Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday Thinking

 Morning PFs -

 Evening PFs -
 The banding ceremony has been announced - the eyasses are getting their bracelets on May 14 
 Cheers from Fred - and some of Auntie Di ;-)
 Fried pikhkles fur all to share -
 Auntie Di and Mom shared this burger - on a waffle with sweet potato waffle fries - and BAKHON and CHEESE - and burger - and some maple drizzle - with fire roasted khorn -
 Fred got his favorite blurry pulled pork sammie and beans -
 Mom had a safety celebration on Wednesday - akhtually, hitting Giant on Monday was to khonfirm the order and pay fur it with 'the khard' - humans khall it chikHEN -  but I khall it khat ;-)
 Now fur more of Khamp -


Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!



Molly the Airedale said...

OMD, the foodables look fantastic! We wish that we could help ourselves right through the puter screen and sample each one of them!
You guys look so comfy up on that bed!

Unknown said...

Hu'mum wishes she could come eat with you all one day, she is drooling.
