Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday Watching

Well, got some 'good' news from The Computer Hospital - appears the Operating System got corrupted durung this past FrEYEday night"s weather - and might be ready to come home to The Khottage by Thursday - I will see if Auntie Di can fetch it for me on FrEYEday - otherwise I can get it until Monday The 13th - and I have some reloading of my own to do :-(

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
PeeEssWoo: So don't want today to be here :-(


Duke said...

Bummer that your puter was a victim of the nasty weather. It's good to know that it will be coming home soon!

Dawn said...

Good news!

Juno said...

Happy Wednesday!!

Pinot xo