Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday Thinking

 Morning haze burning off -

 Cheers from Cheddars with Fred!
Auntie Di stayed home since she had a shot at the dokhtor Monday -
 Fred got his favorite lemon pepper khat with brokhkholi and southern green beans -
 Mom got khountry fried steak - with southern green beans, mashed tators, and GRAVY!
 NOW - lots of thinking from just ME ME ME!!!


Our Wednesday inkhluding two walks - one pre-work and one post-work - and toast in the morning - naps of khourse!

Yes, we hear Mom khounting down !

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!


1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Why is the squeaky ball still inside your Kong toy, Khyra? Don't you want to remove it!