Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday Thinking

 Lady PF was on The Perch  Tuesday night -
 And one of The Kidz was crashed!

6/5/2019  ::   Fledging has Begun!
As of today, two of the four young peregrine falcons have made their first flights. It was assumed that the largest and most developed, "White," would go first, but that was not the case! Last night, around 5 pm, "Yellow" took the fabled first step. Yellow's first flight was anything but a thing of beauty. After flying twice more, it became evident that this bird would need rescued. Volunteers successfully recaptured the fledgling and returned it to the top of the Rachel Carson State Office Building.
Today, Yellow took flight again and again, and got itself in a position where returning to the ledge wasn't going to happen. Therefore, a second rescue of Yellow was successfully undertaken. There were no apparent injuries, so Yellow was once again returned to the top of the building.

White took flight around 1:30 pm today. The first flight was well executed. White was able to fly back to the top of the building solo. That leaves "Blue" and "Red" as the two that haven't taken flight yet. It is simply a matter of time. So, will they fledge tonight? Tomorrow? Keep an eye on DEP's FalconCam to stay in the know!
 Monday Cheers from Fred and Quaker Lube

 Fred's steak sandwich with onion strings -
 Auntie Di got a steak too but without the tasty peppers and onions -
 This is what I returned to find Monday night -

 Tuesday Khousin E was about sharing -

Little wonders what is Khousin E's deal with sneakers - and mostly LEFT ones too!!!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage


Duke said...

The foodables look soooo yummy! You are so funny with sneakers, Emmy☺

Jan said...

Thanks for the flight summary. The PF kids remind us of humans.