idea is a pawsome one. there are so many pups and peeps that need our help.
That is a great idea!
Great Walking Wednesday video! Your mom did a good job of recording while you walked her. My mom can't do that. I think she would mostly get her feet.
We totally agree with you. Send the prize $$$ to help out those from the fire. We are so lucky to have the homes we have that we don't really need much more.
That's a great idea, Khyra. You and your mom are very, very kind.
Your tail was looking exceptionally floofy today. I liked it. Sorry about your snow. That really blows.
Your pal,
w00f's Khyra, me thinks that iz a pawsome idea too...ooo poop, me furgot Suzuki wuz from australia too...hmm me thought me had them in me reader, me will haff to check...
b safe,
I think that's a very good idea Khyra.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra--
I saw so much snow on my travels! It magically appeared as soon as we were in New Jersey on I-95. There wasn't as much in NY, but on Long Island and in CT it was deep enough for you to pull a sled.
Maybe a late season trip is in order for you for one last snow romp!
Your pal,
PS: I jumped on my Alpha's bed this morning, just for fun. They think I picked up bad habits, but I was just toying with them.
Your mum is very pretty Khyra and she smiles alot which is always good...I bet she has a hard time yelling without laughing, uh?
kheep up the ghreat works.......
We checkout Opy. That is so sad. We wish we all could be closer to help them in there time of need.
Dad lost his job today so he is not a happy camper. It seems that bad news is all around us.. We are hoping that this is another one of those "everything happens for a reason" things..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That is even a better idea. so nice of you to donate to our friends in Australia. =)
Khyra, that's the best idea! There are so many of us who've still got jobs and homes and things like that..and so many others who've lost their homes Down Under and their jobs here..let's give to them!
BTW, What's a DWB? I know what an MFT is, but not the DWB. Could you let me know PDQ? Thanks, everso.
Oh, and run over and see what I've done to you, mmmkay?
What a great idea about the donation! It's such a tragedy and so sad.
Miss Khyra,
I always love your movies so much and Momma likes to listen to what your mom has to say. I was honored to hear you mention mango minster! I know you will be a super judge.
Where is your snow? I still have lots of snow here... and ice... and slush... and yuck.
I saw the Khyra dog on Westminster. Not as lovely as you, but really cute. I liked that Malamute too, but Momma says they have too much fur to live on my estate.
Gee Khyra...
What a furry disaster all those fires are in Aussie Land....'n someone set 'em deliberately too....what sick people there are in this world...we sure hope they get caught 'n thrown in jail too....
How nice of ya ta donate money ta help their cause.....
Dewey Dewster here....
You look so sad Khyra!
Wonderful idea you and your humom have about the donations...
You are always welcome in my Playhouse! :DD
We have snow robbers here,I think. That is why I never have snow here.
Khyra, that is a lovely idea, you are such a thoughtful Sibe....who on Earth would want to withdraw? What's happened in Oz is just heartbreaking :o( We also just visited Aki to pay our respects, so much sad news making our Mum's eyes leak!
Still have our paws crossed you get your snow back sweet girl :D
Slobbers xx
omdog we are excited by the challenge of being a judge too, even though it did stress me out a bit. I think your paw it forward idea is wonderful.
We just watched your Walkin' Wednesday video - excellent, as usual! I love your idea of making donations in the winners names - it feels right.
See ya!
Sorry about the snow. :( We got a little here but I think it will be gone soon too.
That's a very nice thought for the friends in Australia
~ Bae
Hi, Khyra!
You look so sad in those pictures looking for your snow!
I agree with your idea about the donations!
Kisses and hugs
You look so sad out there in the middle of the yard with no snow. I sure hope you get more! Great idea for the donations too!
What happened to all the snow? Are you sad? I hope you are ok. Maybe you'll get more snow soon!:)
Teddy Bear
What happened to the disappearing white stuff? And then 60 degrees? What season is this anyway? Did I sleep right through winter?
wally t.
Khyra--please tell your mom that I used to live in York and I just lost my beautiful b&w siberian husky named Pashka last March. Oh, and you are a gorgeous dog too.
dog biscuits and pets from Noni
I can't believe you snow is gone! That is not good!
I'm totally bummed that the prizes don't include you, but now I know you're sending your money to a worthy cause, so I guess I can get over it.
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