Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday MOMandNotMeDay

 The start of SUNday -

 No birds in the shot but liked our the SUN played off the building across the street - and they say we hit 69 degrees - WOW!
 Last week's khreation - Auntie Di had made some beef roast - brought some to me!  I browned it in some butter and olive oil to khrisp it - then did some kharrot onion and mushroom - then some paprika - and diced fire roasted tomatoes - and cooked NOODLES - was going for something goulashstroganoffy - topped with some sour cream - not bad!
 My ADULT BEVERAGE gift from Auntie Di - one of her Throwing Copper from LIVE - even she the not real beer drinker enjoyed this - and so did I!
Here is a link to the image on the ThinkPad -
Auntie Di grew up with the LIVE/Public Affection members - and sooooo loves her LIVE - 
We are quite proud of them - even if they called York pooptown khraptown in a song ;-)
Little says it's not a black and white world - enjoy The Beauty of Gray!

And yes, I enjoyed the ale - thank you Auntie Di - and LIVE -

Going to enjoy our weekend NOW! 

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khotttage
PeeEssWoo: My SUNday streak may be over - it appears my counterpart may be cleared to return for next SUNday!  Dang - my string that khommenced 9-1-19 may be broken - stay tuned!


Duke said...

That roast beef creation sure does look SuperYummy!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Mmm, beef!"