Sunday, September 8, 2024

SUNday Sharing

Lady PF watching the rainy Saturday morning -

As predicted/expected, the rains moved out by early afternoon - it was a good well needed rain -
Who put those '8' back in the forecast?
Once I finally got motivated - a bit later that our standard Saturday -
Off we went -

Plant Box is over there somewhere -

Nick saw us pull up so he came to open and hold the door for me  -👍

Because one does not mess with success - Bacon Cheese Egg English Muffin -
My takeaway bag - Chili and Cheese - and some sweet treats -
The Dog Tax - extra generous portion -

Which resulted in a happy Willow -

Where to now Mom?
Well, we were off to drop the Per Capita taxes - I had also contemplated stopping at Forge Hill Orchards for some pears but next week -
The bag's contents - Chili and Cheese - Peach Cheesecake Bar - Zucchini Bread -

I think the Covid Booster resulted in SLEEPY me - I fell victim to the sofa FrEYEday night - waking up to stumble back to bed - and when we did wake up Saturday morning at our 'usualish' time, I just wasn't inspired to get us going - and some more napping may have happened once we got back to The Khottage -

Of course, today is the start of another GKP workweek - how did THAT happen?

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Lots of yummy treats will be enjoyed this week. Happy Sunday!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your take away foodables look tasty, especially the peach cheesecake bar. Hope you are back to normal today. Those shots can be so unpredictable.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, some days it seems to be harder to get out of bed than other days! Unless you're our Dada, who I'm pretty sure is some kind of robot, he gets up on such a consistent schedule, even when he doesn't have to ..."