Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saturday Sharing

 Can you spot Waldo?

 How about yet??

The Peregrines' WebSite says:

4/26/2019  ::   Hatching is underway!
During the evening of April 25, the hatching began in earnest. At 5:40 pm the first hatchling emerged and was quickly followed by the second. The third egg hatched about noon today! That leaves one egg that still hasn't hatched. At this point, with no signs of pipping, it is possible that the egg isn't viable and may never hatch. One sign to look for is if the adults move the egg to the side. If this does occur, that can be an excellent indicator that the egg will not hatch. Previously, the adults continued to incubate for some time before casting the egg aside.

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

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