Sunday, September 29, 2024

SUNday Sharing

Lady PF watching Saturday morning happen in DaBurg -

Just about 7pm - 67 - Cloudy - still imitating London - yet when watching The Phillies play AND LOSE in DC, I SAW SUN and BLUE ON MY SCREEN!
After sleeping in a bit for I was up a bit late watching 3/4 of The Perfect Couple on Netflix - after coffee -

'venture time!
Breakfast with the friendly faces at Dawn's -
Takeaway soup and sweets -
Because one does NOT mess with success -
Bacon Cheese Egg English Muffin -
Dog Tax -
The Fall decorations were out - and if time permitted, they would find their spots -

I took the bag to the back - and snagged the treats we had brought along for Benning -
I had told the gal taking our order about our treat box pick up - and answered some questions for she was looking to find some for her dog - so I dropped them with her as we would be able to replace them before heading to Benning!
Heeler Scrutiny -
Looks promising -
Back on the road - our light at Church Road as we headed to -
The Trail - we did make a drive thru the Green Paper machine - and then picked up some iced teas for work - then headed towards our next 'venture stops - to be shared here tomorrow -
But a few hours later - after surviving 'too peopley', here are the takeaway items - peanut butter brownie, black raspberry and pear loaf, chicken tortilla soup, and DOG CRACKERS -

We had a full and productive 'venture Saturday but yes, TOO PEOPLEY OUT!

We'll share our other stops of collected treats and foodables - 

AND LIKE THAT, the weekEND was gone and it was another day of another week of soon to be another month WFH for The GKP - how did THAT happen?

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

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